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Everything posted by galgrey

  1. Great to see such a positive update! Hope your beautiful girl continues to get better and better.
  2. I wasn't sure where to post this. If it needs to be moved, feel free. Virbac has issued an expanded recall (originated in April 2013) for Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables heartworm preventative. Several lots are below the potency levels to protect dogs against heartworms. The following lot numbers of Iverhart Plus Flavored Chewables are included in the expanded recall: Small (up to 25lbs) 120092: Small (up to 25lbs) 120397: Small (up to 25lbs) 120398: Small (up to 25lbs) 120798: Small (up to 25lbs) Medium (26-50lbs) 120090: Medium (26-50lbs) 120301: Medium (26-50lbs) 120378: Medium (26-50lbs) 120450: Medium (26-50lbs) 121282: Medium (26-50lbs) Large (51-100lbs) 120091: Large (51-100lbs) 120127:Large (51-100lbs) 120195: Large (51-100lbs) 120207: Large (51-100lbs) 120256: Large (51-100lbs) 120289: Large(51-100lbs) 120300: Large (51-100lbs) 120305: Large (51-100lbs) 120306: Large (51-100lbs) 120377: Large (51-100lbs) 120379: Large (51-100lbs) 120434: Large (51-100lbs) 120440: Large (51-100lbs) 120464: Large (51-100lbs) 120651: Large (51-100lbs) 120658: Large (51-100lbs) 120678: Large (51-100lbs) 120831: Large (51-100lbs) 121110: Large (51-100lbs) 121150: Large (51-100lbs) 121283: Large (51-100lbs) 121386: Large (51-100lbs) This recall does not affect Iverhart Max products. According to a Virbac letter obtained by Pet360, testing revealed that fourteen lots were below Ivermectin potency levels prior to their expiration. The company also notes that the other seventeen lots remain within specification, but are being recalled as a precautionary measure. For questions or concerns about the Iverhart Plus recall, please contact Virbac Technical Services at 1-800-338-3659 ext. 3052. http://www.petmd.com/news/alerts-recalls/nws-dg-virbac-expands-recall-iverhart-plus-flavored-chewables#.UhaOlj_WHIU The Virbac website did not provide a notice regarding this recall. The FDA website provided the following two Enforcement Reports (see below – reports dated week of July 3, 2013) for this recall – but no recall press release was available on the FDA website. This is most likely due to the classification of this recall (Class III) being not life threatening. Enforcement Report Enforcement Report
  3. Congratulations on your handsome new boy!
  4. I've went for years and really need to go back. I've taken several of my greyhounds over the years with good results. The most significant was my boy, Keno, who suddenly started leaking urine on a Sunday morning after he's been to play group on Saturday (altho I didn't make the connection at the time). He stood up and his bed was wet Sunday morning and he seemed quite upset by this. Later in the day, he walked into the kitchen and I noticed he was leaking again as he walked. Took him in Monday morning to see my vet who is also a chiropractor. He adjusted him and the leaking stopped like magic. About a month later I took him back to play group ( he always ran like a complete maniac at play group) and the same thing happened again. Dr. W adjusted him and the incontinence stopped right away. He also sighed this big sigh "oh, that feels so much better". Here's an article about this very issue: http://www.dogsworldwide.com/drdog/contributions/ds2.htm
  5. galgrey


    I'm sorry you lost your two boys.
  6. You've gotten good advice from the others. I just want to say that I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's so hard.
  7. I hope she heals quickly and completely.
  8. I remember this well and how my heart broke for you. He was lucky to have been loved by you during the time you had together. I'm sorry it wasn't longer.
  9. I could not agree more! And please keep us updated on his progress. Pictures would be great too.
  10. Yes, it's possible. Happened to one of mine years ago. I hope all is well now. And I too am a goner for that face and those ears!
  11. Haven't checked lately, but when I was feeding the Kirkland version, the ingredients were nearly identical and it was considerably less expensive than TOTW here.
  12. I've not used these, but I give my girls a B complex vitamin every day and it does seem to help repel fleas. I've noticed if I skip my B complex, I'm much more likely to get bitten by mosquitoes. I believe it's the thiamine (B1) that makes us "smell" bad to bugs. I looked on the Flea Treats website, but didn't see the breakdown re: what how much of the different B vitamins are in each tablet/treat. Does it tell you on the bottle or package?
  13. She's a black brindled cutie for sure! And very photogenic.
  14. Would you mind sharing your recipe for your own concoction? I'm really interested to know what you use.
  15. Welcome to GT! Exciting about your new addition!
  16. I've no experience with corns, but just wanted to thank you for taking this sweet old guy in and giving him such good care.
  17. Welcome home, Italy! Congrats all around!
  18. I prefer to try non-toxic measures before using chemicals and I've been using an insect repellent called Beat It! (after seeing several posts about it on here). I bought it for mosquitoes, but it's advertised as effective against mosquitoes, flies, fleas, etc. It works great for mosquitoes on me. I also spray it on the dogs. It contains the following essential oils: Lemongrass, Eucalyptus, Mint, and Citronella along with aloe vera get, coconut oil an water. http://jadeandpearl.com/beat-it/ Here's an article on using essential oils to make a homemade flea treatment: http://www.experience-essential-oils.com/homemade-flea-treatment.html They are selling their own brand here, but this is just for info. They also provide a recipe to make your own: Can I make a Homemade Flea Spray? Absolutely, here is an essential oil recipe you can use as for homemade flea treatment. Purification Flea Free Recipe • 1/2 cup of Distilled water • 6-8 Drops Purification Essential Oil • 2-4 Drops Palo Santo Essential Oil • 1 Drop of Thieves Hand Soap or Castile Soap (emollient) Place in a spray bottle and shake. Spritz daily to stay flea free! I've also used a cedar oil product called Cedarcide on myself for mosquitoes and on the dogs for fleas with with good results. It has a very strong cedar smell, but I like it and it's non-toxic. http://www.cedarcide.com/product/das-domestic-animal-spray/
  19. Welcome home, Luna! She's a beauty! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures and hearing all about her retirement.
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