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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'd definately make time for a vet visit...infections, whatever. Tracker is very very lucky. Unfortunately we also have coyotes in our neighbourhood and we live in the suburbs.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of Kassie.
  3. nope, not at all...either I've been very lucky or everything I do is out of love and doesn't seem like work...probably a bit of both
  4. He's very handsome...looks like a greyt match...congratulations.
  5. greytpups


    btdt...it just hurts so much but the pain does ease up...eventually.
  6. How wonderful to make it to a year...enjoy each and every single moment while you still have each other.
  7. I'm so glad to hear Huckabee's death was not in vain...so sad though that it took so long though. Thanks for the update
  8. http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-reviews/orijen-dog-food-adult/ Orijen got a good review from dog food advisor. May be too high in protein though.
  9. Congratulations Liz...hope to meet them soon! How does Cordal like her new brothers?
  10. Welcome Paul, Em and Stan...he's gorgeous
  11. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss of Mandy. We've been to several of the same events and I wish I met her, but I feel as if I know her a wee bit after your heartfelt tribute which brings tears to my eyes. You can feel the love you had for each other.
  12. I'm not sure how many times you changed kibble in the last 1.5 months but it sounds fairly often which may be a huge contributing factor. It takes more than a couple of days to transition from one type of kibble to another to decrease the chances of the bid D. Deworm him as others have mentioned may help too.
  13. It sounds like you have your heart set on him no matter what...please take note of what Dennis says, hopefully you'll be able to keep your emotions out of this decision and do what's right for both of you. I'd print Dennis' comments out and make sure the trainer is aware of this. To be honest, it appears that you are justifying a lot of his issues, which is another red flag that you may be making a decision with your heart rather than your head. On the other hand, the trainers should be well aware if his physical condition and know whether or not he's suitable. I'd still defer to Dennis though over the trainer. I'm not sure how far he's walking but at 2 years old these walks should not make him walk like an old dog. We took Ben out yesterday (he's 10.5) for about 2.5 hours along with Brooke and he was fine, not dragging at all. I'm not sure how long the walks are, but it makes me wonder if it's pain, not his physical condition. Good Luck with whatever you decide.
  14. I hope Spriet can get some pan relief soon Anne.
  15. I'm so sorry for your loss of Charlie
  16. Beautiful pups You just need to paste the code rather than use the link
  17. Beryl, I wish I could offer some comforting words but I don't have any. I do want you to know though that I'm thinking about you. I didn't realize David was so young, younger than I am. It reminds me to not take one moment of time with my dh for granted, which sadly I do, way too much. sending cyberhugs your way.
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