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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Opal, my little Bwat is having surgery Wednesday to remove what looks like a blood blister from her tummy. I took her in to have it looked at 3 weeks ago. The vet did a biopsy and said besides RBCs, there were some cells he couldn't identify. He said if it gets larger to have it removed. Well it's really getting big. And a second spot just a millimeter away is starting to show. While she's under, she's going to have a dead front tooth removed before she pulls it out playing tug-o-war, and the infection on her tail cleaned up (she cut it on a thorn bush last week). Opal is 9 yrs old (even though I still think of her as my puppy) and surgery, any surgery makes me nervous. Add to it that it also might be cancer is double scary. So if you can keep my Little Stinker in your prayers on Wed, I'd appreciate it.
  2. I'd go for a second opinion!!! Try Red Bank, VSEC, or U of Penn. Don't just go amputating two broken toes just like that. I've used VSEC a lot, there is a satellite hosp in Philly, but I go to the one in Levittown, Pa.
  3. I would also ask for a repeat blood test. The platelets could have started forming a clot in the tube if the draw was done not quite right. If they started forming clots, then they don't show up in counts.
  4. I'm so sorry at the suddeness of your loss. Jazzy was a beautiful girl. What a spark she had in her eyes.
  5. I'm so sorry to hear that Bert has gone to be with his brother. While they are pain free and happy, it is us left here on Earth that have the pain.
  6. Poor baby. Hopefully she'll feel well enough to come home tonight.
  7. She was a beautiful girl and she knew she was loved.
  8. Happy birthday to roooooo Happy birthday to ROOOoooooo Happy birthday dear Honey Happy birthday to roooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Onyx, Pearl, Diamond and Crystal.
  9. sigh................been there done that!! Glad you got Otis cleaned enough to stay inside the house for nite-nite.
  10. What a handsome man he was. You gave him the best years of his life and he knew it.
  11. What you'll find Steve is that Katie will want to do more things that she is capable of. You'll actually need to hold her back a little. Actually I think that's a good thing. It means they don't fret about missing a limb. They get right on with life. You and Katie will be in my prayers!
  12. I am truly sorry. She was much too young. What a very beautiful girl she was both inside and out.
  13. If you suspect an abscess, have the itty bitty teeth WAY in the back checked. When my Pearl had an abscess several vets missed it.
  14. He could have thrown a clot. Cancer could have been in him, even at that young age. Or he could have had a bruise, a simple bump, nothing serious. (both samples of having clots) But a thrown clot to the brain could have been the cause. Especially when you said he rolled his eyes back and had a 30 second seizure. You have my utmost sympathy. While I have lost 6 to date, none have happened that suddenly with what seemed to be a healthy young dog.
  15. Keeping paws crossed that he does fine and you get solid results.
  16. peanut butter. The oil helps it loosen and the dog will help get it off by licking the PB.
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