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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. I hope pepper starts feeling better and the wound heals.
  2. Apparantly McDonalds doesn't sell cheeseburgers befor 10am... so she got a sausage bisquit, as did Carmen The vet, McDonalds and my house are all within 3 miles of each other.
  3. Well, we are back. Isis walked in like nothing was wrong. Dr. Staph looked her over again and said that he really feels that it is just a soft tissue injury. His new xray was not done being installed so no radiographs today but he went ahead and put her on previcox once a day for 7 days and just wants her to rest (ie... no zoomies at 4am ) She will be leash walked for about a week, then he is going to check her again. At the end of the visit Dr. Staph said "now go get the girl a cheeseburger and call it a day!" So we are back home and I am getting ready to go to work. Carmen was so upset about not getting to go with us She left nail marks all over my garage door. Poor thing... I brought her back a treat too
  4. We are headed out the door on the way to the vet. At 4am this morning she was feeling great... she wanted out and so we go to the back door and off she went, she did zoomies and was barking up a storm I think she overdid it tho as now she is holding up her leg. Anyway, I geuss we will be going out on a leash for a few days so that she doesn't keep doing that. I will update when we are done. Thanks everyone!
  5. Vet checked her over and said there is definately not a break. However, they are getting a new xray today and so couldn't take any pictures. We are scheduled to go in first thing tomorrow. He said that it could just be a muscle strain but to continue the rimadyl if she seemed like she was in pain. She is doing well tho... wagged her tail and let everyone who would come and pet her. I slept with her on the couch last night and she never moved. Thank you everyone. I will let you know as soon as I know something. She is still limping on it, she even tried to do the stairs (I didn't let her). When we got to the car I was about to bend down and pick her up and she jumped in anyway.
  6. I just took her outside. She sorta uses the leg like a "peg leg". That's the best that I can describe it. I didn't let her attempt the stairs, I just carried her and then let her down once we got down stairs. She walked herself out and did her business then came in and got up on her little love seat downstairs that she sleeps on. The only cry was when I sat beside her and ran my hand over the muscle of her shoulder. It doesn't look swollen or bruised at this point. But I did have a rimadyl pain pill from some other time and I gave that to her for the evening. I will let you all know what comes of the visit in the morning. Thanks.
  7. So this will probably not be what most would do but she is not in crisis. In fact she is laying her right beside me with her head and her legs in my lap. I am having to type with my arms on top of her head. If for some reason she seems to get worse or if she acts different than I will take her in. However, my vet is very close and a friend. She will get the best care and I won't be neglecting her. She has eaten, in fact stole some chicken off my plate earlier. I am about to get up and let everyone out one last time. I will carry her and watch her in the yard.
  8. OK, so now I feel totally guilty... I wasn't thinking of going to the Evet because she only cries if she lays on it or if I touch it. For the last 2 hours she has slept with her head in my lap while I pet her neck... do you still think I should go tonight?
  9. So about a week ago Isis had a very slight limp and then it went away so I thought nothing of it. Then today we went to play group and she was side swiped by another and she let out the GSOD. She cried for a bit but then seemed better. I ran my hand up and down her leg and thought maybe it was just a bit dramatic... However, once we got home she was limping so bad that I had to carry her up the stairs as she wasn't putting any weight on her leg. It is her right front leg. When I touch the top part of her leg she cries and just looks so sad. An hour ago she was trying to lay down on her bed and she was on her right side and then screamed out. I am going to take her into the vet tomorrow... I really am not asking any thing, I guess I am just wanting to vent or maybe, possibly hoping that it is nothing. Isis is 8 and is my heart dog. She is the reason I am even here. I just love her so much and am so scared of what could be happening to her. Any way... here is a recent photo of her... She is the most beautiful girl... I love this picture because it just shows who she is. She is my "bombproof" dog. She lets everyone pet her.
  10. Welcome from yet another North Texas person... Plano! I'm glad to see you on here. Can't wait to see pics
  11. Hi from Plano! What part of west Texas are you in?
  12. Where is Marijke? I think she needs a puppy!
  13. I agree with Pam. You have flushed it and applied the medicine from the vet. I'd give it a day and I'll bet that it will look so much better tomorrow.
  14. Kate, I am so glad your Christmas wish was answered. Big hugs to you, Mango and Takoda. Have a very Merry Christmas. Are you having any company over?
  15. Kate, I can feel the excitement in your post. I am so very happy for you. I've got fingers and toes crossed here for you as well.
  16. Oh Yeah Mango!!! I am so happy to see that she is doing better. I hope you are holding up Kate. Please know that I am thinking of you.
  17. I wouldn't trim it right now, it's probably tender. You could take out an emory board and file the tip so that it doesn't snag anything. Do you have any ace bandages or vet wrap? Just wrap it for the day and then tomorrow try to trim it. My own opinion is that it doesn't warrant a vet appt. but it is your dog so do what you feel is right.
  18. I always trim dew claws but I also have a JRT who has torn her out three times now. There really is nothing to do about it. We just watch it for any signs of infection and just keep the area clean. Isis has also puller hers where it looked like the photo you just posted. It eventually healed on its own.
  19. Oh that sounds great Kate! I can't wait to read that Mango is coming home.
  20. I use Bag Balm... you can get it from a drugstore or even walmart. You can also use Corona... you can get it at a farm store. I use both on the dogs and on my feet and elbows in the winter when I get really dry.
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