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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Quility, Get better soon!! We are thinking of you! Amy and Maddie
  2. Quility, Get better soon!! We are thinking of you! Amy and Maddie
  3. Yes, you will. I think I'd be in big trouble if I didn't bring up. She already has a GFNC fan club demanding an appearance. Greyt. Can't wait to meet her. Glad everything went well at her checkup.
  4. She is a cutie- Will Maddie and I be able to meet her at Open house next month?
  5. Maddie had a problem kinda of like this with her webbing. I would bandage her up with vet wrap, EMT gel, and wrapt it in toddler sock, and no running for Ms. Maddie, it would scab over, however the scab would come off somehow and it would start bleeding again. This went on for about a week and half or so. I took her to the vet and they examined her and we (the vet and I) agreed that the only way it would heal properly wwas to stitch it. they put 2 stitches in it, gave her the shot before putting the stitches in of course) wrapped her paw up again in vet wrap - and told me to leash walk for 10 days. since then (1 1/2 years ago) we have had no problems with the webbing.
  6. i second this. You can buy the capstar product online. When Maddie had fleas I bathed her in in Dawn dishwashing detergent (as I was told by someone to try this as it works), sprayed the backyard, washed her beds, my linens, and put down a spray or powder (adams) on the carpet and vacuumed like there was no tomorrow. The capstar is supposed to work within a 1/2 hour after you feed the pill to the dog or cat. You will need to buy the product for the dog and also for the cat as they make it for each animal. Dose them 1 once a day for three day and then every other days til the box of 6 is gone is what I was told. I also tried 1 month Advantage on Maddie however, she had a reaction so we had to go back to the Frontline+ but I am happy to say that after a vacation on Nantucket where the neighbor's dog had fleas she DID KNOT get fleas again (THANK DOG) - I was very agressive in the preventantive care and did not allow her to visit the neighbor and I dosed her again with the capstar. My vet stated that fleas have been bad on the east coast this year. They are a pain to get rid of. I feel the trouble that you are going through as it is not fun. Good luck.
  7. Holly I am so sorry. I am just reading this and am shocked that am. I have been on vacation and did not check GT and when I was on I did not see it. Hugs to you and you gang. We are here for you. Amy and Maddie
  8. Aw Ducky. What a greyt gift Thane has sent you. Congratulations. So are you going to be at open house in October as I have never seen a galgo in person and I would love for Nina to be my first (since Thane sent her to you)
  9. I thought it might have been for you, but Ducky gave you some info. You are not to far from GFNC in Greensbror0, they are having an open house in October on the 24, maybe we can see you there? Amy
  10. Outlaw and Holly (and Stepper too) Maddie sends you all a big wet kiss from her. Hope that things get better soon. Amy and Maddie Wubs you guys
  11. Where in NC are you? I have friends that work in the medical field in Charlotte that may have recommendations.
  12. I knew you would see that I actually have been using that to lay over his shoulders to keep them warmer, since I know that makes arthritis feel better Outlaw always lets out a big sigh when I do.... Oh Outlaw- you let out a big sigh too, Maddie does that sometimes at night when we go to bed but she is a lot younger than you- she is only 7. I think it is because of the busy days she has had. Hope you are having a better day. Love you.
  13. Outlaw- you get better for your Mommy. Hi Stepper. I recognize that blankie- Maddie gave that to you all - Outlaw maybe if you lie on that it will help as I think Maddie sniffed that before we sent it to you. Love you guys!!!
  14. I used BIO Spot on my yard when Maddie had fleas earlier this year and it worked great. Got it at Petsmart and attached it to the hose.
  15. Kristin I am sorry to hear about this. Maddie and I are sending you good thoughts while we are vacationing at my parents. Hope its gets better for you and the pups. Here is a big for you all. Amy and Maddie
  16. Outlaw Maddie here Keep drinking- it is Hooot down there in Texas. It is hot here in NC. Mommy likes it too when I drink water. Water is goods four us houndies. Keep it up. And tell Stepper and Cabby I said it was Okay for youz to rest youz head on one of the bunnees. Wubs, Maddie
  17. Outlaw, Maddie here, Stepper's girlfriend. Please gets better soon. Mommy and I are thinking of you and yourz family Wub Maddie and Amy (I mean Mommy.) heres a hug for you and your Mommy
  18. Ducky and gang. I am so sorry for your loss of Thane.!! That was one of the most beautiful tributes I've ever read... what a special boy and you know what a special family you guys are to have been able to hold him for way too short a time. Thane knew it too, he knew how much you all loved him. I wish I would have been able to meet him in person, however I already feel like I know him with the stories that you shared about him here on GT and at Mountain Hounds this year. The photo of him in his Mickey ears I could never tire of and it always brought a smike to my face. Thane buddy, you are pain free. Look over you Mommy and Daddy and your siblings. Go meet up with Freckles and she will show you everything about the bridge. And send a sign to your Mommy and Daddy to let them know that you are ok. We miss you Thane and love you. Run free Thane. Hugs Ducky and gang. Amy and Maddie
  19. NO. I can't believe I am reading this. Thane Maddie and I along with your family will miss you tons. Your Mickey mouse photo always brought a smile to my face. You were one of my favorites. Ducky and gang I am so sorry. I am here for you
  20. Diane, I am so sorry to hear about Dodge. I loved seeing him at Mountain Hounds this year and that Dr Couto was able to see him. Again I am so sorry.
  21. Thane and Ducky we are thinking of you. Thane buddy- get better soon. I wants to see you at open house in October - Wubs MaDdie
  22. Diane I am so sorry. Please give Dodge a big hug from Maddie and I. Here is a hug from me to you. We are thinking of you both. Amy and Maddie
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