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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Happy Birthday sweet Loca :grouphug
  2. I am so terribly sorry, Adrianne :cry1 You and Larry are in my thoughts :grouphug Indeed
  3. Oh gosh Just seeing this thread and read the whole thing. My heart just stopped when I read your first post I am SO glad your girl made it through and is home and healing. Thank goodness.
  4. MerlinsMum


    I'm so, so sorry :cry1 :grouphug
  5. Aaaaaw!! He is soooo cute!! :heart Swoooooooooooooooooon.....
  6. So glad to get this update on Robin, I've not been as active on GT as I would have liked lately, but he has been in my thoughts. Fingers crossed that he continues to make progress :goodluck :goodluck
  7. I always had a soft spot for your beautiful boy, Tom He was such a cutie and a first-class roacher Happy Birthday, sweet Jed... :grouphug
  8. Ugh. I worry about that all the time too - I'm such a klutz and I drop apple seeds sometimes. I end up scouring the kitchen to look for them because Sagan is a vacuum-cleaner dawg Sorry you had to induce vomiting. Poor Show Show! I'm sure he'll feel better soon!
  9. Just checking in for an update....? Keeping Rainey in my thoughts!
  10. I am a surprised at how many people mentioned bathing their greyhounds every month or every couple of months. In my opinion, that's too often for a greyhound. They don't have much in the way of fur and bathing them that often will remove much-needed oil from their skin. Merlin has been with us over three and a half years, and I think he's had two baths. Hasn't had one in over 2 years. Sagan has been with us for nearly 2 years and has never had a bath. They don't need one. They always smell AMAZING and indeed I often joke that if I could bottle the smell of their ears, fur, etc I would do so in a second!
  11. Oh no Sending A TON of good thoughts your way :goodluck :goodluck
  12. This is terrific news, Robin, and a great relief!
  13. How sad. :( He was Sagan's "daddy" too. Rest in peace, beautiful boy.
  14. I'm sorry this happened, Toni It must have felt very shocking, after 2.5 years of cuddling and no space aggression and zero issues on that front. My first thought was a medical issue, but you say things are fine - then I read about the fact that she had been resting for the duration of the movie and that it was dark in the room. I think you have your explanation there. Merlin has never once snapped at me or bitten me, but he has growled on occasion in the past (not for a couple of years). It's very, very rare for him, but on the 1 or 2 occasions it's happened, it was after I startled him/got close when he was very sleepy or very tired. He sleeps quite deeply after dinner, and when it's time to get up, he visibly hates it if I "nag" him and hurry him along to go for his last pee. I understand because I'm the same way when I'm really tired, just before I head to bed, I can get pretty grouchy. I just want others to leave me alone and go to bed. I feel this way ESPECIALLY when I wake up after having nodded off on the couch, maybe in front of a movie. I wake up and all I want to go is go to bed. It's not unreasonable to think that she may have felt the same way. I am sorry that Scott was hurt - I hope he's okay - but I really don't think that you need to draw final conclusions from this one incident. More likely than not, Lexi is still a first-class snuggler and you will be fine. But maybe give her more space when she's been resting or if she's sleepy. Also - if Scott feels this way about her, she is likely sensing it. I think it would be a great idea if he spent some extra time with her, to build trust on his side again, and to do some bonding. Believe me, it makes a world of difference. I had a hard time bonding with Sagan for a long time, and when I put more energy into spending time with him on a one-to-one basis, and ensured that I kept the lines of communication with him open at all times, talking to him, praising him whenever he did something I liked, encouraged him, etc. -- he sensed it BIG time, and he responded to it. We are best buddies now and I love him to bits. Merlin is and will always be my heart dog but Sagan is my playmate and our bond is SO much stronger now. Best of luck!
  15. I'm so sorry Rest in peace, sweet Rose... :grouphug
  16. Whoaaaa. Personally, if I were you, I would not chip in - it's not a question of being unkind, it's a question of fairness. First of all, you weren't even there, and secondly, you were the one who pointed out to the organizer that an IG had signed up in the first place! Once she realized her mistake in allowing the new diminutive member to become a member, she should have told the IG's human that the playgroup was for ex-racers only and NOT allowed the IG into the field AT ALL. If I were the organizer I would be kicking myself at this point, and offering to pay something out of my own pocket - I certainly wouldn't be asking other members to chip in. We have a waiver that every new member has to sign before s/he is even admitted to the group as a member. Once we had someone with a greyhound mix try to join the group - I had to explain that it was for ex-racers only. Sounds like your playgroup members need to have a talk about liability, waivers, and safety procedures. On a separate note, what was the IG's human thinking, bringing her dog to a play date with ex-racers? I hope the dog heals quickly
  17. No!! Sending A TON of good thoughts your way. Fingers tightly crossed for Phantom!! :goodluck :goodluck
  18. OMG Robin :cry1 I have not been on GT for the last week or so and I just read this entire thread now. I am so sorry this happened to Ollie. I am keeping my fingers very, very tightly crossed for your sweet boy. :goodluck Please please please let it be something easily treatable and that Ollie starts to respond to the meds soon.
  19. I'm just seeing this I saw the subject in the thread feed and my heart just sank I'm so terribly sorry, Nancy :cry1
  20. Just checking on on Robin. Poor boy, I really hope they figure this out soon. Sending a ton of good thoughts for him, and for you, Rita! :goodluck
  21. Poor Beth, and poor you! Try not to be too nervous (right...) on Tuesday. All of our thoughts will be with you and your beautiful girl! I'm going to start crossing my fingers right now, so let us know how things go, because I'll have sore fingers by Tuesday afternoon! :goodluck :goodluck
  22. Oh Amanda, what a beautiful tribute. It made me cry buckets. I can feel the grief in your words, I know you must miss him terribly Rest in peace, beautiful Memphis. Please keep the smell of your ears in your mum's nostrils so it stays with her, and so it helps heal her heart...
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