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Everything posted by dante2zoe

  1. I so feel your pain! My whippet choked like that once, too. I have no idea how he managed to do it, but my 21 year old son managed to reach his big hand down Indy's throat and pull the food back out. I don't know which one of us was more freaked by the incident, Indy or me! I am so glad that Larry is ok.
  2. I am so very sorry. You both fought so hard. Run free, beautiful Pugsley.
  3. Kim, I am so very sorry to read this! I hope in time your tears of sorrow become ones of acceptance as you are able to remember Watson with joy instead of sorrow. I owe you an update on Brady (Red). Stay tuned! Cindy
  4. It says an error occurred You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.
  5. I can post, but it will no longer accept the photobucket IMG code to post pictures. At least my pictures, lol. Suggestions? Thanks.
  6. How wonderful! Indy has come back to see me twice. The first time was right after he died and he was looking at me and walked away, leaving me alone. It still makes me cry to think about it. The second time, he came back and draped across my lap and I got to pet him and love on him. It felt so real. Dante and Zoe haven't visited me yet.
  7. Oh Pat, I am just seeing this. I am so very sorry! Hugs to you. Cindy
  8. Fabulous! He really is lucky, isn't he? Congrats and I hope 2013 is kinder to you!
  9. Dante was allergic to it. He developed a raised red area where the frontline was applied. He lost fur from that area, too. Needless to say, we didn't use it again! I would use the Hartz spray instead and would check him carefully. He did get Lyme's Disease, though, anyway.
  10. Brady is 11.5 years old. He came to live with me at the end of August. He has classic hind end weakness and some damage from a dog bite in his previous life that damaged the muscle, nerve and tendon/ligament from his spine down his hind leg. He is very slow to get up and is gimpy, but improves with walking. My vet recommends I start Adequan injections on him. She feels that he would derive more benefit than through acupuncture. We are to start the injections Friday - the first one at the office and then I will do the rest. I would love to hear all experiences, good or bad. He is such a sweetie that I want to do what is best for him that would keep him comfortable and active. The weather will be turning and dampness is an issue for him. Also, where did you get your script filled? What size dosages were you using? Brady now weighs a whopping 62 pounds! (I cannot tell you how much work went into getting his weight up, so this is exciting.) Bring it on! TIA Cindy and Brady
  11. I am so sorry. You are in my thoughts. May your travels on this path be peaceful. Hugs to you and your wife. It is so hard.
  12. How wonderful! I, too, an a senior convert! I saw that those two went to Baltimore! Congrats!
  13. Poor baby. I hope your visit helps and he can come home where he belongs soon.
  14. Maybe he doesn't need to rush anymore. There is no perceived threat that someone else may want his food, which appears to be a little different than at home - different brands and schedule. Plus, being away from home without his buddy is different regardless if he had been there before. My pack has changed four times in less than 5 months. Each time, I had things that altered while they adjusted. If he continues to be off after you return home and get back into your routine, then I would take him in for peace of mind. I am sorry that you are worrying (I truly understand why, though) instead of being able to fully relax and enjoy the vacation you both so deserve. Hugs to you.
  15. I have no further advice for you. We are following the Strongid once a week for 6 weeks protocol. Thankfully, only two more weeks to go! It makes them all quite loose for a day or so afterwards. They like the flavor, though, so administering it is very easy. But, I am very excited to hear that Strider is settling in well for you! Now, you know the rules! Where are the pictures? Congrats. Cindy
  16. Phat Gurl, I am sure that Zoe has found you. She constantly tried to roach and never could! I just love that picture. Hugs to you, Sue.
  17. I am so very, very sorry. Love your picture of him.
  18. I have the patio pacific door for a slider. Love the door, hate losing half my slider. Hard to carry a good sized tray outside for the grill. Makes sure you keep your weight down, too! My xDH can hardly squeeze through! I have, however, locked myself out and had to scale the fence and climb in through the door. Dogs never even got off the couch, until I unlocked the slider so I could get my coat. Best invention ever. Just don't let my group know that I have one! But, the kids are away at school and I am gone at least 10 hours a day.
  19. I used it for sundowning in my elderly whippet. It did seem to help with old dogitis, somewhat. He didn't have any seizure activity though. Hope it works!
  20. I, too, understand the pain of the loss of the old guard. My sympathies for your loss of Ebony.
  21. Oh, Jan. These celebrations are so bittersweet. Littermates are so special and yours went beyond that. We will have sardines to celebrate with you! Goose and Maverick
  22. I am so very sorry. You both fought the good fight.
  23. Happy Birthday, Charlie! Thinking of you, Kyle.
  24. My vet likes Trifectis because of the de-worming capability. She believes that a generic will be available soon, since it is so flipping expensive.
  25. Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. They have been a source of comfort since you truly understand. This has been so very difficult for hounds and humans.
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