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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Ducky, Did you not get the point when I put Ewwwww next to it. Trust me guys it is bad. I think I need therapy after looking at THAT picture. I wonder if my company's health insurance would cover it, the therapy that is. Did you look at it while you were at work? If so, it could qualify for a work comp claim. I did but being that I am a claims adjuster (not a work comp one though) I guess I will pass on that. Good thing I did not have lunch yet when I did otherwise I would have been . I do learn something new here everyday.
  2. Ducky, Did you not get the point when I put Ewwwww next to it. Trust me guys it is bad. I think I need therapy after looking at THAT picture. I wonder if my company's health insurance would cover it, the therapy that is.
  3. I just googled it and found a picture of one on a person's foot. Ewwww
  4. Tom, I am so sorry. I read the title and thought not Tom's Jed. I don't know what to say. I am so sorry. Hugs Amy and Maddie
  5. Oh no. I am so sorry Beth. Run free Ears.
  6. Run free little Aang.
  7. Smiley - Welcome to the foster homes of all foster homes- you hit the jackpot. That is mah boyfriend Stepper the cuddler! All girl houndies he is mine! wubs Maddie
  8. blackheads. Yummy (KNOT). I have heard of people using warm compresses too as well as the above suggestions. Maddie has just a few so I got lucky with this. But I did see a bad case at our kennel 2 years on a dog just arrived from the track.
  9. Holly and everyone with GALT I am so sorry. Whiskey knows that you all loved him. RUN free sweet Whiskey, you were loved by so many.
  10. Holly and gang I am so sorry, I am sitting here wiping at the tears after reading that wonderful tribute to Crackerjack. Know that I am thinking of you. Amy and Maddie
  11. He didn't want breakfast this morning, even though he had to be fasting. I fixed a small meal after he'd been home a while. I'd say he ate only 1/3 cup of kibble/yogurt/broth. His small amount of poop was small, gooey, but formed. He's been hanging out in his back bedroom hideaway (normal), but lifts his head and wags his tail each time I go to check on him. The next time the vet and I can get together to talk about this (rather than 2nd hand from one of the other vets) is Wednesday. Amy, can you handle a re-run mouse ears picture if he doesn't feel like wearing them on his birthday tomorrow? Of course I can handle I a re-run I was not expecting him to wear them if the poor boy (Poor Thane) is does not feel like wearing them. It still makes me giggle. Tell Thane that Maddie is also not feeling well. She barfed yesterday morning before I left to go to work. When I came home, I notice that she had barfed 4 more times. (Poor Mads) She layed on her bed for a while last night and looked pathetic. she had rice last night and this am. she is a little more perky this am. But I think she knows that Thane is not feeling well either. SO Thane Get Better as Maddie KNOWS that you are not feeling well and she is not feeling well either. Ducky give Thane a happy birthday kiss from us
  12. Ducky is he eating? Will he at least eat rice?
  13. Thane I talked to your Mommy about you today buddy and she and I are both worried about you. Please get better buddy, as you are turning the big 1 0. that means double digits and a big party. Will wear your Mickey ears for me? Get better and rest up and eat something for your Mommy and Daddy, if not for them then for me ok buddy.... please! lubs aunt amy and Maddie
  14. I am so sorry. Bosha was an inspiration to many and will be missed. Run free Bosha. to his family
  15. Thane, buddy Keep giving Daddy those greyt presents and getting better. We are thinking of you and we told you Mommy at Mountain Hound how much we LOVE your Mickey ears photos. Love Amy and Maddie
  16. No problem. I meant to do it earlier but kept forgetting, now the bugs or (whatever they are) are here and I am trying to nip it in the "bud" before it becomes a big problem. Maddie is on Frontline plus and has been since I got her in October 2005, however this is a first of having them for us. My vet quoted like $68 (i think or approximately) for a 6 pack of comfortis- Dtrs foster and smith have it for 71.99 for the 60.1-120# dogs
  17. Ok- here's is the situation, I found some (what I am assuming to be like fleas on Maddie) they were brown, had wings and squished when i got got them off her (eww I know). (I have "bombed the house" with the carpet stuff, washed Maddie and her beds and gave her a Capstar to be on the safe side of heading off a big inestation or possible reinfestation in the future. I am assuming that she has built up a resistance to her Frontline Plus so I talked to our vet this morning about switching her to another flea preventative. The vet tech talked about Comfortis (which I have heard and read about) however, not sure if I want to swtich to Comfortis as I am hesistant about switching her to a product that I have little or no information on (other then the brochure and reading on line). I know that the pill is given - instead of applying to their coat. All of the greyhound owners I know, use Frontline Plus, K-9 Advantix, Advantage etc. So my question is- how many people here use Comfortis for flea preventative on their greyhounds? and what are the side effects if any? and how long has your grey been on Comfortis. Any information is greatly appreciated.
  18. Diane We were talking about this at Mtn Hounds in regards to corns. Try duct tape on it. I have heard people say that it works. Maddie does not have corns so I not had to use any methods for corn removal. Glad to hear that Dodge is doing better Amy and Maddie
  19. Dianne It was so nice to meet you at Mtn Hounds (I was working registeration on Sat morning) I saw Dodge on Sat and he looked great to me for a houndie that just had surgery. I am so glad that you both were able to see Dr. Cuoto and that Dodge is doing better every day. Give him a big hug and kiss for me and a treat from Maddie. Amy and Maddie PS - pm your address so I can get a tax receipt to you. Thanks
  20. Welcome home Outlaw. Love your Birthday as it is the same as mine!!
  21. Nancy I am so sorry to hear the loss of Hunky, he was a very special boy to many and will be missed by many.
  22. Happy Birthday Bonnie... . Maddie and I finally got to meet your Mommy and Daddy, your brother and sissy this weekend.
  23. Hey Linda Are Riley and Maddie related in some way? Maddie likes to get into things outside too and usually before I can get to her. I also have to go outside and supervise. My usual saying to Maddie is "Maddie, Stop eating that," or put that down. and Maddie is usually like la la la can't hear you Mom. Hope Riley is feeling better soon!!!!
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