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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Welcome home pretty miss MoneyPenny!
  2. Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope sweet Stormy feels better soon.
  3. I've done lots of sheath and udder cleaning back in my farm days. My ex and I managed a small breeding farm at one time. It was all live cover. None of that stuff phases me.
  4. My hounds loved your sandbox! Princess keeps asking when she can come back over and visit.
  5. Welcome to GT. I want to add my condolences on the loss of your two boys. It's extra hard losing two close together. The new guy is a real looker and looks like a keeper to me.
  6. My bridge boy, Keno, did this several times. They all grew back except for one. It bled like mad and he had a little bit of nail just hanging on, so I took him to the vet and they cauterized it.
  7. Dogs don't know they have a name - they just learn to look at us and come to us when we reinforce them paired with a certain sound. Names are a human thing - we identify ourselves by our names and our history, etc. Dogs do not. They identify each other by smell. They're smart and want to please us and want good things to happen, like affection and treats, so they learn that looking at us or coming to us when we say "Princess", for example, good things happen. Princess is the smartest of the five greyhounds I've had and she came to me responding to Princess, but she doesn't know it's her name or her identity. Dogs can learn what many different words (which are just sounds to them) mean pretty quickly and I don't think it stresses them out or confuses them to learn new ones. I had a collie X basset hound (Abby) years ago that learned the names of her different toys(ball, rope, tug) without me even making an effort to teach her. I realized later I must have reinforced it but it wasn't conscious at the time. And my beloved weimaraner, Hannah, knew lots of words and even knew when I said another dog's name that I was talking to or about them. I was stunned to realize one day that when I said Frosty (my first greyhound), she would look at him first , then at me, and back to him. She would also do that with 3 other dogs she saw on a regular basis. My next door neighbor had dogs named Montford and JD and if I said either of their names she would go to the window and look at their house and then look back at me. If a dog comes to me named and I like the name, I keep it. If not, I change it.
  8. Lovely tribute to your beautiful Jonelle. I'm so sorry she had to leave you so soon.
  9. Ducky, I think you probably gave him the best days of his life. I'm just sorry he didn't have the opportunity to be with you longer.
  10. Probiotics often help with gas. Another source of gas is parasites. My Princess has horrible gas and a very lose stool when I first adopted her. Changing food didn't help, so I took in a stool sample and it was positive for hookworms. It took two doses rounds of wormer to get rid of them, but when we got rid of them we got rid of the gas and the loose stool.
  11. Happy, happy *fostering*! She's lovely.
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