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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Robin, can you let Nancy know we're thinking about her and Mark today and hope Mazy's passing is peaceful. I would but I can't find her email address. this is really really sad. I imagine it will be a very sad day for all of them including the kids and Max.
  2. Dogs live in the moment so if he wasn't acting himself all day, I suspect he was picking up your negative vibes, rather than feeling remorse or he would be acting his normal self within a few minutes if you were too. In saying that, I completely understand how traumatic it is to get bit by your dog, or even growled at. I hope you recover quickly and move forward, he sounds like a sweet guy who just doesn't understand why mom is upset. I'm sure you realize what you did wrong, but I'm hoping you can move past this and build trust again. He may not be the cuddler you envisioned, but it sounds like you love him a lot just the way he is.
  3. I believe Patricia O'Connell mentions in her book to have the other animals present. I'll have to check.
  4. The answer here is pretty simple in my opinion...he doesn't want to be kissed so don't kiss him. bottom line is he's a dog and as much as we want them to act like humans who enjoy being hugged and kissed, not all dogs do. If you want to avoid incidents like this and feeling emotional about it, let him be comfortable on his bed wihich is probably his safe secure place. At the track their kennel was their place to get fed, sleep, get treats, and loving on. They didn't have to share it with anyone, they were awake before anyone opened up their kennel door. Our Brooke is really shy and I always ask people to leave her alone if they look like they are going after her to pet her. I have no trouble keeping her comfortable so perhaps you could think of it this way when you tell people to leave him alone while he's laying down.
  5. I wouldn't dismiss her quite so quickly. You can find lots of articles on the web for and against her, just like you can for raw vs cooked diets, etc. etc. I find it hard to believe that you won't find any peer-review research. I'm not going to argue with you on this point because it has nothing to do with this thread. The bottom line is the OP needs another opinion and she needs it now since her grey is not doing well with the current protocol.
  6. I attended an all day session yesterday with Dr. Jean Dobbs who is an authority on thyroid issues and she has patened a 5TM panel composed of the following tests: T4, free T4, T3, free T3 and TgAA. If you email her the test results you received she will interpret them for you. She'll also answer questions, so I'd send them to her. She's extremely knowledgeable and would be my "go to" if my pups had thyroid issues. Some of the info she presented is quite new (she does a lot of research and consults with a lot of experts) and may differ from answers previously posted here on GT regarding thyroid testing. You can contact her through her website http://hemopet.org/ Plus she has a list of frequently asked questions on her site which may also provide some answers.
  7. Welcome...looking forward to many more stories and pics. Thanks for sharing a pic of your handsome guy.
  8. I'm so sorry for your loss of Brent...your post says a lot about your love for him in just those few words.
  9. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss...your tribute to Zuki is beautiful.
  10. Welcome from Waterloo...please note we love pics of greys.
  11. Welcome from Waterloo...comfortable and happy looking greys! What more could you ask for! Thanks for sharing and I'm looking forward to lots of stories and pics!
  12. Perhaps you could call him the opposite of Stormy which is Sunny or Sonny. I'm sure he'll respond to whatever you call him.
  13. Welcome from Waterloo...Finn sounds like he's doing fantastic in your home. And he is very handsome.
  14. We have one grey who's a 2xper day pooper and one who's a 4xday pooper. Although one poops more than the other , your grey does seem to poop a lot. Is there a lot of filler in his food and when he poops 3 times, is is big poop each time or 3 small poops which would add up to one big poop. Also is it runny? He may be adjusting to new food. If this is the case, perhaps you need to transition him slower.
  15. No matter how long they've been gone, they are always with us in our hearts, and yet still missed a lot! Happy Bridge Birthday. I've always said if love was enough, they'd live forever.
  16. Does it take longer for an older dog to warm up/get comfortable? Our girl turned 5 in July and raced until last September. I'm wondering if that has to do with how reserved she is. it's probably more to do with personality than age. It didn't take either of our 2nd or third grey too long at all and I suspect because they learned from the grey who showed them the way. I created a photo journal for Brooke so I could remember all of her firsts and surprisingly, for how shy she is, it didn't take her long at all. We have a well established routine which helps.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss of Karson...he sounded like he had a wonderful life with your family.
  18. I am so sorry for your loss of Teddy.
  19. How wonderful for you...just a cautionary note though. Many GTers do not feed their dogs raw hide bones, even while supervised. I think it's a choking hazard or blockage issue, not really sure because I have never fed my dogs rawhide. I choose bully sticks or raw turkey necks. sorry to get off-topic, but I just wanted to point this out.
  20. Brooke did this for awhile...she peed on a mat by the door so i thought she needed to go our more often than usual. We took her to our vet but she didn't have any medical issues. I bought some puppy pads and put them on the mat. She never peed on it again. My guess is that this was becoming a habit but when I took away her pee spot, she stopped doing it immediately and I've never had any problems with peeing in the house again. It might be worth a try with Violet.
  21. Welcome from Waterloo! I look forward to hearing more about your hounds...we also attend Dewey every year so maybe we'll meet sometime.
  22. We always have to give heartworm meds...wonder why you don't since we're only a couple of hours away. Our office visit is $79 so we start at $158 before any vaccine injections. Plus we pay 14% tax. Our last bill was over $400 but also included 2 small bottles of prednisone, no rabies shot required this visit.
  23. she will always be with you in your heart
  24. Here's hoping it is manageable and you have lots and lots of time together.
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