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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Alicia, lots of warm wishes for an uneventful surgery and quick recovery. It's always sad to hear about OS, but especially heartbreaking when they are so young.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss of Lucas...your tribute is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes as I read about the loved shared by all.
  3. I just read each post carefully and did not see one that indicated a greyhound was thrown in the water to teach it to swim. I would love for you to point it out to me, because obviously, one of us can't read. btw, this pic was taken close to shore, if the canoe tipped, I was right beside it in a kayak, ready to save Brooke if necessary since the water was only waist high for me. I wasn't going to explain myself but so many assumed the worse. No, DH would not take her out in deep water, he stayed by the shore. We have 2 lifejackets for the pups, just didn't feel it was necessary and just wanted a pic of Brooke in the canoe and they were only in the canoe for a few moments. It was obviously not a problem to get her in the canoe, if she refused we wouldn't have forced her, Ben won't go in so we don't force him. I was able to place her in the middle of it and DH got in without tipping it. Mind you he has been canoeing for well over 50 years and knows a little bit about canoe tipping. Like I said earlier, when our greys fell into the water, they immediately started swimming towards shore, shook themselves and went on with their day like nothing happened. Brooke still regularly goes into the lake for a drink of water without fear. Plus the lake wasn't fenced in like a dog park, I'm surprised no one mentioned that too
  4. Xan, I read this before and it still brings me to tears. But it's a lovely poem, and I will never look at dandelions the same way again. Wabi was such a beautiful creature inside and out, and taught us a lot about living in the moment leaving many wonderful memories.
  5. At times the most loving decision we can make is the most painful decision...thinking of you during this difficult time.
  6. I disagree with the above comments...if he growls I wouldn't be taking food from his dish because I'd be at risk for a bite. He's resource guarding and needs to be taught about trading up or drop it. There are lots of threads on GT about this if you do a search. And the pack leader mentality is a myth that never seems to goes away. Dominance is not a trait in dogs, rather it's a behviour dependent on the situation. I'm not trying to sound abrupt, rather these have been addressed many times on GT so a search should provide lots of different answers. Giselle has posted lots of wonderful helpful information so try to find her posts. I could never begin to explain it as well as she does. She also has lots of videos with helpful instructions. Also Neyla's mom is a greyt resource. Diverting his attention was great since you were able to show him what was acceptable, i.e. you can't have the muffin but you can have (insert object here). Trust takes awhile, but eventually it will happen through positive reinforcement training, patience and practice.
  7. Joel, I'm so sorry...it's so obvious how much you love her, and so obviously painful for you.
  8. I'm not sure I would consider this common in greyhounds. We have/had 4 greyhounds and have done petsitting and I've never experienced space aggression. It may seem common because those who need help with it, ask for it while those who don't may not post about it. Many owners have been able to desensitize their dogs with positive reinforcement exercises, so hopefully they will chime in. I can say I was bit once and it was my own fault. I know at the time, I kept telling myself that she's a dog, this is not personal, do not attribute human feelings to this incident, but to be honest, my feelings were hurt. Even though I understood how it happened at a analytical level, at an emotional level, it took a bit to get over it. That's always the worst part imo. Ironically, I look at the scar with fond memories. Four years after her death, I will always have a part of her (tooth mark) with me. Mind you, mine is on my arm where only I can see it.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss...sounds like she had the best life ever with you.
  10. I'm so sorry for your loss...she looked so happy spinning.
  11. Dogs live in the moment so I suspect they were fine with each other right after the incident. It sounds like you are attributing human emotions to the incident, plus if you are anxious, I'm not surprised one of them is acting differently, but I suspect James is picking up on your feelings. "dogs live in the moment", be proactive, relax, stop attributing human emotions such as guilt to MP and enjoy them. As others have said, this can work out. All of ours are mellow, but I've heard them all snark at some point, usually when someone gets stepped on or something similar, two seconds later, they've forgotten about it and life goes on.
  12. The quiet ones can leave the biggest hole in your heart. I'm so sorry for your loss Lori.
  13. i'm so sorry it was time for Angel to leave you.
  14. I googled it and found this review. http://www.dogvitaminreviews.com/springtime.html so I'm going to pass on it.
  15. Congratulations...she looks like a heart healer for sure
  16. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  18. Bailey our first grey used to do this and Brooke does it as well, especially when she's excited in the morning. Just ask Robin...one morning she woke up when her bed started moving
  19. Beautiful tribute...tears falling for a sweet girl gone too soon.
  20. We are treating Katie for hooks and whipworms and are using Panacur. A vet parasite specialist recommended Panacur strongly over all other dewormers. We are treating all of our pups even though Ben and Brooke don't have worms (just a precaution) for 7 months with a 3 days course of Panacur each month for all of them. Ben Brooke were initially prescribed Drontal Plus but our vet switched them all to Panacur. Fecal exams will be done 3 times in one week since you can't always detect them in a single stool. We will do this midway and at the end of tx. Our vet indicated that most owners undertreat rather than overtreat and since Panacur is safe, we're treating them all until next spring. I was not told to clean up the yard due to whipworms. I know dogs can step in feces from a infected dog with hooks, whereby they will travel to the dogs mouth and be ingested that way, so we are very careful to make sure we pick up and residual poop. I'm not sure if this is the same for whipworms, but since we're dealing with both, we are very careful not to contaminate the ground. We try to put a poop bag under Katie's butt so the poop never hits the ground to prevent reinfestation and to continue to keep Ben and Brooke worm free.
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