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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I am so sorry for your loss of Kia.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss
  3. I'd let them figure it out on their own. when Ben first arrived he always laid on Bailey's pillow so eventually she started to lay on the one we bought for Ben. Turns out she really preferred that pillow after all, it was closer to the kitchen. Even when we have four pups in the house, we let them figure it out since there are plenty of pillows to go around and never have any issues. I find this makes them comfortable when we are away from home because they've learned to lay down any where there's an empty spot.
  4. Lots of stores near us carry it according to the website (Global Pet foods). I'm going to check it out because I'd like to compare the cost. Thanks
  5. We don't crate, our pups have the run of the house. Even though they sleep all day, they do like to sleep in different areas, especially when the sun shines in the windows. The house is dog proof, but they never chew anything or get into anything. I know people mention the fear of getting hurt, but seriously, I cannot find anything in our home that could hurt them.
  6. Is she cold? Is she hungry? I would look at these 2 factors first because each one can easily be fixed. if she's cold put pyjamas on her. If she's hungry, feed her a bit of something just before bedtime to last her through the night. she should be able to hold it throughout the night so I'm assuming you've checked with yoour vet and ruled out any medical issues. I don't agree with the crate, but I do agree with consistency. I would make sure she's not hungry by giving her something before bed. Make sure her pillow has lots of blankets so she can burrow in them if necessary if she's cold. I would teach her a command to go back to bed. Does she usually eat at 6:30am? If not, feed her at her usual time or you will train her to whine and get fed. Again, I would not crate her and let her cry. Greys are social and are used to being with other beings. Dogs don't inheriently try to be dominant, that's a myth. She will learn what go lie down means as long as you are consistent.
  7. I'm so sorry for your loss of Cleo
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss of Lucky so soon after your loss of Eb...how sad
  9. Beautiful family...welcome and thanks for sharing.
  10. I still remember her like it was just yesterday.
  11. Kim, take a deep breath. Good. Take another if you need it I know how scary this must feel but Larry may just be out of his comfort zone while on holiday. It's not unusual for our Ben not to eat or not eat all of his food when we are away. Ben is not going to starve himself and it's unlikely Larry will either, especially since he's not showing any other signs of illness. I'd be more concerned if I was at home, but not on vacation where the routine changes a lot. If you're stressed because of the reminders of Nube's illness, he may be picking up those vibes. btw, I feed chicken necks, some GTers claim they are a choking hazard but Ben and Brooke love them and chow down without problems. Relax and enjoy your vacation...it will be ok.
  12. I'd stop with the treats and buy ear plugs. Seriously, I've never had a seizure dog so I don't have any idea how to resolve this. However, we do have a "talker" but he sleeps like a log at night. I'd miss the talker, but not if it kept me up all night.
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