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Everything posted by MerlinsMum

  1. Gosh, I'm only just seeing this - I've been away from GT for weeks and weeks due to a lack of time. So sorry to hear about Bumper, but I am very pleased to read that you managed to get his pain under control! I am keeping you and Bumper in my thoughts. :goodluck :goodluck
  2. I'm only just seeing this, have been unable to spend time on GT for a few weeks. I am so, so sorry to hear about Lucy. :grouphug You'll be in my thoughts.
  3. Pat :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug You have been and continue to be in my thoughts. Rest well, Gremlin. You will be missed...
  4. You and Dude have been in my mind all morning. Sending hugs and strength. :grouphug
  5. Oh Chris. My heart just sank when I read your update. I am speechless. We will be here for you.
  6. Oh no Chris, I am so sorry. How frightening. You and Dude are in my thoughts. Please please keep us posted when you can! I am sending hugs your way
  7. OMG. Poor Chase Sending lots and lots of good thoughts for her. I hope she pulls through and is able to enjoy the last years of her life with a loving family. :goodluck :candle
  8. Haven't had a chance to get on GT for a few days, so I'm catching up and was glad to see so many hilarious new posts in this thread I mentioned the thing that drives me nuts about Merlin, but I didn't mention Sagan. Sagan is my special boy He is the biggest klutz IN THE UNIVERSE, freaks out at the smallest things (if it's summer and there is even the teeny tiniest flying insect on the wall/flying around the room he will TOTALLY.FREAK.OUT.) His most annoying trait by far, though, is that it takes him foreeeeeeeeeeeeever to pee. We're talking 20, 25 minutes sometimes. Hello-ooo? I have a job to go to, you know, I don't live to wait around freezing my bum off while you choose the most satisfactory place to relieve your bladder! And he is never this indecisive when it comes to pooing. It's just peeing. At lunchtime and last thing at night he gets to relieve himself in the backyard. Takes him forever. He's a bit better when we're out on a walk, but not that much, and yesterday it was so, so cold and my fingers were so cold that they really hurt, and I had to keep walking and walking because Sagan just couldn't decide where to pee. Stop. Start. Stop. Start. Stop. Start! Oh.... maybe here...? Yes! Okay.... lift leg... NO! That won't do. Moving on... oh, maybe this bush.. Okay. Assume the squat position... aaaand nothing. No, no, it just doesn't feel right. Hmmm. Maybe this pole. No, that looks suspicious. AAAARGH! WILL JUST PEE ALREADY?? And it's not as if we haven't done any work with him over this. We have - consistently. We've used praise, we've used treats, we've used both. We time them right. Nothing. Sigh. Merlin just goes out there, squats, pees, and we're inside in less than 2 minutes. The only thing that seems to hurry up Sagan is if Merlin and I leave him in the yard and go inside. I let Merlin in and watch Sagan from the mudroom so I don't have to stand in the freezing cold but I can still supervise him and run out if I need to. Then he panics about being left and hurries up, but even then it can take another 2-3 minutes.
  9. I am so, so sorry to read about Wonder Others who have sadly been through this monster disease with their hounds have better advice than I could ever give, I just wanted to send hugs. :grouphug
  10. I'm so sorry You've been in my thoughts all day. So glad her passing was peaceful. :grouphug Sleep well, pretty Neyla.
  11. I'm so very sorry this day had to come, Jen. Truly sorry. I know Neyla means the world to you and more. You are in my thoughts. :grouphug
  12. My goodness, people getting punched awake finding fur in cookies being woken up by barking in the dead of night hounded (pun intended) for breakfast in the wee hours of the morning , sleeping where their hounds' butts lie , oh my... I thought this thread would probably bring forth some interesting stories but let me tell you, I have been shrieking with laughter reading your posts! I can definitely relate to the sight of houndies nesting on the human bed until they're lying on the fitted sheet with their butts right where I put my head. I give them that "Ugh, is that really necessary?" look, but damn it, I am such a sucker for how cute they look among the blankets in such a well-organized (not really ) nest, I don't have the heart to move them. Sigh. Rainy does the same thing! I just give a "Hey! Do you maybe want to rethink this for a minute?" in a sharp voice and she looks ashamed and bounces back over to me Maybe you can have her talk to Merlin for me. The wizard doesn't "do" ashamed EVER. Hey, it could be worse! She could be doing it on your side of the bed Merlin does this a lot. It's really rather disgusting. Luckily he mostly does it on his bed, although sometimes he'll do it on the couch. Christie, Bootsy clearly has amazing (not so hidden) talents if he can get through several layers and open a can of sardines without a cut or anything Sagan has to be right next to me, in front of me (if I'm about to walk somewhere) or behind me (if I'm closing the fridge door) at all times Wow, seriously too many good stories to comment on.
  13. Okay, fess up - you love your grey to bits, but there are some things s/he does that drive you nuts! This is a thread for those of us who feel like whining about it I don't mean this to be a negative thread, by the way, more of a way to laugh about it - because, let's face it, it's really not what matters. But catch me on a bad day, and... I'll start. Merlin is my heart dog. I love him with ALL my heart and soul. But there's this one thing he does that drives me nuts. We'll be walking, and at the end of the road I have to decide whether to turn left or right. Guaranteed, every time I want to go left he wants to go right And if the wizard doesn't approve of the way we're going, he acts like a spoiled brat, and for the rest of the way home there will be tension on the leash or he will drag behind me and Sagan. He just won't let it go. I used to get really annoyed, but now I just ignore him, put him on a short leash for a while until he does give up, and then slacken it right away if he catches up and walks by my side. However, if I stop, he turns around, walks off, and just stands there, hoping for the leash to slacken so he can go in the direction HE wants to go in. What's up with that?? He's such a little $%&*! When he started doing this I became worried that it was a medical issue, and that he was dragging behind because he couldn't keep up with me (I like to walk fast) and his younger brother Sagan. But everytime I test this by stopping and going in the direction I think he wants to go in, he's full of beans again Oh! And he eats cat poo! But I love him to bits anyway and can never be mad at him Okay - your turn!
  14. That made me smile and made my eyes leak at the same time... :grouphug
  15. Yup!!! :rofl I am usually relegated to the ottoman and DH sits on the rather gross second-hand recliner we found on someone's lawn with a "free" sign on it! The dogs, on the other hand, take up the whole couch!
  16. MerlinsMum


