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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss of your very special boy.
  2. After much trial and error and very itchy dogs, I discovered that two of mine needed both grain free and chicken free. Interestingly enough, they had been eating a chicken and rice based kibble for years with occasional raw chicken and turkey, but gradually developed allergies and began scratching and chewing on themselves horribly. And then Princess also developed chronic ear infections. Symptoms improved when I removed the chicken, but didn't get completely better until I removed the rice too. As an aside, I personally eat grain free now. After years and years of being sick almost continually, my health has never been better. I know for a fact that some people don't digest or utilize grains well and it can cause numerous health problems including autoimmune issues. According to my vet, he is seeing more allergies and autoimmune issues than ever in dogs and cats and in his opinion, grains are the culprit for many dogs and feels grains promote diabetes in many cats. Note that I'm not saying he said ALL dogs or cats, just like not ALL people are grain intolerant, but some genuinely are and for that reason, I'm glad there are grain free options for pets and I'm glad more people are trying grain free a lifestyle. I personally know a lot of people who, like myself, feel so much better without grain and have had some lifelong, chronic health issues resolve completely on a grain free diet.
  3. My bridge boy, Keno, did this. He would lick his bed, pillow, or his chest until he fell asleep. My girl, Carly, will sometimes lick her chest until she falls asleep. Oh, I forgot to add that my bridge boy, Keno, also used to bite his toenails.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  5. Everything should be fine. If either seem nervous about a face to face, walk them side by side for a bit and then let them sniff. I had a senior girl that loved other dogs but she didn't like strange dogs rushing up in her face. I would introduce her to new dogs by walking beside them and that worked well for her. Most don't have this issue though. Just mentioned it in case. Very exciting! Keep us posted.
  6. galgrey

    Remembering Ice

    A lovely tribute to a much loved hound.
  7. Send along my condolences to all who knew and loved her. Run Free, Katie Scarlett.
  8. Excellent news! And he really look great.
  9. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Run free, Zero.
  10. Welcome to GT and congrats on your two handsome boys! :confetti
  11. I don't know how old he is, but you might want to have his kidney values checked. When my boy, Cruz, got picky like this, his kidney values were high and he had a UTI. We got the UTI cleared up, but he was in kidney failure by the time I knew what was going on. Hoping all goes well at the vet.
  12. Hope it works well for both of them. It can be such a challenge finding just the right food.
  13. Welcome Michelle and Riley! You've come to the right place. Looking forward to pictures of your handsome boy.
  14. Welcome Maddie and Gatsby!
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