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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. btdt We call it the $500 burp We rushed Ben to the evet a few years ago. He had some symptoms of bloat but not all so we erred on the side of caution. While we were waiting for the results, Ben let out a huge burp and was fine. At that time I was torn with what to do but decided that if anything happened to Ben because I waited, I would never forgive myself. Kudos to you for being able to think clearly enough and help your pup. I agree with others here, you're a greyt greyhound mom.
  2. Lots of good wishes coming your way for Target.
  3. He's very handsome, a total sweetheart
  4. Here's a link to greyhound life in the US starting at birth http://adopt-a-greyhound.org/misc/on_the_farm/the_formative_months.shtml and here's some more info about their life at Southland, a track in the US http://www.flickr.com/photos/dazzleme/sets/72157627145032411/ Here's a recent greyhounds vs galgos thread http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php/topic/295059-greyhounds-vs-galgos/ there's also a video (maybe on youtube) about greyhounds arriving in Italy...if you watch it make sure you have some tissues handy though. Welcome from Canada
  5. Jan, I am so so sorry...she had the most amazing last few months of her life and I enjoyed meeting her virtually and loving her through you. I will miss her here on GT.
  6. Poor Sam, hope he gets better soon
  7. wonderful update...hope he continues to do well
  8. I'm very sorry for your loss Pat.
  9. Rather than brush, i would slowly start using some toothpaste on a guaze pad until his gums start to heal. sometimes adults complain that flossing cuts their gums, but actually, their gums are inflamed which causes the bleeding and the answer is to take better care of their teeth. when they do, the inflamation subsides, and their gums stop bleeding which is why i suggested to start slowly with guaze pads. As his gums begin to heal and stop bleeding, then start adding a brush.
  10. Yep, worked for Ben and Brooke. I just did the usual weekly wash of blankets and bed covers without worrying about it. The meds worked after a few days they disappeared (the worms, not Ben and Brooke ),
  11. Perhaps he needs a snack before bed if he's waking up hungry. I suspect though that if you get up when he start partying, he's training you to get up at 5:30am. What happens if you don't acknowledge him. Have you taught him to go lie down? My alarm goes off at 5am because I run or go to the gym before going to work. Ben and Brooke don't get up because they know DH is the one who takes them for a walk and then they get fed. We've stayed on the routine for well over 8 years so the pups learned not to get up with me because I am leaving without them.
  12. A beautiful tribute to Dixie. Her time with you was short but it was packed full of special moments and tons of love. I'm so sorry it was her time.
  13. I'm so sorry for your loss of Gus...yu loved him way too much to have failed him...hopefully in time, you will understand this.
  14. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  15. Robin did pretty much what JJNg's wrote. Iker, Robin's galgo, now loves my DH and snuggles with him all of the time and I saw Iker take a treat from a male at GIG. But Robin worked at it slowly. My Brooke is still shy, especially if strangers walk up to her. She does better when ignored and she makes the first move.
  16. We go out in all types of weather. Our pups don't like wearing boots but will wear the little rubber ones that look more like balloons to protect their feet from salt. Most of the time we are able to change our route to avoid salt. If salt is on the sidewalk, we walk on the owners yard or blvd until we get past the salt which I will continue to do until people use something less harsh on the environment, shoes, boots and dog's paws.
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