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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. Beautiful tribute to Lizzy...I'm so sorry
  2. She was such a beautiful girl..I loved her like my own, and often think of her still.
  3. I am so sorry...I know how painful losing one pup is, I can't imagine how heartbreaking it is to lose 2 so close together. My thoughts are with you and Bailey.
  4. greytpups

    Yopon Alan Wag

    7 years...I still remember the day you posted about his passing. And I understand that time does not heal all wounds, rather we just adapt to life the best we can when they're gone.
  5. btdt...sadly I'm another grey mom who has had to make this painful choice. My first greyhound was still running and going on lots of hikes. But she had a tumour in her stomach and couldn't keep food down. We knew her disease was terminal, and how we did not want her to be hungry, so we let her go. I still remember driving to the vet's office and thinking how normal we must look because she was standing in the back looking out the window like she always did on car rides. We made the decision about 24 hours after diagnosis; we didn't want her to feel any pain, and like many others, I'd rather say goodbye before they suffer because of how much we love them. I'm wishing you all the best as tears run down my cheeks, because I know this journey is very long and painful.
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss of Ginny.
  7. Brooke was diagnosed with Pannus when we adopted her and gets a drop in both eyes everyday. She's never had any issues with her eyes for the last 6 years and the drops keep the pannus under contrtol. Bailey had pannus too and we found the drops kept it under control. I'm not sure of the name of the drops though. And we've never been told to keep Brooke out of the sun, nor has her conditioned worsened over the years.
  8. You must be feeling lots of emotions right now...relief and joy. I'm so happy for you
  9. My thoughts are with you as you struggle through these sad times. It was so obvious how much you loved him. I am so sorry.
  10. Fingers, toes, legs, eyes, paws, or anything else that can be crossed and hoping that this is something treatable.
  11. sending many many good thoughts for Jake
  12. What a lovely tribute, it brought tears to my eyes when you shared your love and wonderul life with him. Sometimes a greyhound comes into your life who is so extraordinary, you wonder how you could be so blessed. Heisman sounds like this.
  13. Love it...it reminds me of Ben though, so I'm a little sad too.
  14. Ducky, I'm just seeing this now. I really hope you have many good days left.
  15. I agree, she sounds like she needs more food (perhaps a bit later in the evening) before bed. I've had 2 who need bedtime snacks, one used to throw up bile, Katie gets an upset stomach and will need Pepcid tablets to help her feel better.
  16. sending best wishes that it's a simple fix
  17. I feel your pain...Ben died 102 days ago very suddenly and I still cry...a lot. I can't even stop counting the days and still think about him constantly. Grief can be so debilitating. And it comes in waves, sometimes it feels like a tsunami of pain. Grief is definitely a long, sad slow process. I like the comment not a replacement, rather an addition. After our first grey died, we adopted another female in honour of her memory. Take your time, your heart will tell you what to do.
  18. Sometimes we just can't make sense of life.
  19. Sometimes life just sucks...I understand, I am still stuggling as I try to learn without Ben. It can be a long, painful process.
  20. I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet boy.
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss...no matter how long they are with us, it's never long enough.
  22. Brooke often has to go out before their evening walk. Brooke and I go upstairs to bed and then about 10 minutes later, or about the time it takes me to get warm and comfortable, she decides she needs to go out. She never asks DH, who is usually still up, just me. The other night I fell asleep on the sofa and dh nudged me awake because Brooke was standing there staring at me. Yes, she needed to go out
  23. Four greyhounds later, none of ours have had space issues or sleep agression. In fact, none of my friends' greyhlounds do either. I can pet our greyhounds while they are sleeping and they don't react, so they do exist. Suki will pick up on your anxiety, perhaps that's why she licked her lips and yawned when she came to you.
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