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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. I yam willing to share, love dar-sea
  2. I'm sorry to hear this news
  3. Only a few days after surgery, when Darcy was all unsettled (but depressed), the vet told me to take her out for a walk. I thought he was plain nuts (and I think I may have said something along these lines to him ) but we did follow his advice and took her in the car and let her have a very short, very controlled walk - and she felt better for it. I wonder whether your vet would allow the same for Polli?
  4. Yes, I felt as if I was once again waiting for That Call from my own vet. And when the 'call' came on this thread, it hurt almost as much. Tom and Ember
  5. Best wishes for lovely Clementine
  6. (Now Polli, do KNOT copy that emoticon for at least another month)
  7. I'm so sorry Sleep peacefully Jeanie
  8. $1000 - for stitches? Lordy me. I bet he drives a nice car (but I'm not sure how he can sleep at night).
  9. Ditto. This news completely stinks. I am so very sorry. Count me in. I just said a very rude word outloud when I read the latest update. I'm really sorry Tom.
  10. What really pisses me off is there is not one single "oh how lovely" in response to the happy, pain free lives these dogs have led or are currently leading. Not a single smile for them. And - arrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhh - no. Must do thisssss nowwwwwww before I do thisssssssss
  11. I have thought an awful lot over the course of this past 12 months. So, let me explain what I wanted you to reply to. Earlier in this thread you said:- And I replied with the following:- Therefore, those are the questions that I would like you to answer.
  12. Maybe a little ice cream or yoghurt that she can lick?
  13. We knotted the spare material for Darcy's t shirt on her back too And then we used the knot thingy as a sort of handle
  14. Lots of good wishes being sent from here
  15. What a beautiful boy I'm very sorry for your loss
  16. What makes you think that every single one of us who has been faced with the situation has NOT asked outselves those questions? Why do you think we need you to tell us what questions we should ask ourselves? I'm sure I'm not alone in finding your posting insensitive, insulting and unecessary. I've been on this forum since 2001 and only once before have I felt the need to speak quite so directly to any other member. And for the sake of the forum and it's peace, I am moderating myself greatly. I'm quoting myself because you seem to have missed what I said.
  17. Each hour that passes Robin, is taking you and Polli closer to the point where things start to improve
  18. Neck pain? Back pain? Don't know really but I think I'd certainly take her in to be given a check over. She may just have pulled or twisted something
  19. We're always told no food after 8pm but we can leave water down.
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