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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I liked reading this. I just switched to Healthy Paws (from VPI) for Tanzi. Emma is next. But since Opal has had several vet visits in the 8 yrs I've had her, she stays with VPI.
  2. Still limping. The vet that saw her last week is out until tomorrow. So I'll bring her in tomorrow evening. She is improved. But I'm not satisfied. I think she's got something in her foot.
  3. I would be interested too in knowing why the vet said amp wasn't an option. There is someone here who just celebrated 2 yrs. While my own 12 yr old girl had 6 months post amp. There are quite a few greys that survived over a year. And they were happy. But don't get me wrong. If that's your decision, remember you made it out of love for her. There is NO WRONG decision.
  4. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I haven't had that particular cancer (fibrosarcoma and hemangiosarcoma of the spleen, and osteosarcoma). What most people say is that they tell you when they're ready to cross to the Bridge. While that sounds so unhelpful, it does seem to work like that.
  5. For those who remember Knuckles, this is like Deja vu.
  6. Just WONDERFUL Christine. Do you think you could twist the arms of his new owners to join Greytalk?
  7. She sounded like such a spunky little girl. There's just something special about the 'little old ladies". I'm sorry her time came.
  8. well, she's still limping. The vet said there should be "Marked" improvement by sunday. I wouldn't quite say it's "Marked". I did go out and get some icthamol to try to draw out anything that might still be in there. If she's not walking almost normal by Wed, I'll take her back to the vets. But at least the toe is not as swollen as it was. She thanks everyone for thinking of her.
  9. He's got his forever home picked out already?!!
  10. Oh Jey, he was so handsome. I'm so sorry he's gone.
  11. She's already starting to feel better. She's actually using the foot a little now. She'd been completely 3 legged before the antibiotics. But I do have to watch her, she's on an antibiotic that doesn't sit well with a lot of dogs. 2 doses so far, so good though.
  12. She was a very beautiful girl. I'm so sorry she's gone.
  13. Good news. She's got an infection. Apparently on our long hike Sunday, she must have had something stick between her toes. There was a small crusty piece, so the outside was healing over. But the inside is very sore and the toe is now swollen. So we cancelled the Monday appt with her surgeon. Phew! I was thinking she broke one of the pins or screws in her leg which would have needed surgery.
  14. Oh poor baby. My Diamond lost 23 in one sitting. She was sore for a few days but once she healed, she never felt better. And since most of her teeth were gone, she hardly had any trouble with the ones left at all. And she could eat just about anything. She used her one or two remaining teeth to crunch down on big biscuits.
  15. My Diamond (at the Bridge now) had erlichia before I adopted her. When I went to insure her, I opened my big mouth and said she had it. They refused to even insure her. Luckily she didn't need much vet care until the end when she developed OS. Her last 6 months were expensive. But, her littermate Pearl didn't have anything before I insured her, and they probably wished it was reversed. Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease a year later and hypertension a year after that. I maxed out on yearly claims for 3 yrs. I definitely got my money's worth from Pearl.
  16. Opal, my little Bwat is limping. I'm not fearing the worst. It's the leg that she had surgery on last summer to fuse bones because she blew out a ligament. She's going to the vets tonight, to see exactly where it hurts. If it looks like something happened at the surgical site, I already have an appt Monday with her surgeon in case she needs it. So keep that little 50 lb stinker in your prayers. If she needs surgery to repair broken pins or what-have-you, she's almost 9. And the older they get, the less I like the idea of surgery. Here she is last summer with her boo-boo leg.
  17. Oh no Tom. When I saw his name here I was shocked. He was too young. I'm so very very sorry he's gone. And no, it never gets easier. (I have 6 at the Bridge).
  18. There are going to be so many triggers that you'll need to get past now. The indent, empty bowl, leash, toys................ Godspeed, Popcorn.
  19. It sucks to lose them to something so sudden and mundane as a dental. I'm so very very sorry, Coyote is gone.
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