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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Thanks. I just couldn't remember any other "tricks" or rememdies. I have a call to my vet. Like I said, Steak isn't in any distress. Right now my husband is out on the back porch drinking a cup of coffee and just watching him. Steak is asleep on the dog bed outside. He has vomited once more outside.
  2. I was up with my daughter at 4am this morning (she had her tonsils out yesterday) and I left the gate to the kitchen down. When we got up about 8am I saw the empty bag and knew someone got the chips but assumed all 5 ate them. So, thinking they all got some I decided that it wasn't enough to worry about and that I was just gonna have some dogs with diarrhea later. When I was feeding breakfast Steak wouldn't eat. I thought he just had an upset tummy so decided to give him a while and try again later. Then about an hour ago he threw up... just a small amount tho. So then I said out loud that I was going to get the peroxide and take him outside...at that moment Steak vomited three times in a row It is a lot of chocolate. Now I am sure he ate the entire bag himself. It was the large bag of chips. I have him outside and he is drinking a lot of water. He isn't showing any other signs of distress. I looked up chocolate toxicity and I think he is ok, especially now that he has vomited most of it up. But, is there any thing else I should be doing?
  3. I logged in but it won't let me post. It says that I have to register.
  4. She is gorgeous! Congrats!
  5. Welcome Great pics of a very handsome boy
  6. Looks like a histiocytoma. Carmen had one, I took her to the vet and he gave me some antifungal stuff and it went away in about a week. He also told me that it would have eventually gone away on it's own. It's always best to check with your vet tho to be sure.
  7. Just from a picture it sort of looks like an old scar...
  8. Pam - I have been trying to find the right words all day... I'm just so, so sorry. When you called me I was just shocked. Still am. Someone else said it best, maybe he was just waiting to be sure that you were ok. I like to believe that. He loved you so much, and you loved him just as much. You kept him safe and looked out for his best interest. I applaud you for all that you have accomplished. Hugs to you my friend.
  9. Aww, I'll be thinking good thoughts for Quilty. Hopefully the fact that you know Dot and Ghost are going to forever homes will help you tomorrow. I know you will be sad to see them go but just think of how prepared you have gotten them.
  10. I don't have any suggestions. I hope that the neurologist appointment will yield some answers for you.
  11. Here is another peanut gallery diagnosis I think it looks like a histiocytoma. Carmen had one on her leg. The vet gave me some anti fungal stuff and in about two days it was gone.
  12. Good thoughts coming from Texas Kisses to my secret santa boy
  13. I'm so sorry. Like Aimee (zoomdoggy) said, enjoy the small moments. Take Ruby to Elizabeths garden and just enjoy sitting with her in the sun. It will feel good. I love to just sit on the bench at the park that looks at my mom and dads house. I can sit there for an hour or so and just think about things. It is relaxing to me. You know that you are always welcome to pm or call me if you need. I know what you mean about wanting to quit but that is the time that you really have to persevere. Maybe you Ruby and Emily go for a car ride and get some ice cream together. Make it a girls outing Good luck and I wish I were closer and could give you a hug. Beth
  14. My nephew had been sneezing and had lots of snot last summer (he was 16 months) My sister took him to the doctor and he had a barbie shoe stuck in his nose... Good thoughts coming for Star.
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