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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Sending comforting thoughts for you both Edited for spelling.
  2. Wondering how little Clementine is doing today?
  3. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for great newsssssssss
  4. I'm glad you've made a decision. Regardless of what your decision was going to be, once it's made, it's some sort of relief. But I know that this particular decision brings many worries and anxieties of its own As greysmom said, plough through the threads about Polli and Ember because they are very new members of the tripod gang and you'll get good ideas regarding preparations for the home and emotional preparation for you too. And as I always do these days, I'm going to point you towards http://www.tripawds.com/forums/ as another source of information and support.
  5. What fabulous news! I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyy for youuuuuuuuuu Come home soon, Clementine
  6. Bevd


    I'm really sorry Robin Sleep tight lovely Linus
  7. Polli - you made my eyes leak She's on her way back Robin
  8. Arrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - that is soooooooooo frustratinggggggg (for us, never mind you as Rileys poor Mummy).
  9. Fabulous pictures Wallace does a trick with meds too sometimes. His trick is to take all his tabs nicely, get some extra sliced meat to help them go down, wander off, cough and manage to spit out no blank meat but one important pill (So we have to follow him around for 5 mins after each medication session to ensure that he doesn't cough and spit one)
  10. I hope you can find the cause and fix it easily
  11. You're doing great Ember (and Daddy) I think we need some photo's pleeeeeeeeease
  12. What a tribute - but then - what a dog I'm so sorry she had to leave you
  13. I'm glad he's having a lovely time
  14. What a nightmare. Fingers crossed that the biopsy shows nothing of importance at all and that Clementine will be home and recovering properly in the next day or so
  15. Poor little lamb Sending good wishes and hoping that she really is on the road to recovery soon
  16. Come on Riley!! You're worrying your Mum (and us). Get well soon please
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