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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Yep, they sleep the entire day. They do change positions often but it is to get more sleep
  2. Colleen, I too didn't know it was below the dew claw! I don't see anything at all
  3. Mine needs to be updated. I was blambdin but changed my username to kamsmom. I am in Plano, TX (DFW area)
  4. I talked to Elaina and she is very upset. She is on her way home right now. I wish I could have been able to help, not sure if anything could have been done but I just wish I could have been there. RIP Sweet Sol... I am happy that I was lucky enough to have met you.
  5. I liked the random photos. Then we saw photos that we hadn't just seen in a thread.
  6. Hi Shana! Welcome from Plano, Texas
  7. I believe you are talking about my comparison of Steak and Isis Steak is very, very tall! Here is the photo you were seeing... And here is another comparison so that you can see how tall he is. A different dog, Carmen, is 56 pounds but is the same height as Isis. I need to get out a measuring tape and see how tall he is at the shoulders... He is 32" at the shoulder. Edited to add that Steak raced at 78 pounds. He isn't fat but he is filled out. He could probably lose about 5-6 pounds and be ok, but right now he is very healthy and looks great. He runs everyday with me as I am training for a half marathon right now. He is just a big boy.
  8. Just wanted to stop and say that I like the new gallery I really like the way the different sizes look in the banner too.
  9. Beautiful photos Chrissy Hugs to you today
  10. I don't think you will get a text box unless there is more than one person in chat... I'll go there now and we can check it out. Nope, your right. Can't find a text box.
  11. Damn it. I have no idea where the emotis work or don't work... anyway, Hi :)

  12. Did the hard refresh and the reply box is still floating. I am on IE 8.
  13. I've changed it up every way I can think of... I am no photoshop guru but really thought I could do this. Sorry...
  14. This is the pic I am trying to upload.
  15. Sorry, I have tried and tried and tried to upload a photo to my picture for my profile. I have it at 124x140 pixels and way under the 100kb. Each time I try to upload it, it comes back with an error that says the file is too big. Can you help please?
  16. I don't need it but wanted to say that I am sorry .
  17. He is adorable! He sorta looks like a giant JRT to me (My JRT is white with the black spots on her skin and has that wirey hair )
  18. Of course it was the good stuff! Nestle Tollhouse I rarely cook or bake so when I do, I do it well He has vomited more but has not in the last hour. Thank goodness I was home, I can't imagine the mess that would have happened if I weren't here. He is tired now but he is doing well. Right now he is sleeping with his head in my lap. I was able to make cookies, just not chocolate chip cookies
  19. Thanks Trudy.... I had looked up a similar chart but just couldn't remember if there were other remedies that I was forgetting about.
  20. I add water. I only started doing it when my lab was eating so fast that I was trying different things to slow him down. Then I did it for the others because it seemed they liked the gravy that it made. I only leave the food down for 5 minutes. They eat then or it gets taken up. I do not let it sit and soak. Only once has the food been not eaten and taken up and that was this morning... one of mine ate some choc. chips and now has a tummy ache.
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