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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Sending lots of healing thoughts for your sweet boy.
  2. I've found virgin coconut oil works better for my dogs than any of the fish oils. I gave it a try after reading the following article: http://www.cocotherapy.com/wdj_coconut_oil_article.pdf and have never looked back. And I now use it exclusively for cooking and also use it topically on my skin with great results. Makes a good antibacterial toothpaste too.
  3. Oh, the Donald wishes he looked this good! Congratulations and welcome to GT! I recognized their names right away from the GFNC website. Both my girls came from GFNC. I loved your intro story and pictures! I look forward to hearing more about your two handsome boys and seeing lots of pictures!
  4. Carly, age 10, has this too and what's even funnier is she's a grinner and she often does a lopsided grin with her lip raised mostly on one side. I've always laughed and called it her Elvis impersonation.
  5. Welcome home, Marlow! He's very handsome. I looked him up on Greyhound Data: http://greyhound-data.com/d?z=CteQEP&d=Dutch+Marlow&x=0&y=0
  6. Yeah, I wouldn't want to change after finally finding something that works for her. And it's possible you could get one of the local places to special order it once you get there. I got a local feed and tack to special order a couple of bags of Earthborn Holistic for me back during the last TOTW recall and now they feed it to their dogs and it's one of their best sellers. Never hurts to ask.
  7. Sounds medical rather than behavior. Keep us posted.
  8. Congratulations all around! That's one beautiful girl!
  9. So glad to see her getting some R & R (roaching and recovering) at home.
  10. Beautiful and so very true. I so appreciate you sharing it.
  11. I'm so sorry your beautiful girl had to leave so soon.
  12. Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss.
  13. She could be restless and agitated from the meds. When Princess had her dental in April, she was sent home on Tramadol for pain. She was restless, agitated, and whined all night long. I asked for something else the following day and she calmed down. I'm sorry you're both going through this. You will both remain in my thoughts.
  14. I'm so sorry you didn't have more time together and that her loss came so soon after Symbra's. Thank you for being there for her.
  15. Check out Fiji: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm7SHVxEpkU
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