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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. One of my pups eat frozen poop so I wouldn't worry about eggs
  2. I will preface this with my preference to use a crate for safety reasons only, so I'm not a fan of them. Your pup clearly doesn't seem to want to go in any more. I know some people want them to get used to a crate for times when they have to be at the vet's office overnight for example. I have 3 greys and only 1 has stayed overnight in a clinic and I have no idea where she slept, but I assume it was a kennel like environment, not a crate since it was at a university, so it's rare that our pups will ever need to be crated. He sounds like he has the run of the house except at night and hasn't shown any reason to be left in the crate, so I'd try putting his bed near your bed where he can see you, even if it's the doorway if space is an issue. Good luck, I would guess you both will be happier with a pillow in the bedroom.
  3. wonderful update! Here's hoping Ruby's panting will be taken care of.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss of Angel.
  5. Ed, I'm really sorry for your loss.
  6. greytpups


    I'm so sorry for your loss of Gus.
  7. He sure is a handsome boy...no wonder he gets lots of attention. Welcome!
  8. OP stated "Being a rescue dog she is jumpy." Implying that she is jumpy because she is a "rescue" is likely far from the truth. Genetics and how people behave towards her are more likely the reasons Summer is jumpy. A little education can go a long way. We often attribute human emotions such as "like" when the real issue is trust. By the sounds of it, she'll come around eventually, it just takes time. Hopefully you'll keep us up-to-date. Greyhounds really are awesome pets. We often refer to this community as a "greyhound cult"
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you
  10. Would you consider baking your own? There are many recipes on the internet. Hope all goes well with the dental surgery.
  11. Please note, just because she is a "rescue" doesn't mean that's why she's jumpy. "Rescue" is a very controversial word on GT and many people assoicate it with euthanization or death. For example, mistreatment that will cause death or pulled from a kill shelter before death takes place. And, no this is not just semantics because many racing greyhounds are treated very well because they are performance/working animals providing a pay cheque for their owners. They do not need rescuing, rather they get adopted. Yes, bad things happen, and it gets reported to the NGA. But so do many wonderful things happen which we don't hear enough of. This topic is also very controversial, but I want to put it out there to set a different tone. I could go on and on but hopefully you get the gist. Others will also have vastly different opinions but I want to stay on topic here. All breeds have different personalities, not just greyhounds. Their world on the track was very predictable and very routine which is what they seem to thrive on when they go to their forever home, even if they are/were extremely timid. And it may depend on their breeding. Flying Penske is well known to have bred very timid pups. They are also not bred to be pets, but adjust well to home life considering this. Some just take more time. It sounds like you are doing the right thing by offering treats, you just need to be patient. I have a shy girl who sees our neighbours all the time and is fine until they try to pet her. In other words you can look at her, but don't go near her because that is scary to her. We adopted her 5.5 years ago and she has improved, so you can see how long it takes some greyhounds. As I said, this is a "dog" behaviour, not just a greyhound thing. It sounds like you should be more wary of approaching her, give her more "high value" treats and wait and let her come to you on her terms. If you feel anxious around her, she will sense this and react. I'm not sure what happened at the family get-together, but she was obviously stressed and given her personality, I suspect it was too soon for her to attend something like this. She knows where her teeth are and didn't bite, but gave lots of warning. I am wondering though if she is getting more stressed and her behaviour is escalating. Without details, it's hard to comment, but I would search for "calming signals" to determine when and what is causing her to be anxious, and read lots of good books such as Patricia McConnel's "The Other End of the Leash". Has anyone contacted the adoption group for advice? That may be another option, but it sounds like some general dog behaviour education may also help.
  12. This is such a lovely tribute to a life well lived and well loved.
  13. Awwwwwwwwwww, he's adorable, and you are as sweet as ever
  14. Anne, i`m so sorry for your loss. thank you for sharing Tibbie with us through the years. it was obvious how much you loved her.
  15. I haven`t read all of the responses, but all of our greyhounds (4) had or have different personalities and only one comes over and gives kisses and waits for you to pet her. Our male loves to have his head rubbed though. We adopted a female in August 2013 and she has just started to come over to be petted, but it is still infrequent. I admit, sometimes I attach human emotions to her and wonder if she`s happy. But then I regain my senses and just accept her as preferring her own pillow and doesn`t have a need for people hanging all over her. All of our greyhounds allow us to lay down beside them on their bed and pet them and never show signs of anxiety. I guess they love to be petted, but don`t need to seek it out. However, they are the best greeters when we return home I don`t think aloofness is uncommon in greyhounds, but I haven`t read any scientific research other than they were bred as hunters. I have seen as many aloof greyhounds as I have cuddlebugs. I agree, 6 weeks is not very long and I imagine his personality will continue to evolve over time.
  16. There`s a forum with instructions for posting pics under technical. Welcome!
  17. I`m so sorry you went through this. Hope both of you are healing and recover quickly. I`d talk to the owner about vet bills since he didn`t control his dog.
  18. I'm so sorry it was his time to go.
  19. I didn't want to hijack the other thread, but I wondered if anyone has given both of these to their pups and if so, did one work better than the other. Ben is 13 y/o and has not liked any powdered form of joint supplements in the past, so I hesitate to spend a lot of money, but would be willing to purchase tablets.
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