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Everything posted by ozgirl2

  1. I'm so sorry, Audrey and Bob... She lived a great life with you and had many adventures... We'll remember her on GT
  2. My girl Cody started knuckling under & couldn't stand - it was a bulgy disc and prednisone & acupuncture worked WONDERS for 2 years!! Hope it's something treatable
  3. Just saw this, Kristin! Wow = scary!! Hope everyone is feeling better today!!
  4. Run like the wind, Iris... I'm so sorry she's gone - that's a beautiful photo of her.
  5. Welcome from Maryland in the USA! NEXT trip to England, I hope to be in your area!! (Not this year though...) your hounds are beautiful - and I'd LOVE to see pix of the kitties - especially the somali cat!!
  6. Welcome from Maryland! Is Joy very tiny?? Or Socket very big??
  7. ozgirl2

    Fly Baby Dodge

    Hugs, Diane... I'm so sorry you didn't have more time with him...
  8. Awwwwwww! He wubs his skin-brudder!
  9. Congrats! Pix are NEVER unsollicited here!!
  10. Just seeing this, Beth... I'm so so sorry... I've always loved your Kane posts
  11. He really IS the best! I've seen him speak twice and would go if I were closer!!
  12. What a wonderful combination of letters/numbers.... B9!!!!!!!
  13. Springtime Inc (which is in Frederick or somewhere nearby) has a really good Gluc/Ch/MSM supplement AND their Fresh Factors is great too! I like them 'cause they're local - and they ship fast, as I recall. Just make sure it has MSM in it! It's a synergist which makes the other 2 work better. I know a lot of older hounds who have one (or even 2) legs tremble when they stand. Never knew what caused it - always thought it was probably muscle weakness. Can you try acupuncture with her? It really helped Cody (who had back issues affecting her back legs & tail). I think there are some in the area - I'm kind of out of the loop now though) I think Connie and maybe Susan use acu... they'd know one.
  14. I really think you ought to sneak him on the plane to Dewey!!!
  15. Hi Winslow & Glynis!! Glad to hear about the toe healing & the anitbiotics going ok! Beware - if Bev mails Darcy to Winslow, I'll be over ASAP to steal her away!! She's one of my very favorite doggies!!!
  16. Tom - I just saw this... I'm so sorry! Hugs to you & Althea...
  17. ozgirl2


    Everyone on GT who's been around awhile will always remember Julio - and what a testament to a great dog!!
  18. Hope all goes well on Monday, Sarah... We'll all be thinking of you & Tuna & Nola!
  19. Hi Sid!!! 'Bout time you introduced that boy, Judy!! And I can't wait to meet him in October! (IF we can get the timing right!!) And, yes, I remember both those toys... Is he 5? I can't remember... just that he's a relative youngster for you!
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