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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. I'm glad he's home and recovering On the Sunday after Darcys surgery (so that would be um....day 5), she was really really agitated and itchy and licky and panty and we had to get some special ointment from the vet to put on her wound and surrounding area to try to make it more comfortable for her. Could Eclipse wear a T shirt?
  2. Is this just a night time issue? If so, I wondered whether she was having problems with her night vision and if that was making her feel anxious/stressed.
  3. Great news that everything looked good with the ultrasound
  4. This was Darcy's bruising on day 3 after surgery (which, if I've calculated correctly, is where Ember is up to) This was day 4 And day 5 And day 6
  5. She really does look fabulous!! Darcy's walking was never anything as great as that (and it's still a lot less graceful than that, even after a year!). I am now tuning into the webcam... Oh, it says the page cannot be displayed. I'll try again later.
  6. I too would have selected that option. Sending lots of good thoughts for you and for Brooke Edit - are they going to do a biopsy after surgery, to rule out any cancer?
  7. Darcy was very long haired at the time of her surgery and we had to do 'bed baths'. I can't begin to tell you what fun that was with a very surly, uncooperative Deerhound
  8. I'm very sorry Sleep tight little Rocco
  9. I'm sorry it came back but delighted that they got it with clean margins again Onward and upward Bo
  10. I'm back I remember screaming with glee when Darcy jumped up at her Daddy for the first time after surgery and then later in her recovery, she picked up a stuffie and played with it and I thought my heart would burst open. And some while after that, she went to lay down in the place where she always used to lay prior to surgery. That 'return' was months after surgery and again, I nearly needed oxygen to help me recover from my excitement. All the things I've mentioned here are things which make Darcy.....Darcy! And when they were missing in action, I felt as if I had not only had part of my dogs body amputated (along with the evil item) but also, part of her personality and I felt very sad about that. But the MIA parts really did come back and so they shall for Polli
  11. It is sad Robin and it's very hard to watch But it's also very normal. Being normal doesn't make it any easier though, I know that. But as time passes, the Polli Parts will come back, one by one - and each one will be announced by you and celebrated by all of us
  12. Good morning. Did you eat your evening meal Polli?
  13. Best wishes to Ember and her Daddy for tomorrow We'll be thinking of you
  14. I just checked for Darcy's first roach and it was day 8 so Polli is ahead of the game (And Polli's roach was actually much better than Darcy's one)
  15. Many positive thoughts being sent from here
  16. Ah crap. I'm really sorry about sweet Elvis
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