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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Thanks. They fine needle aspirated it to find out what it was 3 years ago as it looks like a tick when you first see it, but it it is not a tick color and it does have hair growing out of it. It was determined it was cyst. Since she will be sedated for her dental (under a local) but still kind of awake I thought now would be a good time to have it removed.
  2. Judy How did the vet remove them from Arrow? Did he have stitches? I have an appt for Maddie in June for Maddie for a dental and they will be removing her cyst as well on her leg as she has been "nipping" at it lately and it starting to turn a purple like color (probably blood) as she is picking at it. she has been sporting a t shirt when she does this. Since the cyst has not burst on its on, I am not going to pick at it as when I do things they turn out worse and it would probably get infected with my luck. I'll let the pros handle this.
  3. Blair. I am so sorry. Sparkle will be among friends at the Rainbow Bridge. Thinking of you and your crew. Hugs Amy & Maddie
  4. I too am using the cream and the stuff that you put on before it (can't remember with it is called right now) Maddie's pad is still hard from the corn, I have hulled it once already. I am not giving up. Can't do it twice a day during the week as do not have time in the morning, but try to do 2 times a day on the weekends. She sits there and lets me do it, but afterwards she tries to lick that same foot, so the "toddler sock" goes on that foot. When we go on our morning walk before I go to work, I put her thera paw on to try and give her some relief on that paw.
  5. My heart sank Blair when I saw Kevin's name. I am sooo sorry. I loved reading about Kevin and House's adventures. You and your Pack are in my thoughts. Run Free sweet Kevin. We love you Amy and Maddie
  6. Try "Leave it" or getting him to focus his attention on something else such as you.. It may work and it may not. Maddie has been off the track for almost 6 years and if she sees a squirrel or a rabbit in the backyard- they better run. She has caught 2 bunnies in the 5 and half years I have had her. Both lived to see another day. On walks she has seen bunnies and I do leave it and divert her attention onto me.
  7. Adrianne Maddie is a part of the corn dog club. I have had the cream and the serum but I must admit I had not been using it daily (bad Mommy Bad, Mommy.) We went last Thursday to the vet, had her hull it again (it had been about a year since she hulled it last- and Maddie hated it last time) This time Maddie tolerated it very well. I had ordered a another tub as ours had turned a brownish color when we put it on (I called Erica and she said to check the expiration date- it was about a week from expiring- threw it away- ordered new tube and vowed to start new- using every day) - have the dentral root elevator, therapaw and new tube came in last night's mail- so we will be starting today. It is sitting on the counter with her meds that we have to use for same paw as she had a cut that I did not know about (I thought she was licking do to the cream) so she is vet wrapped at night as she drives me crazy licking at night.
  8. No- Ducky I am so sorry to be reading this. I have so words as I am shocked... Hugs
  9. I am so sad to read of Becky (Piglet's) passing - (i follwed her story from when you posted her Story with her ownstroller/ wagon) for her to go on walks) She is a special girl who fought on and will not be forgotten. Run Free and Pain Free Piglet with all the other Bridge kids. We love you. Amy and Maddie
  10. Off topic here but I asked for a donation from Hills Pet product, they set some product to us. A survey ended up in my email in regards to their customer survey (which was really good) I took the survey - gave them good results and a few days letter a leeter and a 10.00 off coupon was in my mailbox thanking me for taking the time to take the survey. I don't use Hills but use give the coupon to our kennel to use for food. But I thought that was pretty awesome of them considering they sent us a donation and all for our event.
  11. Once again Batmom, you say what I was thinking! I did use K9 Advantix on George a few times before my vet told me it was too dangerous to use since I have cats. He was fine with it. I use Frontline Plus, and he has never had a flea, nor has my previous dog. I've seen ticks walking on George, but in nearly four years, he's only had two embedded ticks. I think he just doesn't taste good to ticks! We go to Nantucket--a hotbed of tick borne diseases. You have to use common sense and stay out of tall grasses, etc., and I always check him over every night. Anyone who doesn't have a tick comb should get one. Easiest way to find the little bastards! Susan- We do the same thing when we go to Nantucket- Stay out of high grass. I check Maddie daily though when we are there. A few years ago, I thought she had a tick when we got back from our yearly trip up North, it would not come off, come to find out when we went to the vet the next day as it started bleeding it was a cyst.
