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Everything posted by MarcR

  1. And some of the holes in you yard might be from cicadas, so it might not be quite as infested with yellow jackets as it looks
  2. I'm so very sorry for your sudden loss.
  3. MarcR

    Eric Rogo

    Please extend my sympathy to Teri
  4. What's more than a bit scary is that U of P (Penn) vet school has a good reputation.
  5. Please let us know what the vet says.
  6. MarcR

    My Milly

    Words fail me. I'm so sorry.
  7. I'm sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl
  8. A beautiful tribute to a clearly cherished hound. My sincere sympathy.
  9. I'm glad she's home. Here's hoping you all have a restful night.
  10. I think what would be significant is whether any color shows a higher rate of hypothyroidism (say number of cases per 1000 dogs of a given color). And then you'd need to do the proper analysis to insure the differences are statistically significant. I did take statistics as an undergrad, but those brain cells have long since committed suicide.
  11. MarcR

    Time To Race

    It's always a trade. They give us some of themselves, but leave with a piece of our heart. Not a bad deal, really.
  12. The possibility also exists that they are part of a "suite" of traits. I'm thinking of the Russian fox breeding experiemnts where the foxes were bred for docility and black-and-white coloring, curly tails and flopppy ears showed up, too
  13. When I adopted my first, I did ask for a girl, mainly for the somewhat smaller size (our group seems to get huge males). Although all three of mine are girls, I really don't have a preference anymore (numbers 2 and 3 were "failed" fosters).
  14. I am so very sorry.
  15. MarcR


    A handsome and happy looking hound. I'm sorry for your loss.
  16. If you develop a sudden craving for chicken jerky, you'll know you forgot
  17. I hope getting rid of the stitches makes eating more comfortable for Bodie. He's a handsome guy.
  18. I have never heard of pill pockets, they sound wonderful. Can you find them at most pet stores? It would make life much easier since I have 8 pills a day to give- with stomach and heart pills. I buy them from my vet, but Petco and Pet Valu both carry them. They are actually less expensive at the vet (hard to believe, I know). They are a bit pricey... about $7.50 for a bag 30. Other tasty alternatives are liverwurst or peanut butter.
  19. Hoping Maddie can be treated effectively.
  20. Nadia is on Enalapril, digoxin and diltiazem for cardiomyopathy. She also gets fractional pills. I also use the daily pill "minders", but I use Pill Pockets to administer her meds. They are soft, cup shaped treats. Put the pills in the cup, pinch closed. They come in various sizes and in beef and chicken flavor. They're good enough that Nadia will actually come looking for her meds.
  21. If it's vestibular disease, I can't speak from experience in dogs, but my Dad had it. If it's similar in dogs and humans, the rapid eye movement may be associated with what a human would describe as dizziness or vertigo.
  22. I sure hope she'll be OK. Here's a handy list Bad foods
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