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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Chrissy, I am so sorry to hear about this. Your stories with Speck were some of the very first things that made me come to GT. I was always so sad that I never knew of Gino but knew he had to be something special for so many to have spoken of him so highly. Speck had that special spark and you do too. Please know that you and Speck have touched so many and I felt as if I "knew" both of you. Thank you for sharing some of your special moments with us. Please know that I am thinking of you tonight.
  2. See this Thread... scroll down a few posts...
  3. You have GOT to see gter Brindles rollerblade with her greys!!
  4. Yeah Mango!!! Keep getting better, your momma needs you home!
  5. I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. I so wish I had something to say to help Kate. Please know that we are thinking of you and Mango tonight.
  7. kamsmom

    Au Revoir Boss

    Hope I am so sorry, I wish that I could have known Boss. I feel so fortunate to have met you and to be able to call you my friend. I wish there was something I could do. You have been so sweet to me and now I just wish there was something I could do for you.
  8. Sorry to hijack.... but I ALWAYS wondered how they did that hat trick I can't wait to show my 9 year old (she loves magic tricks! )
  9. It is funny sometimes the looks I get from people when I tell them that I have 7 dogs and they live in the house. I get the eyerolls sometimes when they know I am taking the dog on vacation but not my family. However, I also have to remember that at one time I didn't do these things and I didn't know everything there is to know about dogs... still don't. So I give people some slack. It doesn't really bother me if people don't know what I am talking about and if they want to learn I am willing to talk, but if they just want to pet my "plain ole dog" then I let them. If I don't want them to pet them then I just say, "sorry, she's having a bad day, maybe tomorrow tho?". I've never had anyone disagree or argue with me. Now if you want to learn some interesting facts about squirrels.... my 12 year old would love to educate everyone on them I learned this morning that there is a colony of red squirrels that almost became extinct because they contracted squirrel pox ... never knew there was such a thing, my daughter looked at me like I had three heads because I had never heard of squirrel pox.
  10. Here is a candle for everyone else having a tough time... This has been one week that I will never forget...
  11. Yeah! I am so happy to hear that Steven is home. Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you guys too. If you need anything, let me know.
  12. Courtney, I am just seeing this! I am so sorry, if there is anything you need just call me. I will be thinking of Steven and his cute backward earsies today
  13. Lanie I'm really sorry.
  14. Oh No Lanie! I am so sorry! I know how much Schumi means to you and I so wish that you could have more time with him.
  15. Lanie, I am so sorry that things haven't cleared up. How are you? How is your husband doing? I hope that the vet can give you something to go on. Give Schumi hugs and scritches for me.
  16. It's a good thing, means he's healthy.
  17. I am so sorry Caroline, I have missed your posts and have thought about you for a few weeks now. My youngest daughter was only 3 when our old lab passed and she still to this day tells me that she and "Bozley" talk to each other. It comforts me to know that she doesn't forget him. I am sure that Stella will be Faith's "guardian angel". Hugs to you and your family
  18. Add me to the list also, I think he is all grey. He's beautiful too.
  19. Congrats Holly! She has ears like Carmen. I can't wait to meet her.
  20. Lanie, do you think this may be the reason that he was biting last week?
  21. Awww, he is adorable! He does look a bit sad. Hopefully he will heal quickly and be back to playing in no time.
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