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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. I am going to Dewey but not sure who I'll bring with me yet. I will probably only bring one or two with me.
  2. kamsmom


    Oh Kate, I am so very sorry
  3. Thank you Chris! I can't wait to meet him. I am headed out to get another bed for him now.
  4. I just heard that Steak is done with his nueter and that he is doing well.
  5. Oh! K9 Karen! I hope she sees this then. I would love to see some grinning pics.
  6. Thanks everyone! I am really excited to get to know him.
  7. STEAK! I can't keep it in any longer I have adopted Steak from B&J Kennels He is a full brother to my Madi, just from different litters. He is being neutered tomorrow and then I am flying to Jacksonville in about two weeks and renting a car to bring him home to Texas. Please think good thoughts for a safe procedure for him and help me welcome him to Texas
  8. Hmm, interesting... My new girl Madi does this same thing at times. I have noticed it but it seems to just stop as soon as I can redirect her. I just thought it was a "tick" of some sort. I'll be interested in what you find.
  9. Oh Holly, I am so sorry
  10. I am no expert but our lab was nuetered when he was only three months old. He is now two years old and hovers around 100 pounds. I would think that Rocket is "filled out" enough already. Hopefully someone with more experience and knowledge will jump in and give you a better answer.
  11. I'm a little comfused... I don't think one has anything to do with the other but I am not sure if you were wanting her to fight back? If she has been in pain and not feeling well that could have also shown in her body language. I am really sorry that she was attacked and hope that she is ok?... Did she recieve any injuries? How is her pain?
  12. kamsmom


    What a ham! I'm so sorry for your loss
  13. kamsmom


    I'm sorry Rachael. I always enjoyed seeing pics of Julio.
  14. Aww, she was beautiful. Thank you for sharing her story. I joined only two and a half years ago so didn't know much about Crook. She sounds like she was a once in a lifetime dog and you were her once in a lifetime person.
  15. She'll be fine. 2 won't hurt her.
  16. Two of mine have black spots on their gums and one of mine has black spots on her tongue. Just genetic, nothing to worry about. But, I have not seen your dog so couldn't be sure that they were the same thing.
  17. As everyone has said, take the dog to the vet. Lethargy 24 hours after the incident is nothing to play around with. If it is about the money, I for one would contribute to the vet costs. Get her there now. Don't waste time, just get her there and then you can post the vet info once she is there or pm me the info and I can help you.
  18. I don't think that you "have" to do anything with them. It is a personal preference.
  19. Seriously tho... Pam- how is Poodle?
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