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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. I SOOOOOO feel your pain! Only less, 'cause it's both my CATS that do things like that - and they weigh a lot less than your boy!! Still, they're always knocking things off (on purpose to get me to pay attention to them) and jumping on everything! Believe it or not, one day he WILL grow up and you'll MISS the mischief!! (Eventually...) REmember to take pix!!!
  2. ozgirl2

    Augie Dogie

    Oh, Heather... I'm so sorry... I loved the pictures of Augie - especially the smile & the coffee sharing... Hugs to you, and run free, Augie
  3. HI Mo - just seeing this! Hugs to you, Bailey & the family - hoping Dr. Couto has some good options for you...
  4. So true... just look into their eyes... And good luck, Shana! Take people up on their offers to go to some meet & greets & meet some greys - best way to get impressions of them. I think you'll be hooked!
  5. That sounds like the one I got Cody from Dr. Foster & Smith... completely covers the tummy/tuck-up area, comes up over the back & snaps in 2 places, with convenient handles!
  6. If you have any Metamucil, use some of that too. But the bread should help a lot! (Hasn't everyone's dogs gotten into cooked chicken bones at some point?)
  7. I'm so sorry... Run free, Bea
  8. I'm so sorry, Andrea... Run Free, Einstein...
  9. I also advise you and your vet to contact Dr. Couto at Ohio State U - he's probably the foremost expert on greyhound cancer in the US and a great guy - he'll consult. PS - someone on here should have his info...
  10. HI Molly - welcome to you and your crew! I also have 2 part-time sweetie/part-time troublemaker kitties - they're in my siggy - Merlin & Jasmine. I had a grey, Cody, for 8.5 years but she's been gone almost 5 years now & no new grey ... yet!!
  11. I'm so sorry, Jan & Dave... I'm glad I got to visit with her (and the rest of you) in Dewey this year... Hugs
  12. Oh, Jan & Dave - I'm so so sorry - I was hoping it wasn't... Hugs to you, Bailey and Ben...
  13. I'm so sorry, Xan... she had a great life with you & the gang... Hugs
  14. I'm so sorry she had to leave you.... But don't leave GT! I lost my grey, Cody, almost 5 years ago & I'm still here! (Once in the cult, always in the cult! Um... I mean... GROUP!)
  15. ozgirl2

    Cousin Minnie

    I'm so sorry, Hannah - I'll look forward to pictures of your Minnie
  16. Hi S - I know you've been worried about Tuna... I had a sling for Cody when her back legs werent' working well - I got it at Dr. Fosters & Smith - it's fleecy on the inside part and clips together up on her back, with handles so you can take all the pressure off. I also had my brother make a make-shift ramp into the house (it was only meant for a stopgap but she was around another 1.5 years & the ramp stayed!) Good luck with it... if you want to try the sling, I can send it to you (IF I can find it...) Just PM me
  17. Welcome to GT from Maryland! It's good to see updates on the Guam doggies on here!
  18. Welcome back, Ed and Gus (and Nino!)!! I remember you well - it's good to 'see' you again!
  19. Hi Michele - I met you ... briefly!... at Dewey!
  20. So sorry Pablo had to leave you, Diane... Hugs...
  21. Oh, Kari - I'm so sorry... I lost a kitty at 17 and it's so hard... Hugs
  22. Run free, Miles... Hugs to his adopters - they didn't have him nearly long enough (but is it ever long enough??)
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