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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Oh Jason, Please give Toby a big hug and kiss from me. It was so good to see you both on Saturday. He looked so good, you would not know he was sick if you did not know him. We are crossing fingers and paws and praying that Dr. C has good news.
  2. Maddie is my resident SA. She is well known for her SA ask anyone about BBH 2007. We have it under control now.
  3. Thinking of you and Toby - we are crossing our paws and fingers that Dr. Couto has options for you both.
  4. Robbie & family- I am so sorry for your loss of Chelsea. You all will be in my thoughts. Run Free Chelsea
  5. Alicia and family I am so sorry to here of Ava's going to the bridge she will be met by many friends. You are in my thoughts. Hugs to you. Run free Ava, you will be missed by many. Amy & Maddie
  6. Willie- Get better soon. Maddie and I are thinking of you and the Momma.
  7. Yep, Muzzle with duct tape or a stool gurad. Maddie had to go to the evet (first time ever in the 6 1/2 year that I had her for a cut in the weebing in her front paw. They sent me home with a plastic e collar which I told them she would not wear. I was right she got it off. I put a puiece of ribbon through it to keep it on til I could think of something else as she was miserable and was bumping into things, mainly my legs. I did the muzzle with duct tape when I was not home and left the muzzle off when I was home. She had 4 layers of bandages on, that I was able to take off after 4 days but had to keep bandaged for 14 days and also she had to stay inactive during that time, not fun for her or me, but the muzzle with duct tape and we used a therapaw and we got through it.
  8. I am so sorry. Run free sweet Knuckles.
  9. If it is not too far up- you can baby sock it. I would wrap vet wrap aroundthe top of it as it he is anything like Maddie they can get the sock off. ETA- I also spray a little bit of Butter Aple on the vet wrap to deter her from trying to lick or get it off of her foot.
  10. Maddie hated the bo peep e collar when she had to recently get stitches. When I came home at lunch to check on her - she had it off. I found a piece of ribbon and tied that through the loops til I could get home from work and thin of another idea. That work but she was ticked and I got stink eye really bad. People have suggested the soft e collar. I have not used that as I went the muzzle route with duct tape on the front of the muzzle - Maddie was much happier with that. My girl just sleeps during the day. When she had a cyst on her hind leg that she was picking at- we used a t shirt and that stopped her from picking or licking the cyst. Can you try, light weight jammies or something like that? That is the only thing I can thing of, besides the muzzle. I took the muzzle off when I was home and watched her like a hawk to make sure she did not lick the paw as she once managed to get her stitches out before they were ready to. The vet called her Dr. Maddie as it was about time for them to come out anyway but Mads should not have done that.
  11. Get well soon everyone in the Fullhouse. I too have a great relationship with our vet's office. Maddie loves going there. When we drive into the parking lot she knows where she is and starts wagging her tail and pacing back and forth in the back of the SUV as she wants out now to go see everyone. I also board her there too when I have to go away. She gets the royal treatment from everyone there. When they go to take her back to the kennel, she does not look back at me, she is like PARTY TIME, Mom's gone.
  12. Not toget off subject about Mac. Donna- how your SIL got the MESO (as we call it in the insurance industry) is bystander exposure. She got it from being around the asbestos not actually working with it. Any time the asbestos is disturbed there is achance for people to get any type of asbestos related disease. I handle cases every day (I am an environmental claim adjuster) in which people were exposed to asbestos. Women who washed their husband's clothing got MESO from it (shaking the clothing out) it is so sad. Babs again Maddie and I are thinking of you and Mac and hope that Dr Couto can help. We are thinking of you all.
  13. I am soo Sorry to hear this for you and Mac. Prayers to you and Mac.
  14. Actually, the problem has been with the human products from the start. There have been no problems with the vet products, but they are made at the same plant as the human drugs. So when they stopped production at that plant, it also affected the animal products. Here's an article about the human products that were recalled and why. Thanks Jennifer, he is not big on talking about the problems of work. He has a lot on his plate right now not only with this but with some other stuff as well. I had heard pieces of what was going on from my parents back in late January but did not 2+2 together to realize that it affected the products that our pets used as well. I know he does deal with Exedrin line of products so that affected him. I always thought that the animal side plant was based in Greensboro. Now I know it was not. I am stocked up on Maddie's Sentinel as I boguth a years supply back in November.
  15. My brother works for Norvartis (on the human side) I kinda knew that they were have issues with a plant but did not realize that it was affecting Intercepter and Sentinel. I asked him once if he could get me a discount on the sentinel and he can't. The human things yes, not animal thing, darn it. But I do have a huge bottle of Exedrin Migraine (which I myself do need sometimes) LOL I just got off the phone with him and ahe advised that it is not only animal stuff that they are having problems with but also human items as well too, which one he could not tell me but the problem has been going on since January.
  16. With a face like his, how can anyone dislike him? He is handsome. Welcome Home Nash. Congrats
  17. Maddie is TDI certified as well, she is in the Paws to Read program at our local library ( Rainy - fountainlady's grey inspired me to get Maddie into this) and I am finalizing the Paperwork to get Maddie to be a TD dog at Ronald Mcdonald House here in Charlotte. When I first got Maddie she had seperation anxiety, we worked through it and amazingly she passed the TDI test with flying colors, I say this as we found out about the test literally 48 hours before it took place. If you go online to Therapy dog international, it tells you what you and the dog need to do in order to pass the test. It is fun and rewarding and Maddie knows she has a "job" to do when we pull up to the library. Good Luck.
