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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Oh, my heart sank when I read this :cry1 I remember your post on GT when WAG bought her the Schwinn stroller I am so happy she was loved so much and I am sure that made all the difference to her short life despite having to deal with her medical condition :heart Run free sweetie! Thanks to WAG and her parents for giving Piglet so much love and happiness, you are just wonderful, wonderful people.
  2. Poor MoMo. I am definitely keeping MoMo in my thoughts and will have just about everything crossed for her on Thursday! :goodluck :goodluck And this is for you, Lucy: Try not to worry too much on Thursday (says the worry-wart... )
  3. :weep Your tribute made me cry and cry. I am so terribly sorry... Sending many hugs to you and your husband :grouphug Run free, sweet Rainey...
  4. I'm so very sorry May she rest in peace.
  5. I'm so sorry! Your Grandma sounds like a very, very special lady. Cherish every minute.
  6. Oh my goodness I am so, so sorry. You must be gutted. If the diagnosis is correct, I would still seek a second opinion from OSU. We're here for support. :grouphug
  7. I'm so very sorry, Brie :cry1 How terribly sad. Thank goodness he had you in his life and died loved by his foster family and his forever family. Rest in peace, sweet boy
  8. Oh no Sherrie, Jim, I'm so terribly sorry :cry1 We will miss you very much, Kendra. Rest in peace, pretty girl. :grouphug
  9. I think about Polli a lot. I find it so hard to believe that she's been gone nearly two years. She was a very special girl. I still have a picture of her on my fridge from 2008. :grouphug
  10. Lots of good thoughts from us here in Maine! Dentals always make me very nervous too. :goodluck
  11. MerlinsMum


    :cry1 I am so very sorry :cry1 :grouphug
  12. :lol Poor Merlin. Sittin' in "time-out" at the playgroup. Well he shouldn't behave like such an impertinent wizard
  13. Merlin tried to hump every one of the females we had him meet when we decided to adopt a second. He even tried to hump a couple of the males. Sagan was the exception - which is weird, since he is incredibly submissive and defers to Merlin ALL the time. Merlin does this at playgroup, too, which leaves me mortified I stop him as soon as I notice that his body language is indicating he's thinking of mounting another hound, but it's still embarrassing and anti-social. He has gotten a lot worse over the years, he never used to do this. I put him in a "time out" more times than I care to count at playgroup
  14. Irene - I have used this in the past for Merlin and it worked really well.
  15. Welcome back, and I'm sending many, many good thoughts for a BENIGN test result, and also many to you. Waiting is the worst
  16. I am so very sorry :grouphug
  17. Happy Gotcha Day, Loca It's very quiet on this board without you Robin
  18. So terribly sorry to see this thread, Jan - I've been away from GT for several weeks and I had no idea. How heartbreaking for you You are very much in my thoughts Rest in peace sweet little Ladybug...
  19. Just wanted to stop in to send some good thoughts for Onyx. :goodluck
  20. Well, the good news is that you're moving at the best possible time. Others have pointed out that the heat is not too bad in Texas at the time you'll be moving there, and you are moving to Maine at the best possible time of year - the spring can be a bit wet here -- we call it mud season for a reason -- but summer is just WONDERFUL in Maine. 80s all the way and hardly ever have days in the 90s, let alone triple digits. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry - I'm in the middle of a Maine winter and it's NOT nice! The main point here though, I think, is this: if you don't stress out too much about it, neither will she. I always feel that dogs tune into our moods so much, and if we act like everything is simply running its course and not a big deal, they eventually realize that everything is okay and that the sky isn't going to crash on their heads Congrats on your impending new arrival, by the way
  21. Oh, poor Eric. Sending lots of good thoughts. Please update when you can, Deb. :goodluck
  22. MerlinsMum


    Oh my goodness - your post made my eyes leak. You did NOT kill your dog. Please don't beat yourself up - you must, must let go of the guilt. You didn't do anything wrong! Many people don't know a thing about bloat, I myself had never heard of it until I joined the greyhound community. You were young, you were moving which is a big and stressful event in any person's life, let alone when you're heading to a new life after college!... and you had no reason to suspect that something like gastric torsion could happen to a dog. You should spend the rest of your life remembering the lovely, happy times you spent with Holly, not burdened by misplaced guilt. Many, many hugs to you.
  23. I'm so very sorry :grouphug Run free, sweet Bailey.
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