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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Rest in peace, Vico, and my sympathy to all who loved him and will miss him.
  2. I'm going through something a bit similar with Sophie too. She's had four urine accidents whilst asleep/resting in the last 2 weeks, plus on Saturday she started to show signs of being uncomfortable and restless after eating. We went to the vet yesterday who tested a urine specimen for UTI, which was negative. Vet thinks she may have a mild pancreatitis, but not sure if that's related to the urine accidents. Sophie is no better today, and may be a little worse, so we'll be back to the vet tomorrow for blood tests most likely, or sooner if she gets worse. Will be watching for updates about Beth.
  3. I am so sorry to read this. How heartbreaking to not be able to find out what was wrong with her and to lose her so young. Rest in peace, beautiful Maya, always loved.
  4. Carl sounds wonderful and I'm sorry you lost him so suddenly. The story of how you met him is truly amazing. Rest in peace, Carl.
  5. I'm so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Sweet Pea.
  6. A wonderful tribute to your beautiful little girl - I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to her.
  7. How incredibly sad. My sincere sympathy to Tracey, John and all who knew and loved her. What a beautiful girl she was.
  8. So sorry you had to say goodbye to Egon.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Cleo.
  10. I'm so sorry Lady had to leave and that you didn't have longer with her.
  11. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Social.
  12. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Babe.
  13. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Pudge.
  14. So sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, Moose.
  15. Have you tried leaving her filled kongs? You could leave her one unfrozen and a couple of frozen ones that will take her longer to finish. You could also try leaving her a "destruction box" - a cardboard box filled with old tissue boxes, toilet roll tubes, scrunched up newspaper etc that she can safely destroy - you could hide a chewy bar of some kind in there too. Might give her something to do and distract her from her anxiety.
  16. I haven't even heard of Odds On - maybe one of the other UK GT'ers has some knowledge of that. You could feed that for a while and see how they do on it, or you could gradually phase in the food you wish to feed. I've never bothered about continuing to feed the food they were on in kennels, because in all but one case I didn't know what they were being fed, so I just switched them cold turkey to their new food. With any new dog, there's usually a period of trial and error until you find a food which they like, and which suits them and also your pocket! I must admit that Burns is my current favourite (although I reserve the right to change my mind as I have many times in the past ) but it is quite low calorie compared to some foods so you may have to feed more than it says on the bag to keep their weight up. Actually I like this about it, because it means I can give them nice big meals which satisfy them and I don't have dogs that are hungry all the time. I also like the Burns Penlan Farm pouches, which are partially organic, and mine share one for breakfast and/or mixed with the kibble.
  17. I've never used any of these foods but I wouldn't be happy feeding my dogs a food containing wheat - wheat is a very common allergen and not something I'd want to be giving my dogs everyday, or at all in my case. That said, there are probably lots of people who do feed these foods without any problems, so it may just be a case of try it and see. The brands I like are Burns and James Wellbeloved, although they are a little more expensive. I get mine from Zooplus, which is the best value I've found, especially if you take advantage of their STOCK-UP code and payment plan if you're offered it.
  18. I wouldn't use human moisturizer in case any of the ingredients might be harmful if he licks it off, but you can safely use olive oil or coconut oil as often as necessary. Wiley's pads don't look too bad, but I'm sure he'd appreciate a nice oil massage - mine do!
  19. I haven't got a NutriBullet (although I have been thinking about buying one) but I do give my dogs green smoothies and juices on their meals. I don't personally give mine fruits, but they love spinach, kale and carrots and I put some barley grass powder in as well. It's nutritious and alkalising, so I say go for it if they enjoy it!
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Sadie.
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