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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. No but it makes Ned almost loose his head... Wallace is home from the vets and is fine. He ate his lunch earlier and now he's about to eat his evening meal Edited to add link to the Ned thing CLICK
  2. In January of this year, when Darcy had completed her chemo, been very very poorly and then started to recover, I remember standing in the doorway of the vets consulting room and asking the vet if, in his heart/head, he thought that Darcy would be with us at the time of the insurance policy renewal (end Aug). The vet was silent for a moment or two and I remember how hard my heart was hammering, waiting for the vets reply. And then he replied with "yes, I do". So, the policy renews at the end of this month.....but today, the new paperwork arrived and DARCYS NAME IN INCLUDED ON THE CERTIFICATE Such a small thing when your dog has been healthy all year but such a massive thing for Darcy and for us
  3. Wallybobs has gone off with DH to the vets for his blood tests. I think these are only base line tests so that they can watch for any changes in the coming months. I'll get more info when we collect him later today.
  4. BodieDog - you've done good I don't think it's denial either. The 'issue' is never far from your mind in situations like this. I know that I look at Darcy and apart from her missing limb, I can tell myself that as we approach ten months (next week), we've made it and all will be well for many years now. But the other part of my brain is watching for any little sign that something is going wrong. However, today Bodie and Darcy are well so today we celebrate
  5. I think it's very normal to feel 'bad' that you 'did this' to the dog in question. Logically we know why we did it but it's certainly difficult to reconcile when you're feeling low. I still get times when I feel that way about 'doing it' to Darcy but I know that without having done it, she'd simply not be here. Prepare yourself for a few rough days when she gets home Audrey. Not necessarily that rough for Asia but for you. It's normal and it will pass
  6. Maybe the same moment I had when I called Marc by the name Karl? Oh yes, so you did
  7. Thanks all Xan - are you having a moment? Who's Miles?
  8. Finally, we have the full set of results! The mass in Wallaces brain is approx 1cm in diameter and is within the brain tissue, extending from the pituitary gland. The name given is a Macroadeoma. These are benign, none aggressive masses (slow growers). Now, if the tumour was hormonally active, this would give Cushings Disease. If it grew and began to press onto the thallamus (don't ask me - I'm just typing what my notes say ) this would cause appetite and thirst problems (which Wallace does not have at the moment). Taking everything into account, it is felt by both the referral vet and the specialist MRI reading man (who's name still escapes me but apparently he knows what he's talking about) that Wallaces tremors were pain related (and this is what was causing him to loose weight) and that all stems from his neck problems and not the brain tumour. There is degeneration of the C6-7 disc in his neck but this does not require surgery and can be managed with pain medication. Wallace has had a small stroke at some point (there's evidence of this in his thallamus so it seems) but there is no evidence of other vascular disease. The stoke must have been 'silent'. There is a small nodude (7mm), fluid filled, on the left hand side just behind the larynx/near eosophagus but this isn't a problem. Some degeneration of the lumar spine but again, can be controlled with pain meds. So to tie in all the loose ends (of which there seemed to be a fair few ). It is entirely possible that the tremors and weight loss were caused by pain - and now that the pain is under control, Wallace has started to gain weight again and has stopped the tremors. The tumour in his brain wouldn't give those symptoms (weight loss and tremors). The tumour in his brain *may* well go on to give different symptoms as it grows (slowly) but only time will tell. It looks highly likely that we have been 'lucky' in that because of the way Wallace is and because of the way this investigation has gone, we have 'happened across' a tumour which we wouldn't otherwise have known was there. Forewarned is forearmed Wallace is going to my normal vets tomorrow morning for some specific blood tests (to check hormones) which have to be done an hour apart so we're dropping him off early morning and will collect him late morning. I will also collect some other medication (probably Metacam) to add into his Tramadol but the Tramadol dose is being reduced. Then in 6 months time, all being well, he will be re-scanned (I think). But hey - they're talking about checking something in 6 months, not 6 days or weeks, so we'll take that and run
  9. Amy was so beautiful. I'm really sorry for your loss
  10. Bevd

    Wally Is Gone

    I am very sorry to hear of your sudden and devastating loss Farewell Wally.
  11. I'm so sorry that Foxy had to leave Sleep tight pretty girk
  12. I'm a late arrival too! I'm so glad to hear that Bailey has had her surgery. Sending lots of good wishes for a full and speedy recovery (and of course, fab path news when it comes).
  13. So glad to hear that the surgery has gone well and that she is on her way to recovery now Good girl Asia Not to detract from the wonderful forum we have here of course but I do like to point people in the direction of a small, new but growing website which is for 3 legged dogs and their parents. It can be found here http://www.tripawds.com/forums It's nothing to do with me - I just post there with my Darcy stuff
  14. Lovely news that the xrays are clear Thinking all good thoughts now for a good surgery
  15. Sorry I'm a bit behind with this but what do the vets say they think the problem is?
  16. Really glad to hear that Dempsey is doing well and is about to celebrate his 7th 'ampuversary' Darcy sends him a large kiss (and hopes that Winslow doesn't mind on this occassion)
  17. I can't imagine any yanking and indignity in any sort of surgery!
  18. Didn't get a call today. Hopefully tomorrow then...
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