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Everything posted by MarcR

  1. Yep... if he's got breath that peels paint and makes your eyes water, sounds like he needs another dental. My toothless wonder puppy Kara needed a big time dental (29 teeth extracted) when I first got her as a foster. But six months later, despite routine care, she needed another dental and lost six more. By contrast, my other two have pretty good teeth. If he's uncooperative for brushing, a medicated chew like CET Hextra might work. They work well for Honey and Nadia.
  2. I think people may confuse their own cleaning with what their dog needs. I've had good success with CET Hextra chews to keep the tartar down, but when it's time for a cleaning, I want it to be thorough (which means anesthesia).
  3. Seems like when they're almost better is the hardest time. Glad she's on the mend.
  4. Strangeness is part of the charm of greyhounds...
  5. I'm sorry for your loss. But, it's obvious he was a special boy who has left and enduring legacy.
  6. Could she have stepped in something, possiblly on a walk? Just guessing
  7. Nothing specific to offer, but is it possible that what ever caused the epsiode got into the house while you when you went out? Or maybe something like a spider bite?
  8. My vet said there was basically not much to do for the toe unless there was any major swelling (in fact, she didn't even charge for the visit!). If there is any swelling, it is very slight.
  9. They can create a wet spot from licking. Perhaps, try blotting the spot wit a tissue to see if there ss there any color to it.
  10. Thanks for the update. Hope she's comfortable toay.
  11. Kara's doing fine. If I hadn't actually seen the dislocated toe before she reduced it on her own, I'd never know. I've restricted her running in the back yard (although I need to have a chat with the local squirrels). There doesn't seem to be any significant swelling. Thanks for the info. Marc
  12. This morning, I let the girls out after breakfast. We had an uninvited guest in the backyard. The girls spotted the rabbit a split second after I did and the race was on (It was specatcular. The first time I've seen them in hot persuit as a pack). The rabbit escaped, probably the way it got in and was last seen calling it's cardiologist. When the dust settled, Kara was limping and the fourth toe on her right front foot was pointing out at about a 45 degreee angle. I called the vet and no sooner got off the phone, than I saw Kara up and walking with the toe back where it belonged (anything to make Dad look like an idiot). The vet confirmed it was a dislocation. It's tender and there's a bit of swelling, but that's about it. Has anyone else had a hound dislocate a toe. Is tis likely to be a repeating injury? Thanks, Marc
  13. I'm sorry for your loss. Far too young...
  14. Not much to add except I hope Roo remains cancer free
  15. Glad she's home and doing well... and Ember - no more spinning for a while
  16. Here's hoping she's with you for a lot longer. Get her whatever she likes for a special treat. Maybe some ice cream?
  17. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope his crsooing is peaceful.
  18. And the short single coat makes scars more obvious on a greyhound than, say, on a golden retriever.
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