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Everything posted by greytpups

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Recently we had to say good bye to Ben after 10.5 years. No matter how long they are with us, it is never long enough. You are in my thoughts as I share your pain.
  2. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  3. yes, and I hate that it starts with my boy Ben. I personally know 3 other greys that have passed. One is Liz Tabor's girl (The House of Earl) Cordal. Liz and Larry said their good byes yesterday.
  4. Welcome, sounds like you have a lovely bunch of pups. Hope to see some pics!
  5. greytpups

    Darby Hill

    I'm so sorry for you loss.
  6. Anne, my sincere condolences on your loss of Spriet. Sadly, I know how hard this is and my thoughts are with you
  7. The Rapamycin study sounds interesting...hoping for good results.
  8. I really don't have a lot to add, but just want to reinforce the growling part. Try to think of growling as "positive". Growling is a way dogs communicate. She's telling you she's uncomfortabe, in this case resource guarding (the sofa) so I would provide dog pillows and disallow furniture privledges. You may want to search for NILF (Nothing in life is free) posts here on GT and work with her as she may eventually be able to be on furniture without guarding. If a dog growls and they are punished for it, they will stop growling. However, they may just go for the bite instead. I much prefer a dog growl at me and let me know we somehow have to change the situation, rather than get bit. Turid Rugass (sp?) also writes a lot about calming signals such as tongue flicks, lip licking, turning their head, etc. If she's exhibiting any of this, you can get a heads up if something is making her uncomfortable. Take it slow for now, she's seen a lot of changes in a short amount of time. eta: I'm not a fan of crates unless it's for safety reasons. Some will tell you they like to crate train their dog so if there's an emergency, they are used to the crate. I never crate our pups and never had an issue, so I will never recommend crates.
  9. Congratulations of the best kind of heart healer.
  10. Thank you Mary...I know you "get it"
  11. At what point will they have a "happy" day?? Sometimes the most loving thing to do is to let them go. If your wife has very little tolerance and is bothered by normal stretching and shaking, your poor dog is not thriving in your home. I had to say good bye to our beloved pup this week. He left this world knowing how much he was loved and cherished. Your dog deserves the same devotion. It sounds like keeping him would be very selfish on your part and that is not love imo.
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