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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. Jane, I didn't know it was THAT Desi!!! I LOVED THAT BOY when I was there with my girls. You'll get extra special prayers from me for him. I know Pearl and Diamond loved him too.
  2. Thanks for the update. My heart breaks for him, but thank God he's getting the best care around.
  3. Happy birthday to rooooo Happy birthday to ROOOooooo Happy birthday dear Kylie Happy birthday to rooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sund in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Onyx, Pearl Diamond and Crystal. With Brindle as the maestro.
  4. VPI says they'll pay 100%, but it's 100% of THEIR SCHEDULE. Which I found out this past summer that their schedule is very outdated. My vet bill was over $4500 with all the followup xrays and checkups. They paid $1200. That's why I'm leaving for Healthy Pets for two of my girls that are still young.
  5. I love the pix of her on the couch, half asleep. She was very beautiful and taken away way too young. One of my current girls looks like Bonnie Twist. She's black with a pretty white stripe up her nose.
  6. Pearl left me 3 years ago today. She was my heart and soul, my best friend. I could write a diatribe about her, but a picture is worth a thousand words. I miss you my beloved. My heart is still broken.
  7. I put "starving" because you can see all her ribs. I'm of the belief that you should see a few. But, she really isn't THAT bad. However prefer a slightly overweight dog than underweight. I know that's the opposite of what so many people say. I'm not talking chunky, looks like a striped lab or anything like that. But when they get sick they drop weight like they were an ice cube sitting in the Arizona sun. My Brindle lost 12 lbs when she was in the hospital for 2 weeks. They were more worried about her weight when I got her back then the original problem (collapsed lung)
  8. Pumpkin seems to work for some. Or how about just adding water to their food?
  9. I had VPI for 11 yrs. At first they were very good, but rates have gone up but not their schedule. They go by a schedule, not a percentage of the vet bill. So my two younger ones are being switched over to Healthy Paws. I have 90% reimbursement and $100 yearly ded. I chose HP because I liked the yearly ded better than per incident. And since I do have three that are covered, I did need to look for something a little less expensive. I'm paying $58/month for my 5 yr old Tanzi. I'm waiting until the waiting period is up before I cancel VPI. And if I get a partial refund from VPI for Tanzi, then I'll transfer Emma over to HP and cancel VPI. Opal has to stay with VPI because she's had a couple of problems (like a blown ligament this past summer) that will be excluded with other ins companies, but is still covered with VPI since she's been with them for 7 yrs. So she stays.
  10. I remember this story. It was so wonderful of you to take her in. She was a beautiful girl, and I'm sorry she's gone.
  11. Personally, if she was a really hairy girl and now looks like that, I would take her in for a thyroid check. I've had girls that had luxurious coats, and I've had girls that had almost nothing. But I've never had they switch from thin coated to thick and vice versa. But there's no rush. It's not life threatening if her thyroid is a little low.
  12. Oh Pat, I'm so very sorry to hear of Moe-Moe. Whether we have them a short time or long time, whether they're aloof or snuggly, young or old, it is never easy to lose them. They always take a chunk of our hearts.
  13. . She was such a tiny thing. Very very cute. I'm so sorry.
  14. Oh Rachael, I'm so sorry that you've lost everyone. The last two so close together.
  15. If it bothers him to wag it or he accidentally keeps hitting it. You can take a toilet roll cardboard holder, slice it lengthwise so you can make it smaller and just tape it around the affected area. It acts like a splint without cutting off circulation. A little tape keeps it from sliding off. I did this for my Bwat who broke her tale, not once but twice.
  16. He was as beautiful on the inside as he was handsome on the outside. I'm so very sorry.
  17. Oh Pam, she sounds like such a wonderful character. They're the ones missed the most as their presence was so loud.
  18. She was beautiful, very regal. I'm sorry for your loss. You came to the right place as most GTer have had losses. (I have 6 at the Bridge).
  19. How are you doing Robin? How's the storm recovery coming?
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