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Everything posted by Maddiesmom

  1. Maddiesmom

    Kiowa Braden

    RIP Sweet Braden.You will be missed by many who loved you. Find Outlaw and Freckles at the Bridge they will show you the way.
  2. Greg, I am so sorry. Give Bijou a big hug and kiss for me. Hug to you too. We are thinking of you.
  3. I started to read Tina's beautiful tribute to Cofax lastnight but could not finish it as the tears were blurring my vision. I hope to finish it today. I have a signed photo of Cofax from one of the auctions where Maddie and I purchased something. I wil treasure it always. Cofax was loved dearly by her Mommy and Daddy and will be missed by many. She joins Rerun and Lambie Pie at the bridge. Cofax, you were a brave girl and you wil be missed. Run free sweet girl and give your Mommy a sign that you are ok. Tina and family, hugs to you and yours from Maddie and I. eta to addw because I can't spell this am through my tears
  4. The reason I fell in love with greyhounds in the first place was because of a blue greyhound named Roxie that my friend Brian had when I lived in Atlanta many years ago. She was the best GH (other then my Maddie of Course!) and she was so well behaved and a princess.
  5. Aww she is a cutie. and another person named Nonnie. My Aunt is called Nonnie by her grandchildren (my 2nd cousins)
  6. The group that we lure race with her in NC/SC area, does the (the straight kind) stops in April for the season and picks back up in October. It is in the mid to high 90s today and it is too hot for me to stand out there for all day so I can imagine what it would be like for the dogs to lure during the day. I am putting off cutting the back yard til about 7pm tonight as it is so hot.
  7. This is awesome news that Dutch just needed a buddy. I hope that it works out with Dutchess. Keep us updated.
  8. I too have a SA dog, however, she does not like being in the crate or in closed places (hotels etc) I have had her for 5 years now and she ate her way out of 3 crates- both wire and plastic. Ate molding on the doors and damaged drywall. I was detrmined not to give her back to the group who told me to keep her in the crate. I was a fisrt time adopter and what did I know. Nothing. I too tried everything except getting a 2nd dog as I was concentrating on helping her. I took a leap of faith and closed doors of rooms I did not want her in and now she is fine. She just hated the crate and has never been placed in one since then. However in Dutch's case, it appears that he needs a buddy. Can you take on being a foster home for another greyhound so that you don't have the extra expense yourself. Foster homes are always in demand. As you know, greyhounds have lived in a "pack" all their lives and this is the only thing they know. I would hate for you to have to give Dutch back after 5 years as you have worked so hard with him and he is loved member of your family. You have done a great job with him, it is not easy when a grey has SA and I commend you for helping him. I will be thinking of you all.
  9. Ducky- No, it can't be. My heart sank when I saw Nina's name. Run free Nina, Thane and Wally will meet you at the bridge. Ducky, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
  10. Just seeing his Kristin. Glad that Greacey's fever has gone down. Hope she is feeling back to her feisty self real soon. We are thinking of you all. Amy and Maddie
  11. Awww- Deb, he is is handsone- We want to meet him! Jewel did a good job in helping to send you a new fawn guy. Are you guys coming to Mountain Hounds next week?
  12. I can't believe I am reading and seeing this right now. I am so sorry Heather and Ken. Quilty's story was one that I followed and I was truly honored that I was able to give Princess Quaility a special collar as she was very special to not only to you but to many of us here on GT. You and Ken do so much and it was my way of honoring you all. I loved reading your stories about her and your pack. Please know I am thinking of you all. Quility, you are among friends now and are runnning free and missed very much. Amy and Maddie
  13. Poor Guy. To be scared in his own home, how scary is that for him and nerve racking for you. You are doing the right thing. So glad that you were able to get him some help and it is working!!! I know how nerve racking it can be as Maddie came to me with seperation anxiety and you want to help them but you don't know how. We had to go the drug route as well and make some adjustments in our schedule and living arangements (she did not like her crate and does not like to left in rooms by herself with doors closes Ie hotel rooms) Good for you getting advice and finding out what was causing your guy to be scared. Hope it continues to get get better for you both from here and please keep us updated.
  14. I ordered Maddie some cream for her corn yesterday and talked to Erica. I talked to our vet and she is very interested in this so I emailed the info to her as she had another greyhound come in for a 2nd time to have a corn hulled again.
  15. Deb, I am so sorry, what a tragic shock. Jewel will be missed by many. Please let me know if there is anything that we can do. Run free sweet Jewel, you have many friends at the Rainbow bridge to meet you.
  16. Holly, Maddie has a pair, I bought them for fun, We had a large pair and they were too big. So I gave them to another hound owner. We got the medium and they are just right. We have them in black. I also was going to use them in a costume contest as her as a "construction worker showing "but crack" at Mountain hounds one year" I bought a little tool belt thingy from home depot but we showed up late to the costume contest. She tolerates them well.
  17. Cofax, You look Great!! Say hi to your Mom for us.
  18. Maddie had this problem, however she kept bleeding so after nearly a week of it not healing, off to the vet we go. They put in some stitches inthe webbing. Advised to come back in 10 days to remove them, however Dr Doctor decided that she wanted the stitches out early (7 days) and had licked them out. Even after I had put vet wrap and a baby sock on her foot she still managed to lick or get them out.
  19. Maddie and I were visiting Mom and Dad in CT 2 years ago, when I noticed what I thought was a tick. It was not as it would not come off (it is on her side) and when we got back to NC, Maddie was fidgeting with it sothat there was blood around it that made it look like a tick again. The vet tech also thought it was a tick and I advised her it was not. We had it checked and the it was cleaned up and biopsyed (sp?) and come to find out it is a cyst, she still has it but now it is more skin color then darker color. It does not bother her and I keep an eye on it.
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