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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Thanks Holly, I was just tryin to be funny It hurt bad enough going down I don't want it to come back up.
  2. Soo, maybe I should induce vomiting...
  3. I don't really know... but I swallowed a whole cherry accidently yesterday and am not about to let anyone induce vomiting on me I probably would just watch him. He probably chewed them a bit at first anyway...
  4. I think it was a great write up and I am so happy that she is better. One thing tho... I guess I am getting older but that small font you are using is sooo hard to read.
  5. Man Mary Jo - Hope you can catch a break! Good luck to Sadie.
  6. kamsmom


    Kate - I just got your email... I am so sorry. I hope that you are ok and thay you know Mango loved you just as much as you loved her. I saw it first hand and it was an amazing bond the two of you had. Please call me and let me know if there is anything you need.
  7. Loved that video. It really showed just how bonded you and she were. Thank you for sharing and I am so sorry for the loss.
  8. Congrats and welcome You are no "newbie"
  9. Doesn't look like a corn... kinda reminds me of a blood blister.
  10. I am so sorry. I wish there were more to say...
  11. Could he have had a stroke? The weakness and slow moving would make me think that. And the sudden onset.
  12. She is beautiful! Who is the little doxie next to her
  13. If you are thinking it is someone having an accident, just put a belly band on the male and very shortly you should be able to either know it is the female or not.
  14. Oh my gosh Heather! I have had Taters (rights to riches) picture as my screen saver at work for about a year now! Everyone who comes by my office laughs... She is adorable. I always thought she was already adopted, what a nice surprise to see that she is going to a great home and now I may even get some new cute pictures of her to use at work Congrats on both your new ones.
  15. I'm so sorry that Polli is hurting. Hugs to everyone.
  16. I think I just decided on dinner tonight I wouldn't worry about it right now. Just feed some bread and watch over night. Shouldn't be a problem tho.
  17. When Carmen had one my vet gave me Tresaderm. It is an antibiotic drop that I put on twice a day and it was gone within a week. Carmens was also bleeding and oozing at the time that I noticed it. Good Luck.
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