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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Oh no, my heart sank when I saw her name here. Judy, Mike Kevin and the rest of the fullhouse. I am so sorry. Run free sweet Dani
  2. Heather I am so sorry, Run free Haley
  3. Maddiesmom


    Marc- I am so sorry. I always love reading about the Joisey Girls. Run free Honey
  4. Maddie eats something that she should not (usually paper, or licks the tuna or soup can clean that was in the sink soaking for recycling) and it is usually my fault for leaving it so close to the Maddie nose level. I went out for an hour on Saturday to get candy for last night, I came home and she had eaten the renewal notice for my newsweek magazine. Thanks Maddie that is another bill that I have to call and get another copy of it. I have learned not to say "My Dog ate it"when i call for another copy. I have learned after 6 years with the paper bandi that it usually shows up somewhere in the backyard. Maddie loves paper, does she think it has fiber or something like that in it.
  5. I am so sorry. Dude was a very special grey.
  6. Maddiesmom

    Chase Is Gone

    Lindsay, I am so sorry for the loss of Chase, what a great tribute to a special girl. She was lucky to have you for those 10 special 10 months, which were probably the best 10 months of her life. Run free Sweet Chase.
  7. WOW, poor Ace. This is not the way to correct this type of behavior. Hope he did not have to go outside to pee and then peed in his crate as he tried to tell you and you ignored his signal and you scold him for having an accident. Maddie barks when she needs to go out, it may be at 1230am 4am or she may sleep through the night but if she is telling me I am going to get up and let her out even if she went out before bedtime She is not as young as she used to be and neither am I. LOL
  8. ummom Have you ever heard the greyhound scream of death, or the high pitch scream of a dog or rabbit when another animal has gotten it? I have and it was 2 months after I got Maddie 6 years ago. I can still hear it. It was a bunny that she caught in our backyard, and it is the worst feeling to know that your dog has caught something. You hope that you will not have to end the poor animal's life (I did not, luckily) but I remember that day like it was yesterday. I have also been to our playgroup which is all greyhound and they all ganged up on the weakest grey in the group. I saw it from outside the fence and had to hold Maddie. WE WERE OUTSIDE THE FENCE AND I STILL HAD TO HOLD TIGHT ON HER LEASH. Yes my girl has a prey drive, and I know this. We live in a good size city that used to have you buy a pass to get into the dog park, they stopped doing that. Now anyone can go to the dog park. I never went before that and I will never go now. Too many dumb owners who "think" they know their dogs. I have seen too many dogs get injured when owners thought they were just "playing". The dogs were not playing as the owners did not read the dogs' signals and a fight broke out. If don't take Ace to the dog park when there are other dogs there, take him by himself and let him run alone if he is "begging you to go there" . As others have stated, go to the Lexus Project website and see the REASON WHY IT WAS STARTED.
  9. Maddie is on only dog so she does nopt do much growling. The one time I heard her growl. I was shocked and did not correct her. The doorbell rang, I usually don't answer the door unless I am expecting someone. I knew this was someone solicting something as I saw them through the windows we have on the sides of the door. I didn;t answer. Maddie went running to the door (as she thinks everyone that rings the doorbell is there to see her) when I did not get up to answer it, she ran back and looked at me with an expression of "mom, aren't you going to get it" then she ran back to the door and then to the widow that she looks out of, saw the person stil there and started growling (like my mommy does not want you here, go away) I was impressed and shocked and gave her a "good girl" when I knew the person had left. Before that she has never growled, just barked.
  10. Mike, Judy, Kevin and Gang, My heart sank when I saw Gee's name. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs from us. Run free Gee Amy & Maddie
  11. Judy and the Fullhouse, We have all our fingers, toes and paws crossed here that Gee will be fine. We are sending extra thoughts and prayers your way for Gee. :hope Amy & Maddie
  12. I am surprised that Blue will not release the results. I know the family that owns the company as I went to high school with both their 2 boys. Blue is headquartered in my hometown of Wilton, CT.
  13. Cory and Family I am so sorry. The posts of Rainy's adventures in reading with kids was one of the reasons Maddie and i got into (what is known as Paws to Read) here in charlotte. Rainy, Maddie and I thank you for that. We knew about the program but one of libraries was not interested, but I found one that is and we love it as much as the kids do. Go find your brother Doc, who is probably chasing swirrels. (Doc was our SS last year) He will be there to meet you. Corey and family, hugs to you all.
  14. Greg and the magid foster home, I am just seeing this about Baby Girl, I am so sorry, Thank you for loving her as your own, I don't think she knew she was a foster. Run free Baby Girl. Amy & Maddie
  15. Maddiesmom


