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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your beloved Mork.
  2. Hawthorn


    Condolences to all who knew and loved Lynne.
  3. Run free Theo - I am so sorry your life was cut short by this tragic event.
  4. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Sam.
  5. So sorry for your loss of Morgan.
  6. Hawthorn


    Lucas sounds wonderful and I'm so sorry he had to leave.
  7. Hawthorn

    Little Millie

    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your sweet Millie.
  8. So sorry for your loss of Ghost.
  9. So sorry you had to say goodbye to your beautiful girl.
  10. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry you lost your boy so suddenly - he was far too young. Rest in peace, Ike.
  11. Hawthorn


    So sorry for your loss of Missy.
  12. Hawthorn


    So sorry to read about your loss of Doubles.
  13. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Rudy.
  14. Firstly, congratulations on your new family member! My girl Sophie has partial seizures. They started after a head injury when she was 3 and she's now 9. Some of what you describe with Fey sounds similar. Sophie's seizures seem to affect several of her senses, so the behaviour she exhibits during a seizure can vary, from appearing afraid of the ceiling, or fly-biting, or gum-chewing, or nibbling her skin as if she has unusual sensations, or sometimes it appears that she can smell an unusual smell. One thing is always present, though, and that is fear. Sophie is fully aware during these episodes so I can interact with her and can sometimes stop the seizure by taking her for a walk round the garden or giving her some food. I also have valium from my vet - 10mg will stop seizure activity in Sophie in about 20 minutes. I would not want to be without this and would suggest you consider asking your vet if you can have some in case it happens again. Videotaping an episode is very good advice, as is the suggestion to keep a detailed log. Through doing this, I discovered two things that triggered seizures in Sophie: Frontline spot-on and Thuja. I've never identifed stress as a trigger for Sophie, but triggers are likely different for each dog. Sophie used to have these seizures every couple of weeks, but they have gradually got less frequent. I just checked my log and it's been almost 10 months since her last seizure, which is the longest she's been seizure-free (excuse me for a moment whilst I do a small celebration dance! ) So now I'm wondering if the fact that I've been detoxing my house over the last few months ie gradually changing over to toxin-free household cleaners and toiletries etc has something to do with this. Anyway, I think your vet is right to say to not worry about it just yet, as it may never happen again. In the meantime, just be aware, start a log and enjoy your new girl.
  15. So sorry for your loss of Bishop.
  16. I have only dealt with one corn. I treated this by filing it down level with the pad (dog did not mind this at all) and then putting a drop of tea tree oil on it, followed by a drop or two of vitamin E oil. I then covered it with a sock so dog couldn't lick as tea tree oil can be toxic to dogs if ingested. I did this every evening for a couple of weeks and then gradually increased the interval so after a while I was doing it once a week. I'm a little hazy about the timescale as this was 10 years ago, but after about 2-3 months the corn was completely gone and never came back.
  17. I'm so sorry you lost your girl so unexpectedly and with the added trauma of being so far away - my heart hurts for you. Rest in peace, Swiftie, loved and remembered always.
  18. Lovely to see an update, especially such a positive one - he certainly looks much happier!
  19. Hawthorn

    R.i.p. Oberon

    I'm very sorry to read about your sudden and devastating loss of Obie.
  20. I was advised to take it twice daily at least an hour before meals.
  21. For people, there is an intestinal permeability test available, but not sure what's available for dogs. To be honest, though, I wouldn't bother with tests for this: if he has food intolerances, it's fair to assume he has a leaky gut and treat accordingly. I take Slippery Elm myself for leaky gut and was advised by my doctor to take it on any empty stomach at least 1 hour away from food, other supplements and medications.
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