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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. MaDdie, I will pass this advice along to him when I get home this afternoon. I'll let him answer! Blair Yo MaDdie, It's me, Kevin. Thanks for the input. I don't know why I don't like towels or muzzles...they just scare me. When I get scared, I growl and sometimes act bad. I'm trying to do better...Momma tells me I'm doing better. I like baths...they feel good. I don't run around all crazy when I'm wet like my brothers and sisters...I just shake it all off and lay in the dirt. That way, when I'm all dry, Momma uses that rubber thing to get all the dirt off....I love that rubber thing! It was pretty cold last night and it took me a long time to get warm....maybe there is something to that towel business that I'm missing. Momma put a big beach towel on my bed tonight but Stella is laying on it. As soon as she gets up, maybe I'll give it a try...it looks pretty scary...it's pink. I'll let you know. I know you already have a boyfriend but I'll be looking for you in June in case you have second thoughts about hooking up. Hugs and kisses, Kev Kev Mommy and I wills be leading the charity walk in town on friday night through Gatlinburg. Come join us. MaDdie
  2. Kevin, MaDdie heer. The Momma laddy is just trying too helps youz so youz don't catches a cold. I hate baths and being cold and wet butts I's let Mommy dry me off, and then I runs around likes a mad woman and rubs up against anything (the couch). Cut yourz Momma laddy a break and let her dry youz off. MaDdie
  3. Hi Jennifer- Maddie says Hi. We are hoping to come down and lure race/course with you all soon (maybe March). Did not knowt that Willow had been ill last year. Hope she is better.
  4. Congrats Sprinkles and welcome to TDI. You will love all the pets and hugs that you get from being a TD dog. It is fun. As soon as the Ronald McDonald house opens in Charlotte, Mommy is going to take me there- do I get chicken nuggets there? Signed Maddie (who is also a TDI dog and loves it)
  5. That is great news Deb. Hope to see you, DH and Arlo and the rest of your gang at MH this year.
  6. Maddie is a part of this disgusting club. I use a squirt gun when I see her try and do it. when she see it, she runs, she hates getting any water on her. I also use a squirt bottle for when she barks, she does the same thing.
  7. I am so sorry. Gremlin was a special girl and I loved reading your posts about her. Run Free Gremlin. Hugs. Amy and Maddie
  8. Maddie was on it as well when I first got her over 5 years ago. It was the last resort - she was on it for 2 or 3 months as well. I put it in pill pockets and she gobbled it up and I also used peanut butter as well. We still use it but only when we are travelling and when we stay in hotels.
  9. Ember, Daddyman and many others miss you., including me.
  10. Sending prayers and good thoughts to you and Dude.
  11. I muzzle Maddie when we go to Greyhound events, Beachbound Hounds, and Mountain Hounds and she will be in the hotel by herself. Reason being is that she has seperation anxiety and she once chewed a hotel door (that was my mistake not hers) as she was on her seperation anxiety medication and I thought she would be fine. I also muzzle as we have to when we are lure racing, or at playgroup or when there are more then 1 dog that we are not familiar with. Maddie still has a high prey drive.
  12. Maddiesmom

    Gone 5 Years

    Hugs to you Ken. See you at MH this year? Amy and Maddie
  13. Ahh, Maddie where do I begin. She eats things out of waste baskets if I forget to close doors, she eats poop if I am not fast enough to aim the squirt gun at her if I catch her during it. and My Barking greyhound. She was the only grey not barking in the kennel when I was there looking to adopt, little did I know. She barks when she is bored, when I am on the phone with 1 of 3 people, or when she has to go outside even it is is 130am or something in that area of the night. But I love her.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss. We will be thinking of you. Hugs Amy and Maddie
  15. Maddiesmom


    RIP Jeff. Many will be there to met you at the bridge. I think I remember him and Goldie from the website that I sometimes visit. He was a handsame boy and Goldie is a pretty girl.
  16. Oh no, my heart sank when I saw his name. I loved reading your posts about Gustopher P. What a beautiful tribute to your boy. I am so sorry, he will be missed by many. Run free sweet Gustopher P. Hugs Amy and Maddie
  17. Happy irthday Pretty girl Ember.
  18. Good for you. Maddie has one, I had the vet one it once and then came to GT for advice. wWe have been we have using the cream from Murray's Apothecary that several GTers have been using with their greys and it does the same thing that i am able to get it out. However, Maddie is not as calm as Chevy is, she pulls her foot back and I totally understand why. Amy & Maddie
  19. That is so exciting. She is coming out of her shell. I remember when Maddie stopped being my "shadow" and being velcro'd to me. I was just as excited as you are as it bing steps for them. Congrats.
  20. Ducky, I am not sure if you remember Califano or not (he was a goofy black boy that was at GFNC for over a year) if I decided to foster him, (he was adopted in 2 weeks after being in our house which I was shocked he went so fast) I believed he was missing the same toe (I am going off memory as it has been 2 years ago this month that he was with us) and he was fine. We will be thinking of Gracie tomorrow.
  21. Maddie is 8 and still shreds paper that is left in plain sight for her. I have many of times (of course my fault) have lost a bill to Maddie's mouth. She has now learned Toilet paper. FUN. I use a squirt bottle on her when I catch her. I also use a squirt gun on her outside when I catch in her another activity I can't stand - eating poop and digging. I have so many holes in the backyard, one of these days, I swear I am going to twist an ankle mowing it LOL - she sees me with the squirt gun and runs. I have learned to close doors, clean off counters (as she counter surfs) and not leave paper on the coffee table. Now that it is getting colder, she is running down the hallway with a tennis ball or a toy, which is fine with me as long as she is not shredding the bills, i have no problem with it
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