    Oh no, my heart dropped when I saw Steak's name here. Beth and girls, I am so sorry, and I Ioved reading about Steak and seeing his photos in which he is smiling. Hugs to you all. Amy & Maddie ETA as I can't spell through the tears
  16. My heart sank when I saw Bee's name here in Remembrance. I loved reading about the adventures of Bee Wiseman and Murray. She is loved by many and will be missed by many. Run Free Ms. Bee and go and find all of the bridge kids that will meet you there and run with you. You are missed Sweet girl. Hugs to you all . Amy & Maddie My heart sank when I saw Bee's name here in Remembrance. I loved reading about the adventures of Bee Wiseman and Murray. She is loved by many and will be missed by many. Run Free Ms. Bee and go and find all of the bridge kids that will meet you there and run with you. You are missed Sweet girl. Hugs to you all . Amy & Maddie
  17. I was thinking the same exact thing that the guy stated that. I wonder what he does to his own dog if it may misbehave
  18. My parents sold their house. The only place I have to stay is an air mattress in Mom's new (small) apartment! And I work in the securities industry; Monday is not a holiday for us! So, the answer is no! But if an old lady with chin length grey hair approaches you and asks you if you know George and Chikken Arms, that's my Mom. Apparently she's been doing this to anyone she sees with a Greyhound!!!! Maddie and I are not going as I don't have Monday off either. I just read that Nantucket's MSPCA is closing and people are ticked as they should be. However, Maddie will going home with me when I go home to CT for Christmas.
  19. Susan- Maddie has something like the cube that George has - it is a ball that she has to roll around in order to dispense treats or "cookies" as we say in our house. she will be rolling that thing around when I am home after I have just filled it up, it is hysterical to watch her. Going to Nantucket this weekend? My parents, brother niece and nephew are all there. I am so jealous as they said the weather is beautiful.
  20. Maddie is an excellent burper and is usually next to face or near me when she does burp. Very lady like Maddie.
  21. First of all, Welcome to GT and the word of Greyhounds. Take a deep breath, I was in your position 6 years ago with Maddie. I was a first time adopter with a grey who you could tell had bonded fast with me. I read all the books before I got her. Got the crate etc. Picked her up and slept on the couch in the living room the first night with her in her crate. She did fine. Left the house and did along training during the weekend and heard her crying. We had a sever case of Seperation Anxiety. She hated the crate. She put the brakes on when I tried to get her in there, even with food and she is VERY food motivated. However, the group told me to keep her in the crate and figured that they were the experts. I left thte TV and music on for her . 2 months and 3 crates (both plastic and wire) later and me in tears and her blood on the carpet from prying the bars of the wire crate, I took a leap of faith, closed all the doors that I did not want her in, used baby gates and put her muzzle on (til I could trust her not to chew on anything) and with a RX from our vet for clomicalm (this was a last resort). I closed the door and went to work, came home and there were no accidents, no damage and a happy dog wagging her tail waiting for me at the door. This still continues 6 years later. The above is a shorten version of everything I did but hits the main points. Don't be afraid to get advise from your vet or put him on medication for the short time while he is adapting. It does get better, I promise and each day you will see your dog's personality come through. I did with Maddie. She is now a therapy dog, kids read to her at the library, she is one of our best M&G dogs and has never met a stranger, she leans on everybody. I put my self in Maddie's position in which she was at a kennel with all her buddies was moved several states to a new kennel where she did not know the dogs and then to a home where she was the only dog. It must have been scary. Like of like when I left college and moved to a new city and knew no one. But i adapted and she did too. I couldn't ask for a better dog, she is my best buddy and I love her to pieces. Maddie still has some SA, if I am out in the garage and she can hear me, she cries and barks. But she knows Mommy is coming back in soon. I have used a thundershirt for her when we are in hotels and it seems to work. Hope this helps Amy and Maddie
  22. maddie is not so much gassy anymore- she is more of a a burper. and a big one.
  23. So sorry this happened to you and Olivia. Hugs to you both. Maddie and I were attacked on our OWN property by a loose dog. Here in Charlotte, there is a leash law, this particular owner thought it did not apply to him. It was an early Saturday morning about 6 months after I got Maddie. We were in our own backyard walking to the end of it, saw the dog and his owner siting on a bench on the HOA property behind ours. Turned around and walked back to the house and before I knew it, the dog came charging and I threw myself in between the 2 dogs to protect Maddie. The other owner is calling for his dog (which did not listen to him) I am screaming and yelling at him to get his dog away from us and off my property. Called Animal Control and reported it right after it happened (as this is not the first time that this dog was off leash or charged someone) - AC came to the house, looked Maddie over (she has some scars from her racing days but the dog did not get her or me) and then went and talked to the owner) A few days later the owner is yelling at me as I called the "police on him" and I tried to explain to him that his dog attacked us and was off leash. His wife is taking cell phone photos of Maddie "peeing" and tells me to pick it up. Pick up what- she peed. They were a class act and got another dog, a little fluffy thing. They no longer live in the house as it was foreclosed on. I always wonder whay happened to the big dog as he lived in a crate in the garage, It probably would have been better if AC had taken the dog as he would have had a better life. That owner did not deserve to have a dog and that poor dog did not deserve to have a dumb owner like that. Two weeks after that happened, my fence went up in the backyard.
  24. I don't know if what Maddie does is called trancing but almost every morning on our walks (we take the same route) she rubs her back (almost like a cat scratching their back ) up against a low lying tree and it is the same tree and then turns around and does the same thing. It is a riot. She does it even with her coat on in the winter.
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