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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Jack. I really hoped he would be ok. Such a sweet boy.
  3. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  4. I'm so sorry...it sounds like she had a long and happy life with you.
  5. Awwwwww Jenn, that is such sad news...I'm so sorry.
  6. wonderful news and I'm glad you shared...we all need to hear wonderful news once in awhile
  7. I'm so sorry. Jen told me a few weeks ago so I imagine this tribute was extremely difficult to write, but it is beautiful and shows the love you have for her and all of your pups. I'm glad I got to meet her. Rest well sweet Edie, you will be missed by many and always loved by your mama. Your house must seem so empty, even with all the other pups, now that Edie is gone.
  8. What has worked for me in the past is simply putting a puppy pee pad in the spot where she was peeing. It worked as a deterent because the spot was no longer available. Some other GTers have placed a piece of furniture over the spot to make it inaccessible.
  9. I went back through some of the hypothyroid threads, and lots of people advise to email the results to the OSU Greyhound Wellness Program and Dr. Jean Dodds of Hemopet. Do they look at the results for free? Dr. dodd's does, I'm not sure about OSU since I've never had to contact them. Dr Dodd's will recommend T4, free T4, T3, free T3 and a Tsomething else for a complete 5 panel thyroid test.
  10. The first are always hard Jason...cherish the memories and never take one day with them for granted. Hugs to you John and Rita.
  11. Those pics are so sweet. thanks for sharing and welcome from Canada!
  12. What's your view on vaccines? I wonder about titers even though I hear they're expensive, but Ben is 10.5 y/o and getting up there. btw, I met Laurie Sautre during some lure coursing practice runs. We were at her place in Aug? and one of her greys was whelping her pups that day. I wonder if you have one from that litter. I've also met Blueberry and watched Laurie's granddaughter show her (him?). small world You need to move back. Our last wellness visit was over $400 for Ben and Brooke, neither needed rabies but did get distemper et al shot, fecal exam and two small bottles of pred.
  13. Our vet only does a fecal exam and we are charged extra. We do heartwarm tests in May so it appears our vets are very similar. I suspect if our pups are healthy (which they are) our vet doesn't feel the tests are necessary.
  14. I don't have any advise, just good wishes that it turns out to be something easily treatable. I would suggest writing down everything you noticed before visiting the vet. Sometimes, I forget something so if I have it written down, I can ensure I asked about everything on my list.
  15. Please pass along my condolences to you, your brother and your family and all those who love Buster.
  16. Both Bailey and Brooke have been or are terrified of situations like this. (Bailey is deceased now but we had to do the same thing for both of them) and our neighbourhood isn't near as busy. We had to gradually desensitize them to the noise and hustle and bustle of people. We took them with us to places like the farmers market nearby on less busy days and just walked with them, no shopping, just walking and if their fear escalated too much, we'd leave. But gradually they got used to it, not 100%, but still a huge improvement. I find when we are doing touristy things, Brooke still hides behind me and I ask people to leave her alone so as to not heighten her fear. But she's improved a lot. I do this when walking Iker too.
  17. I'm so sorry you received this dreadful diagnosis.
  18. Here's hoping for an uneventful dental...I know, it's hard not to worry. I always wish I could be there when they wake up just so I could stroke them and let the know I'm there.
  19. Sending lots of wishes for Zola and Zariel...things just have to get brighter for you
  20. I'm thinking the stitches in your face would be part of a greyt Hallowe'en costume...just saying
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