    :cry1 I'm so terribly sorry. Strider was one of my favorite GT hounds. He will be greatly missed. Run free, sweet boy... :grouphug
  17. Keeping you , your DH and Goldie in my thoughts :goodluck She has a wonderful, loving, dedicated home
  18. Donna :grouphug You and Klaus have been in my thoughts constantly for the past few days. I feel lucky to have met Logan once, and have had the chance to make a fuss of him I love that poem, except now I'm all leaky.... farewell, sweet Logan, may you rest in peace.
  19. Glad to read that it's nothing to worry too much about, Tom! Please give a big smooch to that crazy girl of yours from me
  20. MerlinsMum


    Oh, how terribly sad.... That just breaks my heart. Thank you for posting those beautiful pictures (he was so very beautiful). You left too young, Jeff, but we're thinking of you now. I'm so sorry you never found a home, even though you deserved one Rest in peace, sweet boy.
  21. I am so shocked. And heartbroken GreyTalk will be a strange, quiet place without Gustopher P. Jones. I am so terribly sorry, still can't quite believe it :grouphug Rest in peace, handsome boy, you will be sorely missed.
  22. What a tribute, Sue, my eyes are leaking all over the place :cry1 I have been thinking of you and hoping that your poor heart is mending. I know it will take a long time. :grouphug Rest in peace, Millie...
  23. :cry1 I've been thinking of you every day, Jackie :grouphug Run free sweet Bindi...
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