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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I'm so very sorry. He was a very lucky boy to have had you.
  2. Not sure. If I knew Crystal had hemangio, I probably would not have adopted her. I had only 18 days with her.
  3. I'm so glad he came thru the surgery well. Jane gave a very good detail description. She was the person who spent the entire day just supporting me at OSU while my babies were there. I had two that ended up at OSU. One amp, one splenectomy. So Jane does know what she's talking about. She spends a lot of time at OSU. And definitely watch that he doesn't try to do things too soon. My Diamond jumped 6 steps onto a cement patio the very day we returned home. I forced her to use her ramp after that.
  4. They could have had emergencies. That happened with me at a vet clinic. I was a wreck for 8 hrs in the waiting room THEN they come out to tell me my high risk surgical girl was JUST going in. It's just pure torture!!
  5. Oh Ducky, I'm so sorry. He looked like he had a wonderful personality. He was quite handsome.
  6. My 11 yr old Onyx had the tie back. She passed at 15 and 1/2. I will send Milky Way lots of prayers next week.
  7. It's going to be very hard to work today. Since I went to OSU, I sat in the waiting room for probably 10 hrs (it's hard to remember when I left, I just remember being there before 7.) A greyhound person who has now become a dear friend of mine stayed with me the whole day. At that time, the only thing we had in common was a love of greyhounds and she spent the whole entire day with me in the waiting room. It was a blessing. So I know how hard it will be for you to try to work today. You and Tempo will be in my thoughts all day, and I wish i could physically be there for you. (ps......Thank you Jane.......you know you're the friend I'm referring to)
  8. Hey, if my 12 yr old could get around with a front amp, anyone can. I will say prayers that he does well. And come talk to us non-stop the first two weeks. He'll probably pant and whine a lot. I believed that it was more the meds than the surgery in Diamond. But I was also super glad that OSU kept her for 3 days before discharging her to me. She was ready to go home then. I'm also a single person, living alone. I had 4 greyhounds at that time. One thing though....do you have stairs? Diamond always had trouble with stairs, but after her amp, she really had trouble. I built a ramp for her. All by myself (I'm a mid-50's woman) and she took to it readily.
  9. He is so handsome. I sure hope you find the source of his problems soon!
  10. I'm so sorry that you got that news. It's a HORRID disease. Just remember whatever choice you make, you make it out of love for Tempo. So no decision is wrong. I'll tell you what I did. I drove from NJ to OSU. I specifically went because I know they see hundreds of greys and they could tell me if they thought my Diamond could handle being a tripod. After a day of tests, the conclusion was that she could. So I had the amp there. The drive out there was Wed. The all day test was Thurs. The surgery was Fri. And I was driving home Tues. She had two weeks that weren't the best. But once she was off pain meds, she was fine. She had a very happy painfree 6 months. By the way, Diamond was 12!!!! (it was a front leg amp) For me, while I doubted my decision for the 2 weeks immediately following the surgery, now as I look back, it was the right decision. Good luck. I'm glad you're already in touch with OSU. And you're absolutely right, 5 1/2 is WAY too young. I lost a 5 yr old to liver disease.
  11. I'm so sorry that you joined Greytalk because of that damned disease. Whatever choice you make, remember, you make it out of love for Jazmin. So no decision is wrong. I'll tell you what I did. I drove from NJ to OSU (Ohio State U, where THE greyhound oncologist is....Dr. Couto). I specifically went because I know they see hundreds of greys and they could tell me if they thought my Diamond could handle being a tripod. After a day of tests, the conclusion was that she could. So I had the amp there. The drive out there was Wed. The all day appointment was Thurs. The surgery was Fri. And I was driving home Tues. She had two weeks that weren't the best. But once she was off pain meds, she was fine. She had a very happy painfree 6 months. By the way, Diamond was 12!!!! For me, while I doubted my decision for the 2 weeks immediately following the surgery, now as I look back, it was the right decision. Good luck. I hope you still have her for a long time whatever decision you make. And you'll see throughout the other thread, that everyone recommends you confer with Dr. Couto. Or at least with the other doctors at OSU.
  12. Summer 2010 issue of CG magazine has two articles about LP. One is the vets point of view, the other is owner point of view. Contact the Greyhound Project to see if you can get a copy of that. I can send you the owner POV article if you PM me your email addy.
  13. I just wish you would have been able to catch that on a photo! Too precious.
  14. What a beautiful tribute to an absolutely beautiful girl.
  15. Waiting (im)patiently for an update.....
  16. Barbara and Rick, Smokie sounds like he was a wonderful boy, a delightful companion. I'm so very sorry he lost his fight to liver disease. Above I spoke of Topaz's liver disease. While she wasn't my first adopted, she was my first loss. God speed, Smokey.
  17. I'm glad he's physically doing well. I hope psycologicaly he heals as well.
  18. OH NO Not Havoc! Heep would tell me so many stories about him. (I met you guys frequently on GURs) You have my sincerest and deepest sympathies. I am very very sorry. Mary Pat
  19. Cwap. I wonder why? I love Interceptor. I have enough for maybe 3 more months.
  20. I'm so sorry. I lost a 5 yr old to liver disease. I went to U of Penn for a second opinion and when they told me she wasn't going to make it through the weekend I sent her to the Bridge there. Bile Acid tests confirmed liver disease, but they told me it was very small. However, she really wasn't feeling well, had bad ascites. Her appetite had diminished. While she didn't have "that look", there was no hope. Most of my other hounds were ready to cross to the Bridge. You could see it in their face.
  21. I'm glad he's stable. I hope you can find the source of his NR anemia.
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