  18. Jason, what a wonderful tribute to your girl. I miss her too.
  19. Kingfish - MadDie heer- Mommy said that yourz Mommy sayz you dontz feel well. Is is sending you good thoughs that youz feel better soon You 're buddy MadDie Deb, I hope Kingfish is doing better and not barking at Arlo. Boys, I tell you. No seriously, hope he gets better soon. His buddy here has been shaking her head for a few days so I made an appt with the vet as I thought it may be an ear infection. I was right, it is a yeast infection, not in 1 ear but in BOTH. Poor Mads and she has lost 4 pounds since she was last there in November when I went on vacation. The vet and I are not really worried about the weight loss as at 9 1/2 Ms. Maddie is still fairly active. Just upping her food intake. Kingfish, get better buddy Amy
  20. Jason, I am so sorry. Hugs to you. Emma will be missed by many
  21. Maddie likes bananas (sometimes) and all the time cantaloupe, strawberries, raspberries. Lettuce when it has salad dressing on it, tomatoes as well only if there is dressing.
  22. Jan, I am so sorry to hear of Segugio. What a great tribute to a special boy. Segugio go find your kitteh Molly, she is waiting foryou. Free Run. Hugs to you Jan and the rest of the pack at Camp Greyhound. Amy & Maddie
  23. Exactly so. And yes, he is suffering from separation anxiety. This needs careful training, and for most hounds it can be overcome but it takes work, and it takes commitment. I've had a couple with SA. The first one trashed my bathroom and pooped and trod in it and plastered it everywhere. When I got home and heard the frantic, desperately unhappy cries (he'd somehow shut himself in) I was more sorry for him than anything, but oh boy ... what a MESS. I will say one thing: you need to move your pills to a place of safety. Also any asthma inhalers you have (they can and do kill dogs if they puncture them). I don't know how you accounted for the pills but I hope you're right and he didn't get any. Patricia McConnell's book is excellent and a first-class introduction to how dogs think and how to adjust their behaviour. Your Tipton is still the sweet and gentle dog you fell in love with, but right now he's miserably unhappy when he's left, or when he's crated. You can change this!! Sid was a mess when we left him originally, now he hardly bothers to get up from his bed when we leave. Calm down (important anyway so as not to stress Tipton further), and take a deep breath. Alone training works in 90% cases. In the other 10%, I'd probably advise returning the dog because he may need more company than you can give. There are many places to research 'alone training', including here in this forum. The key is baby steps and never forcing the pace. Also you need to commit to an intensive few days of 'lessons' consisting of stuff like picking up your keys and putting on your coat and then NOT leaving. Of going out for two seconds and coming right back in. Of starting to stay out longer and longer before coming back. But each stage needs to be repeated many, many, many times before moving on to the next, and if he starts to freak at any point, you need to step back and repeat, repeat, repeat, until it's all rather a bore for him and he'd rather sleep than stress about it. Finally, I understand the need to keep the cats safe, but personally, I'm not happy about leaving a dog alone in a muzzle, and by the sound of it, you might be better babygating so the cats have somewhere to run, rather than babygating Tipton in somewhere. What they all said. +me. Chris (Doggfather is right) about groups telling people to crate. I am not one that likes the idea that all greys should be crated when they go to a new home, each dog has a different personality and may not like the crate when by themself. The first thing i tell people that have a dog with SA that our group has me talk to is "Ditch the crate" and safeproof the house (close doors that you don't want them going into, baygating, muzzling etc) Some greys love their crates others (Maddie) hate it, she ate her way out of 3- 2 wire and 1 plastic. I took the groups advice being a first time adopter 6 years ago to crate. I wish I listened to my gut after the first crate eating, it would have saved both of us frustration, tears and crate money that could have been used for more TOYS and collars. Maddie bonded very quickly to me. Once out of the crate, and with some clomicalm prescribed by her vet, we were on our way to being a happy family. (Medication was a last resort and I discussed this in depth with our vet. She agreed that using the clomicalm and taking her out of the crate would help and then we would wean Maddie off the clomicalm slowly During all this, I did the alone training,, using the kong, the radio and TV. The crate is/was the problem. She will not go near one now. She is muzzled when we travel in hotel rooms. it takes patience, I know but it is worth it as you will see a totally different dog. Take it one day at a time, and the thing I thought of is that their life has been totally been turned up side down and this is all new for them. Be patient, it is totally worth it I promise. Maddie is now one of our best meet and greet dogs, she has never met a stranger and I have to tell people that want to adopt her that she already has a home, mine and I can't imagine it without her. Let me know if you need help. we are here for you ETA: My SA girl, could care less when I leave in the am as long as she gets her cookies. When I back the car out out of the driveway, I wait to make sure she comes to the window to see me off to work. and if she does not, Ii look in the window and she is already laying down on her bed. talk about a difference. But when I come home, I am greeted with butt in the air, tail flying and toy cow mooing and that totally makes my day followed by her Happy dance to go outside for a walk. Amy and Maddie
  24. Laura, I know how much you and Reagan loved Faye Oops by reading your posts about her and it broke my heart to hear she had osteo. She loved you all and thanks for being her forever home. Run Free Faye Oops. Amy and Maddie
  25. Maddie is a poop eater too (gross I know) I have to watch her when I let her outside in the fenced in backyard. if she decides to turn around and eat her poo I squirt her with a squirt gun to deter him. She hates getting wet and if she see me with it coming near her she runs and I go and pick it up before she has another chance. Sometimes I am not always out there (like a 2am potty break) but it seems to work for us.
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