  12. I am so sorry. Mittens sounds like a very special and lucky girl to have found your family. Mittens is running free now with the rest of the Bridge kids. Hugs to you and yours. Amy & Maddie
  13. Lindsay, I did some googling once I saw Cricket on wheelchairs for dogs. I also found Eddie's Wheels as a source, I also found this. http://www.wheelchairsfordogs.com/ This site stood out me as there a letter from a lady with her german shepard on the main page in his wheels in a lake playing ball. I thought that was cool. There are many sites that have them for dogs. I also found DIY instructions if someone wanted to make a homemade wheelchair for Cricket, as well used http://handicappedpet.net/class/showproduct.php?product=243&title=useddog-wheelchair-made-by-eddie-27s-wheels&cat=11, there are also some for sale on ebay as well. hope this helps. Good thoughts for Cricket. Amy & Maddie
  14. I don't do it everyday but Maddie loves tuna fish (so much that when I rinse the can and leave it in the sink, she gets it out and makes sure it is clean LOL) and sugar free applesauce. and cheese. I can't open the cheese drawer without her hearing me.
  15. Good thoughts for Gracey and Kristin from Maddie and Me.
  16. It looks like Maddie's corn to me. She pulls away too when it is pressed on it. We have been using the cream that was mentioned here on GT in another tread and it seems to be working as well as a thera paw when she is on hard surfaces.
  17. I put applesauce on Maddie's Iams food (this is what the kennel was feeding her when I got her over 5 years ago) so when she pulls the stunt of eating part of her food (I add water as well before putting the applesauce on her kibble)- I checked with our vet and they advised that the the applesauce is fine as long as it is sugar free and not cinnamon. I switch it around with wet food as well.
  18. Ducky, I am so sorry about Bandit. He will be missed by many. Bandit, go find, Nina, Wally and Thane and the rest of the McComas furkid angels. They will be waiting for you and you will all run free together. Hugs Ducky Amy and Maddie
  19. Sosorry for your brother and his families loss of Milkshake (love that name) Run free shake- you will be missed
  20. What a beautiful tribute to a special girl who was loved,known and will be missed by many. Run Free Dimples.
  21. Maddie had BAD SA when I first got her over 5 years ago. She would howl, and managed eat herself out of the plastic airline crate, and 2 wire crates. Latches on one were still locked when I home- still have noe idea how she got out of that one and bent the metal on the other. I was advised tokeep her in the crate. I did not know better as I was a first time greyhound, they were the experts (I thought). I tried everything, alone training, leaving the TV and radio on, comfort Zone DAP diffuser. I finally took a leap of faith after talking to the vet, took her out of the crate and put her on clomicalm. I babygated and closed doors that I did not her going into. For a few weeks I came home during lunch to check on her and then weaned her off of my coming home for lunch. This was the best thing I did for her was taking her out of the crate and the clomicalm. Clomicalm took about a month to kick in, but I am so glad that I did what I did as I have a totally different outgoing and confident dog. Tell the adopter to Take it one day at a time and have her join us here on GT as she is not the first to have a grey with SA. We are here for her.
  22. Shannon Maddie is an only dog. I used meds (clomicalm) as a last resort along with taking her out of the crate (as she ate her way out of 3, 1 plastic and 2 wire) and she is fine now.
  23. Shannon I sent you a PM. Mads had bad SA Amy
  24. Maddie did the same thing with escaping out of 2 metal crates (she bent the bars on one) and the other I still have not figured out how she got out of as everything was latched when I got home - and that was over 5 years ago, and she also got out of the plastic airline crate. We resorted to clomicalm as well with the advice of our vet as a last resort. What I did and it worked while she was on the clomicalm (and it was a big leap of faith for me being a first time greyhound owner) was take her out of the crate, put it in the garage and let her have free access to parts of the house. I shut doors and baby gated areas that I did not want her in. I dog proofed the house as I did not want to muzzle her all day and for about a week or so, I drove home everyday during lunch to check on her. After that I went to every other day to not 1 day a week to not coming home at all during lunch. I also wore her out by long walks and playing. I know some of this may not be possible for you- such as driving home during luch but this worked for us. we did the alone training as well and she took the medicine. I still give it to her in advance when I know we are going to be travelling as she is not good sometimes in hotels. I also muzzle her in the hotel and aslo wear her out there as well. Stick with the alone training. Take one day at a home and it gets better, trust me, I was in your shoes and I have a competely different dog now who is not as scared and afraid as she once was, she is now a outgoing, loving and friendly goofy girl who is our best M& G dog. Amy and Maddie
  25. Lindsey- Thank you for helping Chase. When my food hound Maddie stopped eating all of her food and leaving most of it in the dish (she still ate her treats though LOL) I resorted to applesauce on top of her food. She started to lose a pound or 2 which is nothing for her but I wanted to nip it in the bud. I found out she liked applesauce after I had a snack pack container of it while on the couch and she stuck her nose in and started slurping away. She is now once again a member of the clean plate club. Just an idea for Chase.
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