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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Maddie did this when I first got her 5 years ago. She ate her way out of a plastic airline crate and 2 metal crates. She howled etc- I did the alone training etc, had a radio on, tv on etc. the dap diffuser. Nothing worked. I called the kennel and they told me to keep crating (umm- she ate her way out of 3 crates- not the answer- I want to hear)- I decided to take a leap of faith and let her out of the crate and let her roam the house- I closed off all the places I did not want her in by closing the doors and using baby gates. When i left I did not make a big deal and I put her muzzle on a few minutes before I left. I also used her muzzle so she could not destroy stuff. I talked to the vet and we decided to put her on clomicalm as well. And I kept working on alone training. I also tired her out. I chose doggie day care a few days a week (I know not everyone can do this) - she was exhausted after doggie day care- "A tired dog is a good dog" but A long walk before you go to work can help. I know it is hard. I have been through it. There were times I was in tears, but I put myself in her position, she was taken from her buddies and a place that she had known all her life and placed in a new situation and it is scary. And we worked through it. She still has a touch of SA but nothing like she had when i first got her. Little by Little everyday you will see personalities of your dog come out. HE will not be the same dog in 6 months. Have faith and take it one day at a time.
  2. Ok- I learn something new everyday on GT. Don't they know there are other ways of reading about this and not posting it on GT. I read about it on CNN this morning on this and did not post. I am not trying to be mean or anything but I personally am taking the vacation thing from GT seriously. I would miss my GT daily fix.
  3. are you supposed to report everyone that responds to that particular post?
  4. Glad Lizzie is home and give her a big kiss from Maddie and I.
  5. That is great news. When we are at Meet and Greets we feed the dogs McDonals Chicken Nuggets. They love them
  6. I got the combo- (spray and gel) at Amazon with free shipping (I was not sure if Maddie would let me spray something into her mouth (she did)
  7. Maddie digs" little" holes in the backyard. Drives me nuts as when I am cutting the lawn, sometimes my foot goes in the hole and I yell out darn it Maddie or another term. LOL (she is not around when I do this) but I try and curb the digging behavior by aiming water in her direction when I see her digging or eating poop (yuck). She hates having water close to her or on her and when she sees the big water squirter near her direction she runs. This is a good thing right now as I just seeded and aerated the yard. Don't understand why Maddie does not dig at the beach when we go as she is an ace digger at home.
  8. Welcome. I have 1 greyhound named Maddie. I buy her 44 pounds of food at Sam's Club and it can last us about 6 weeks. That is her eating about 1 1/2-2 cups 2 times a day with some water in it. The reason I know that is I pay with my credit card and it is about every 6 weeks that I am in there buying a new bag. I also put it in a plastic container in the house that holds a little under 8 pounds and we go through that in a little over a week. Ok I need to find something to do besides count when my dog's food runs out LOL. Again Welcome to Greytalk and enjoy getting your new family member.
  9. That is great news Deb about Orla. Now she has pearly whites.
  10. Maddie and I will be thinking of Orla and you and Roy all day tomorrow.
  11. sending our thoughts and prayers to Denni and you.
  12. Mah partner in crime, I's so glad youz is feeling better. Mommy waz stupid and left herz compooter on while she went to werk. he he he and did notz close the door to herz office. I am munching on papers from the trash bin while surfing. Send me chapter 2 to proofread. I wonts ate it Is promize. Continue to getz better Ekko Wubs, MadDie
  13. Claudia, I am just seeing this, we will be saying prayers for Ekko and you that she continues to heal. now maddie has something to say eKkO, Mah partner in crime, get beTter real sOon as we have right our new book about our adventures in crime and TP. I's be thinking of yoU mah buddie, Gett well soon Wubs MaDdie
  14. I don't attend our playgroup as the field has holes in (that we have offered to fill up) - (we have since stopped using the field due to this and due to this summer's weather) but also because my girl has a kind of "alpha female" mentality when she gets to running. We have a fence in our backyard so she runs in that. I choose not to attend as I know my dog and I don't want to cause harm to another's dog if someone goes wrong. We were outside the fence one time when we did go and one of the more submissive greys got a pack of the other greys to gang up on her. I tried to break it up from outside the fence and Maddie (if she was on the inside) would have been one of the dogs to gang up on this grey. I would not be able to live with myself if she did harm to another grey. Glad we were on the outside of the fence. we have a waiver that we have to sign. Plus playdate is on Saturday AM which is not really a good time for me. As it is errand time LOL. I agree with the others that you should not pitch in, the IG owner should have seen that these were all greyhounds and NOT IGs that were in the playgroup. You voice your concerns prior to the playdate.
  15. Big sigh of relief here in NC that is not the bad "C" word. Sheila, Give her a big hug from me and give one to Elphie too!
  16. Beth Maddie did the same thing when I got her. She bent the bars on 2 wire crates and ate her way out of the the plastic crate (airline crate) prior to that. She howled as well. I did not crate her when I was only leaving. I did it when I was home too and it was awful listening to her. She just hated her crate. It was SA as well as hating the crate, I consulted with the vet and took steps and did alone training with her. I know what you and Pete are going through with him and it is stressful for all invovled and with a sick family member to worry about well it is more stressful. Can you muzzle him out of the crate when you are not there, and close doors and and baby gate off areas that that you don't want him in? I did that with Maddie and also did medication as a last resort and have not looked back and she is more confident and we are both happy. Hugs to all you during this time. Amy and Maddie
  17. Crossing our fingers and paws here for Phantom and Sheila.
  18. Joe T. We hope you feel better soon Maddie and her Hooman Amy
  19. I am so sorry for your loss. Abby will be missed. I loved her "giving kisses" and "listening while on the phone" pix. She is a beautiful girl.
  20. Robin, we are sending hugs, kisses and healing thoughts your way. Hope you feel better real soon Maddie and her hooman amy
  21. Maddiesmom


    Run free Wimslow. Watch over your Mom and dad. Hugs to them from Maddie and I
  22. Welcome to GT!! Blue is a great food. Maddie loves The Blue treats. I went to high school in CT with the Bishop brothers and they are a great family and very committed to their company. Their Dog Blue, passed away from cancer. Maddie is a an online trading card for Blue as well.
  23. Run Pain Free Pudge. You will be missed by many. Go find Outlaw, Freckles, Braden, Rachael and Martin at the Bridge.
  24. Run Free Sweet Rachael. So many loved you and will always remember you. Find Outlaw, Braden, Freckles and all the others at the bridge and they will show you the way. Run Pain Free sweet girl. :gh_run
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