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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Aww, poor baby Steak says the notched ears do give lots of character.
  2. I also have little dogs. I know some get along and do well outside with each other, I just am not that trusting. In the house they co-mingle great but I don't allow my little ones out with the greys. I have four greyhounds and only one of them would I trust outside with the littles at all. I have just learned a routine for outdoor time. Take deep breaths, it does get easier.
  3. What area of MN are you in? There are a lot of members here from that area and maybe someone can meet up with you for a play date or just to be available to help you out. Are you in touch with the group? It is a bit late but tomorrow you will get lots of help. Hang in there.
  4. Have you already tried putting a large rock in the bowl to help him slow down? My lab eats super fast and now we have the brake fast bowl. It really, really helped him. He gets a bit frustrated because he does have to work harder to get the food, but I figure this helps two issues at the same time. 1) he eats slower and has more time to actually digest... and 2) He gets tired! I don't know about the aggression... I usually separate the one that has the issue and make sure that they eat alone. Either a crate or blocked off in the kitchen, this way everyone stays safe and sound.
  5. Absolutely, totally agree with inugrey... There are other dogs that you can help foster... and possibly adopt.
  6. All of mine give kisses. Madi nits my chin and my nose when she gives kisses. Carmen and Isis will practically clean your whole face giving kisses. Steak is very gentle. However, Isis is the only one that licks all parts. She is constantly licking my arms, hands and legs if they are exposed.
  7. The worst injury one of mine had with a muzzle was just a nose scrape. Steak was rubbing his face with his muzzle on, on my leg and he rubbed the muzzle and his nose so hard that it left a scrape at the bridge of his nose. I wanted to add a photo for you too. The basket muzzles are not tight, they are designed so that the dog can still eat, drink, and pant. I muzzle all of mine during the day while I am gone so that they don't get in any "tiffs" or chew things. They aren't 100% but they are the next best thing. Steak actually still managed to chew my stair spindles with his muzzle on The other thing that you have to do is to deter things that he is trying to get to. I block off my kitchen with a baby gate and I muzzle. They do just fine with it. edited because, good lord I can't spell today.
  8. I'm so sorry. Run fast and free Smiley.
  9. Welcome from Texas What is Beaker's registered name?
  10. I recently did this very thing. It was by accident. We had just finished walking and I had the leashes around my neck. I was just walking around the house and at first the ones that didn't go on the walk were going nuts. Eventually everyone settled. About an hour later I was taking the leashes off my neck and everyone jumped around. I stopped and put them back on my neck. I have now done this about everyday. Some days we don't even go on a walk (I know big tease for them) but I can say this has helped. They still get excited but they have calmed down so that they aren't all jumping on top of me.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. But am so glad that she had you and you had her. It sounds like you and she were meant to be together and you both made each other very happy.
  12. Does she still chew things? Could you give her a raw turkey neck or a raw marrow bone?
  13. Alisha, I am so sorry. He was a very loved and spedial boy. I always could feel how much you loved him through your posts here.
  14. I used to have everyone in bed with me.... then I added two more greyhounds and a lab and it was just too crowded. I now only have one that sleeps with me, Carmen, and that is just cuz she is so stubborn that she would whine and pace all night long for almost two months before I finally gave in and just let her back in bed with me. Isis, my oldest, will sometimes hop up in the morning and snuggle with me. She always sleeps with me when we go on vacation but at home she sleeps on the couch or a bed beside mine. Steak sleeps on a bed right beside my bed and Madi sleeps in the living room either on the couch, chair or dog bed. They play musical beds at different times but as long as they are quiet about it I'm fine with it. The lab sleeps on the wood floor. He has dog beds but he gets too hot and prefers the floor.
  15. Absolutely, start muzzling him now when you leave. I like Judy's idea about the food to get him to move but you may even want to limit his couch time. If it was as simple as he was just not ready to get off of the couch or if he got spooked. Either way, he shouldn't be protective of the couch. Mine will all get off the couch or chair with a simple, "down". It took a while but I never grab a collar or nudge them. They move when I say to move. In the beginning it was with food and then later it was me just praising and calling them in a happy, sing song voice so they would be excited to get down. Each time I would always use the word "down" or "off". Good luck and I am sorry that you got bitten.
  16. She was a beautiful girl.
  17. Bumping up to the top. I am so sorry, I wish I could help but am not anywhere near you.
  18. Shana, I have a video of my dogs taking treats. In it I ask Carmen and Steak to "jump" and they do it. I have all 5 of them with me and noone gets snarky or pushy with me or each other. I ask for and demand respect (the Alpha that I think you are trying to say). Video
  19. Two out of three of mine do really well with commands, Steak and Carmen. Steak is my newest but he is very smart and eager to please. I don't really ask much from them tho, my only real requirement is to be respectful. I don't allow them to jump on me unless I ask them to do so. They all walk great. As far as coming when called. Isis, my older broody, will only do that if there is something in it for her The others all come running if I call. However, if we are at the ball field and something runs by or flies by all bets are off. Carmen is about my only one that 90% of the time will continue coming to me when called and not be distracted by other things. My parents owned an obedience teaching group when I was a kid. We never had greyhounds in that group. But I do think that Steak and Carmen have the ability and the desire to do obedience. Madi and Isis really could care less. Their only job is to look pretty, and they do a great job at it
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