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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. In the last picture the spot at 3pm looks like the corn that I had removed from one of Maddies's pads today. Her pads are also dry and cracked. I have been using Bag Balm to help with the drying and cracking. I have no idea about the nails. I would def get the nails and pads looked at by the vet.
  2. That is great news to hear. Spartan is in good hands with Lynda's vet
  3. Alisha & Bob & gang I am just reading this and I am so sorry to hear about Iceman. He will be missed by many. He is truly a special hound. Hugs from Maddie and I.
  4. Sending good thoughts to you and Tippy.
  5. Jeff and Trudy I just wanted to say Thank you very much for all the help . I am finally able to log into GT from home for the first time since before Turkey day. Maddie and I are doing the happy dance right now. I can only imagine how big of any undertaking this has been and I appreciate all of your hard work and truly enjoy GT. I can relate to how Jeff was "talking" to his laptop last night Trudy, I have done that numerous times the past 2 weeks. Thanks again. Amy
  6. Why is this happening Jeff? I had the 503 message late last week and didn't quite know what or why? So it is not just me? I am SOOO glad to hear that
  7. Jeff I have a question I got the same error that foxysmom did in her earlier post about the 409 (I think that was it) and then for the past week and a half (after I took my laptop in to be serviced I have been getting a Error 503 - Service unavailable ONLY from my home, I can log on at work and on my blackbery on GT . I have taken my laptop and connect to my work's DSL. my internet provider is saying it is not them, I just had the comoputer checked for viruses and a new hard drive installed and have been on the phone with the internet provider almost nightly. I am stumped any ideas? Also when I log on from work I still get the message that we are under a scheduled maintenance. Thanks Amy
  8. Congrats Holly and Clan. He is handsome. Outlaw you did good!!
  9. We are crossing our paws and finger (we even have an extra set of paws to cross as we are dog sitting for Maddie's buddy Zoey who used to live next door to us) for a clean bill for Smiley and Cabby!!!
  10. I usually use Front Line Plus but used Advantage once this summer when we had a bout of fleas not 1 x but 2 times. I used Advantage only once as it appeared that the fleas may have built up a resistance to FL+. I will never use the Advantage again as after using it Maddie broke out in a huge red hot spot sore and had crust scabs in an area under her neck. We went to the vet and 92.00 later and advice of her to be "naked" (no collar while in the house for about a week and a half" and I had to spray medication on her and give her fish oil (still do) we are back to using Front line Plus and looking into using Comfortis. Geting rid of the fleas in the house and yard was another battle but we finally won as well. Hugs to your freind and her pup as the pup gets better.
  11. Maddiesmom


    Never forgotten, always remembered in our hearts Amy & Maddie
  12. Diane I am so sorry Run free Sweet Pablo.
  13. I am so sorry. Run free Sweet Zoey.
  14. That is awesome news!!!!! Holly was this the secret that you posted about on your FB page?
  15. Elizabeth We are thinking of William here in NC. Please keep us updated on him. Amy and Maddie
  16. Any update Holly? Maddie and I are wondering how Smiley did today.
  17. Maddie has one of these as well, hers has hair growing out of it. We aspirated it and that is how we found out it is a cyst. I refused to put her under anethesia just for this. Vet told me to keep an eye on it and if it grows any bigger she will need to have it removed, it has not grown but it did help to find out what it is. I did ask an aminal communicator to ask Maddie if it bother her and Maddie's response was "No Mommy it is not bothering me, it will pop on it's on and will go away. I am still waiting for it to pop Maddie/ Get it checked out Anne for your peace of mind. Hugs to you and your boy
  18. Woody really WUBS his boy, Linda. Jeremy you really hit the mother lode of forever homes buddy. Maddie said it was great to see you at hte beach. Hope your owie gets better and it is nothing serious. Here's a from me and a from Maddie to help you get better soon.
  19. Lisa Congrats- they are adorable with a Capital A. Can't wait to meet them at next year's BBH
  20. Maddiesmom


    I am so sorry. Sugar knows how much she was loved and she will be missed by many
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