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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. I so hope you get a wonderful birthday gift tomorrow..............that they found the problem and it's cureable. This is so unfair, he's only 5. He should be jumping around like a nut. Running full speed. Leaning on you til you fall over.
  2. I am sure praying hard that it's nothing. My Diamond started limping on the back leg at the 6 month mark. It was OS.
  3. I have no experience, but it scares the bejesus out of me. I've seen it plenty here. I hope they chime in soon. {{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  4. Cwap....that's not what I wanted to hear. C'mon Neko, you're supposed to be getting better, not worse!
  5. Hey, is there a good pix of Dr Couto somewhere on facebook I can put into this nomination?
  6. When Diamond had her front leg amp, she never really was able to do the walk around the whole field again. I was hoping that she could build up endurance. However I want to be fair, I only had 6 months and she was 12. But don't be surprised if the length of his activities never reach the level it was before. It does take a lot more energy to hope on one front leg. I am so thrilled that Tempo is doing well!
  7. John and Ramona, You have my deepest sympathies. Even when they've had a good long life, it doesn't ease the pain of loss. And to lose two just days apart, I don't know how you can handle it. I was a basket case losing two 2 months apart.
  8. Whenever I've gone to an e-vet, my bill was always 4 figures because of the tests. And they always do everything.
  9. Oh Jane!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Jane and Shelby }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} If it were last week, I would have been there for you like you've been for me. God speed Shelby, your sister Twisty is waiting for you.
  10. I cry everytime I think of him.
  11. That's why I'm leaving VPI. One dog does have to stay with them. She's had several things over the years. But my two younger ones are going with Healthy Paws.
  12. Unfortunately my Diamond did get OS in another leg, but it was her back leg. Another thing that it could be is stitches being pulled on the inside. They're disolvable but take a very long time to disolve. Also phantom pain as someone else mentioned.
  13. C'mon Neko.....enough of this crap. Get BETTER!
  14. I had been following the H&M thread and cried when I found he didn't make it. He was a wonderful soul. And handsome man.
  15. She was so pretty. I'm so VERY sorry OS has claimed another soul.
  16. She was a beautiful girl. And sounded so sassy. What a luv. I'm so sorry she's gone.
  17. I have not found pet insurance to be vet specific. They cover expenses depending on the amount, what you're paying for or what their schedule is. There is another thread somewhere regarding "is it worth it". If it's not here in H&M Try searching EVERYTHING ELSE. Some people don't think it's worth it or they just put aside money for emegencies. But I am so glad I do have it. I'm in the process of switching from VPI to Healthy Paw for 2 of my 3. The third has been around for 8 yrs so has too many pre-existing conditions now. She'll stay with VPI.
  18. Jay, Rocko and Emma are related WAY back to HB COmmander. you can see her face on database (Carlita Henry)
  19. Jay, while this is a Tempo thread, I can't help but think how much your Rocko looks like my Emerald (Carlita Henry). What was his race name?
  20. Tasha was a gorgeous girl. And her personality just shone. It breaks my heart at the suddeness of your loss.
  21. They were a very beautiful pair. It's hard to lose heart and soul hounds.
  22. Lulu was not only beautiful, but she sounds like she had a personality the size of the moon. I'm so sorry she left.
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