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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. Here's Cody (yes, she really DID exist!) Rovin Gemini - Oct 1992 - Jan. 28, 2005 Happy Girl And with her favoritest toy ever, Elmo
  2. Hey neighbor! Do you happen to know of any Grey play groups in our area? We're going to help out with meet and greet events for our adoption agency. It would be good to get her more time with other greys too. We can tell she misses her doggie companions. Hi and welcome! I know Greyhound Welfare has some walks, etc and some are in N.Va... And we don't mind if you vol. with another group - the more the merrier!!
  3. Unfortunately you'll be better off going with treatments from a licensed company. A disinfectant won't work and any pesticide that you can buy & use probably won't either - they're resistant to a LOT of things! Ask the company what they're using and check with your vet (and maybe even email Dr. Cuoto at Ohio State!) to see what precautions you should take for your pup. Sorry you have them - they are very hard to get rid of & it will likely take several treatments. Good luck! I take a flashlight with me to hotels (ANY hotel) and do a check when I first get in the room - check mattress and box springs for any bugs or those black stains, check along the baseboards too. I really really don't want them in my house! Also, people..... NEVER EVER buy used furniture anymore!!! A neighbor's renter (downstairs) brought in a mattress he'd bought from someone & infested the house with BBs... ick!
  4. Does sound like a muscle cramp - Cody used to get them, especially in the year or so after I got her. Sometimes I could actually FIND the muscle that was firing! I'd massage it.
  5. Susan - I'm so sorry... I've always loved Alan...
  6. Hey Robin - Cody was on pred for a loooooooong time for her back issue. The vet told me to add canned green beans to her food to try to help her feel full - it [mostly] worked! Also be careful he doesn't chew plastic things - she ate a few plastic animals' feet and an electrical cord 'cause she was so hungry!! (Did you know copper wire shows up REALLY well on x-rays?!?!?)
  7. Cody never did get that memo about greyhounds not barking!! She barked when she wanted something, and she'd bark at the vet's if she had to be in a crate/kennel there for any amount of time!! (I think she knew they'd let her out if she was loud enough...) (And she never ever rooed)
  8. Gil - I'm so sorry had to leave you... and too young... I'll miss him at Dewey - he was a sweetie - and beautiful to boot! (My strongest image of him is in his colorful 'balloon' suit!)
  9. I used milk thistle on Cody whenever she had to be on NSAIDs - and she never had any liver problems! (I take it too, if I need to be on anti-inflams for any length of time...)
  10. I'm so sorry... hope Diamond heals up quickly! And hope you both get over the trauma soon. Cody was bitten by a neighbor's dog who broke her chain (yes, she was always chained in the yard) to get at Cody - it was horrible!! And just a thought - the knuckling under... could she have injured something in her back due to the force of the other dog knocking her down? I'd ask the vet about that... hopefully it's something temporary! (Also ask about acupuncture for the knuckling under problem... it really helped Cody) Hoping for an update soon!
  11. Yep... Cody too - the gurgly stomach was always a sign of worse to come! Be careful with fat content in his food, at least for awhile...
  12. Keep both - then the first time he shreds a stuffy, you can say "Eagle - you're making a Mesa!!" (sorry.......)
  13. I also really like Arrow (but then I've always been a big fan of harry Nilsson & The Point - Me & My Arrow...) But how about "Bear" for Barely Brindle!!!
  14. Just seeing this - hope Fenway keeps improving! I had problems with Cody all her life - If I gave her the slightest wrong thing, she'd have a bout of gastritis or pancreatitis. I had to be really careful about giving her anything fatty - that set her off immediately! (PS Greenies are VERY high in fat content..) So I feel for you. Hope you have some answers soon!
  15. If it's a TBD, the doxy should kick in VERY fast! I had Lyme & the symptoms went away after about a DAY or two!! Hopefully he's on the mend now!
  16. I was going to suggest acupuncture too! It helped Cody a LOT!! If you can find someone in your area, maybe they'd come to your house??
  17. A friend's grey had IMPA - got it when she was about 4 or 5, I think... and lived to 11!! She was on very high doses of prednisone for a really really long time - had side effects from that but got to where she'd run around the yard again! All the vets were horrified by the pred dosage but she lived a long and (relatively) healthy life on it. PM me if you want more info on her... I can get you in touch with her owner (who's not on GT...)
  18. Jess - I'm so sorry... I remember meeting Bugsy at your booth at Dewey, probably more than one year... She was a sweetie, and gorgeous too...
  19. Cody had a disc problem in her mid-back that affected her rear legs & tail. She was on pred for 1.5 years and I also took her for acu for that whole 1.5 years, about every month, then every 2 months. I believe it helped her a lot - didn't fix the problem but helped greatly with the pain & knuckling under... She was never afraid and she'd lay down and just zone out during the treatment. (My acu lady used a laser instead of needles AND she got down on the floor with Cody to do the treatments.)
  20. I'm another believer... if I stop taking it, my fingers/hands start hurting again within a week. And it helped Cody too...
  21. My grey Cody had a very sensitive stomach and she'd have bloody D (often mucusy, but sometimes watery) at least several times a year... some was food allergies, which improved once I found a food she could tolerate (she was allergic to rice - THAT was fun!), some was stress related... If the prescrip food doesn't seem to be working for him, you might have to try several other things. I found out about rice & Cody when I had her on boiled chicken & rice for a stomach episode & she didn't get better! Switched from rice to pasta & VOILA! Better! Good luck with your boy - hope he recovers soon!
  22. ozgirl2

    My Sweet Belle

    Pierre - I'm so sorry you've lost your beautiful Belle... We do all understand here - most of us have lost hounds and there's never a good way but hemangio is awful... Please, when you can, post some more pix of Belle for us.
  23. Maybe have your vet contact OSU before the surgery & talk to Dr. Cuoto about the bleeding issue?? I think there's a drug they can give that helps a lot with this... (anybody else want to chime in here? I think I've heard this...)
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