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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. When Diamond had 23 teeth extracted, she lived on eggs. LOVED them. I also gave her wet canned food too, but she loved her scrambled eggs.
  2. He sounds like he was a truly exceptional companion to you.
  3. Please add Yvonne's (Ruby2sday) Zelda to the list. She passed this morning from complications from her back issues. Zelda was a beautiful, big black girl.
  4. The only problem I have with U of Penn (as a teaching hospital) is that before vets see you, the residents see you. If they do something incorrect the doctor may never realize it. I took Diamond there for broken ribs. She had a 4 inch indentation on her right side. Deep enough to hold water if she laid down. I took her there, the resident did xrays and the xrays showed no damage. In my gut I knew something was wrong but the xrays didn't lie. Halfway home it hit me.........they took an xray of the LEFT side. The complaint was on her right. So it never made it to the vets because the resident took xrays of the wrong side. I prefer non-teaching clinics nowadays.
  5. I'm in NJ. If you want to stay fairly local, go to Red Bank Vet Hospital. It's the largest private hospital in the country. I actually drove out to OSU (9 hrs) when my Pearl had fibrosarcoma of the spleen and Diamond had OS.
  6. Wonderful news. Just be careful about letting her do too much. My girl tried to do things she wasn't ready for and hurt herself. (fell down stairs) But she's a beautiful lady.
  7. My Pearl had a splenectomy for fibrosarcoma. While she did recover from the surgery, the cancer spread to her liver quickly and she was gone 3 weeks later.
  8. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Robin}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} Too many anniversaries so close together. (Treasure will join these two next year as an anniversary)
  9. Hi Jenny, I'm sorry you're here. While my girl Diamond had a front leg amp, I'm telling you because she was 12 when I chose that route. She had a wonderful 6 months before OS hit another leg. She was very happy....even chasing deer! (scared the crap out of me!) Where are you located? If you're near Ohio State Univ, that's a great place to go. I went there from NJ and was thankful that 9 hrs is considered driving distance. Remember, whatever decision you make, it's out of love for your girl. So no choice is the wrong choice.
  10. {{{{{{{{{{Donna}}}}}}}}}} I thought losing two within 2 months was rough, I don't know how you can handle two within 10 days.
  11. I switched Tanzi to HP several months ago and faxed the vet records immediately. Now I will have my first claim, Let's see how it goes!
  12. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Bob}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} She's a gorgeous girl. Prayers for a quick recovery so that she can get back on with her life.
  13. What a beautiful tribute for a beautiful girl.
  14. I'm so sorry to hear about Ellie. She is the spitting image of my bridge girl Onyx. Same spunk, same problem. She wasn't ready to go either, but her body gave up. She is a very beautiful girl.
  15. My Pearl passed from liver/spleen cancer. It was fibrosacoma. Some cancers respond better than others to chemo. So I also would recommend a visit to OSU. Pearl went there for surgery and diagnosis.
  16. MP_the4pack


    Mary Jo, I'm so very sorry you lost your Spudsie. He was a very handsome man.
  17. {{{{{{{{{{{{{Kristin}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{Jean}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  18. Even if you lose him tomorrow.........just look at how happy he is today. He is pain free and enjoying life to the fullest. He really looks so very happy. He's a handsome boy, I do hope you get a LOT more happy days.
  19. A huge part of being a doctor (human or animal) is BESIDE MANNER. If they don't want to deal with patients and their families, then they should go into research. This is a pet peeve of mine because my dad was a doctor back in the day when they made rounds daily. Today people are lucky enough to ever see their doctor when they're in the hospital. I brought Brindle to the closest animal clinic when I first got her 18 yrs ago. I had one visit. The vet's bedside manner sucked. And while vet-wise, he probably has a lot of terrific knowledge and may have been a good diagnostitian, he doesn't know anymore than the current group I go to. And knows less than the specialist I go to.
  20. Those are the greys that leave the deepest hole in our hearts. Godspeed Hanna.
  21. MP_the4pack


    Trudy and Jeff, I'm so very sorry you have lost Jet. She sounds like the perfect greyhound. And she probably would have lived forever if it weren't for OS.
  22. you were not exagerating. She was a beautiful, beautiful girl. (she reminds me a lot of my beloved Bridgekid Onyx).
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